31. Being Shinso's Younger Sibling😪

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Requested by:@Unknownbattle ⭐️

.The two of you are like polar opposites, your way more energetic and cheerful while Shinso is more laid back and tiresome.

.Even though many people don't see it, the two of you both tend to get along really, but because Shinso makes a lot of smart remarks about you when the two of you are hanging out, many people don't see how close you guys really are.

.When Shinso is having a rough day, he won't hesitate to talk to you about since you seem to help him find the good in ever event he complains about.

.When it comes to people bullying you because of your villainous quirk, Shinso is always quick to come to your aid by using his quirk on your bullies. But he'll never tell you what he makes them do,but all you know is when you come to school the next day, the people who bully you always come back crying and asking for your forgiveness.

.It's no lie, Shinso is extremely protective over you, he just doesn't want people to hurt you like they did to him when he was middle school.

.Since you know that Shinso is very self conscious about his quirk, you always try to make him see how his quirk isn't as villainous as he or other people think.

.Some times when the two of you are feeling extra silly, you guys like to play a game of hide and seek since that game takes up most of your childhood memories.

.Shinso would never forget the day that you came to him crying. He low key thought that you had stubbed your toe, since your a big cry baby, but instead you where actually crying because you had another one of those moments where you felt really emotional and had to need to tell him how much care for him. Getting the message through all your sobs and hitched breaths, he just laughed and pulled you into one of those awkward sibling hug once you stopped sobbing.

|Disclaimer| I am taking a short little break from writing request for a while since me brain kinda hurts. So please don't be upset, I promise to come back 😇|

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