45.Secretly Dating Kirishima (Denki Younger twin Sibling) ⚡️

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Requested by:@gachaverse150 ⭐️

.You and Kirishma have been dating for eleven months going on to one year and everything is just marvelous, well...besides the fact that you have yet to tell Denki that you've been dating his best friend.

.This Particular night, Kirishma was over your house since Denki invited him over for a sleepover(or whatever dudes call it) and you just so happen to be at home when he did.

.Denki And Kirishma where in the living room playing video games when you just so decided to go to the kitchen to find something to eat, When Kirishma called you over. Not really paying attention to Denki who was sitting right next to Kirishma, you instantly sat on Kirishma's lap while he continued playing the game. |You too sure seem to get along pretty well!|

.After a few hours of the three of you hanging out and having fun, it just so happen that Kirishma found his way into your bed, cuddling you up to his chest.(everything is wholesome so don't start the mess or do Idc)
All of sudden Denki walked in your room to see if Kirishma happened to be there since he didn't see him on the couch. |Y/n why didn't you tell me you where dating Kirishma!|

.You jolted awake as you tried to explain but Denki didn't seem to be upset at all.| Y/n I understand, but if Kirishma proposes, please don't wait till the day of the wedding to tell me.|

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