28.Being Emi's Older Sibling🤣

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Requested by:@Uke_Aizawa ⭐️

.You and Emi both share the same cheerful and outgoing personality, so when people see the two of you joking and playing around with one another they assume that you're twins.

.The two of you enjoy each other's presence very much. so when the two of you get the chance to see each other,which isn't often, you guys try to make the most of it.

.Often times when the two of you aren't around each other, you both like to send each other funny little gifts in the mail, which often times isn't really funny for the person who receives them. For example, the day that you came back from overseas doing hero work, Emi sent you a box full of springy snakes at your door step, so when you opened it, you greeted by a face full of fabric snakes. (How fun is that?!!!)

.And there's no excuses for either of you not to send each other your daily "funniest meme" in your meme chat and if you ever were to forget, be prepared to face the consequences of tickle torture when she see you.

.Every now and then the two of you have your little "girl chats" about the people you have a crush on, but instead of taking about your crush, you spend a good eight hours talking on the phone about Shouta with Emi.

.One of the greatest moments that you and Emi have shared was the day that you were invited to help teach class 1A for a day and while teaching, you and Emi saw each other just out of nowhere started goofing around and telling jokes left to right, making all of class 1A and even Mr. Aizawa laugh their heads off.

.To be honest without your little sister Emi, you would literally be the only nutcase in a world full of boring people.

|disclaimer| I'm very sorry if i'm very off in Ms. Joke's personality, I haven't gotten the chance to finish season 3 of BNHA. So I'm very sorry. 😢😇

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