22.Being Shouta's Older Slibling💤

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Requested by:@starlightstar339⭐️

.Even though the two of you are adults now, you both still argue like you did in middle school. But now that the two of you are adults and not children, saying that your older doesn't work in your favor anymore.

.Since the two of you are working adults and have an extremely packed work schedule, it makes it harder for the two of you to hangout. So on the days that you both have time to hangout with one another, you both try to make the most out of it.

.Even though you are older than Shouta, you still call him when you have to make a big decision or if you need help in a harsh situation.

.Sometimes when the two of you are seen together in public, many people think that Shouta is the oldest since he's more mature and very over protective over you.

.When the two of are around each other, Shouta's whole sluggish and sarcastic demeanor changes to a more chill and playful one.

.When people see you and Shouta hanging out and having a good time,they always enjoy seeing Shouta smile and having a good time.

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