131.Being Tashiro's Child Sibling🍟

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Requested by:@weirdo_watermelon ⭐️

.You and Tashiro get along perfectly, to him your just a little perfect angel in his eyes.

.Since Tashiro took custody since his parents were getting pretty old, he gets the honor of getting woken up by you every morning. Even if you almost knock the wind out of him every time you jump on him.

.Getting you ready for school is also fun for him too since the two of you make songs related to each morning routine.

.Since your Tashiro's only little sibling, he's extremely protective over you and if anything were to happen to you, even something little as a paper cut, he would never forgive himself.

.But what Tashiro like about being your older brother is being someone that you look up to.

.Tashiro will never forget the time when you told him that you wanted to be a hero just like him before giving him a big hug and going to bed. Hearing you say that almost made Tashiro cry "I can't believe it...they want to be a hero, just like me."

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