111.Where Are We Going? pt.2(Shoto's Child Sibling)🔥❄️

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Requested by: A lot of you lovely people ⭐️

.As Todoroki held your hand all the way to the front gates of the school, you started to get a bit nervous since the building was huge and also because it would be your first time going to a real school since you've always been homeschooled. {"Todo I'm scared"} You said as you looked up at your older brother.

.Hearing you say that made Todoroki chuckle as he crouched down to your level. |"I promise everything will be okay y/n."| {"Do you pinky promise?"} You said as you held your pinky in front of his face. |"How about I double pinky promise."| Todoroki said smiling as he interlocked both of your pinkies with his.

.And with that, you took a deep breath as you and Todoroki walked hand and hand into his classroom, where Midnight was patiently and happily waiting for you. Midnight["Well hello ms./mr. Y/n, I'm Midnight and I'll be your teacher."| Midnight said with a smile as she held out hand for you to shake. But instead of shaking her hand, you gave her a big hug.

.As the whole class awed at your cute behavior, Midnight held your hand as you waved goodbye to Shoto and the rest of class on 1A.

.While walking down the hallways to the faculty room, which would soon be your classroom, you got a little bit nervous from all of the attention the people were giving you. Noticing, Midnight picked you up and held you close to her chest as she continued to walk down the hall.

.Once in the faculty room, Midnight sat you down as you looked around that faculty room that had been completely changed into a classroom just for you.

.You chuckled happily as you sat down at the only tiny desk that was in the room. And while being the only child in the class being taught second grade level math and reading, you didn't seem to mind since it was kinda like being at home, well besides from all the screaming, yelling, and constant tears.

.But a lot of memories started rolling back as you started to get to things you didn't know.
Midnight["I know this is a little high than second grade things but I think you can handle since kids your age are usually still learning there colors, so what's two times six."] As you tried to look around for the Answer, your eyes started your throat started to feel heavy as your  eyes started tear up. {"I-I don't know, p-please don't yell at me."} you whispered loud enough for Midnight to hear as you dropped your head and began to cry.

.Sightly nervous of what to do, Midnight tried to calm herself down and she sat down on the floor next to your desk. Midnight ["How about we call it a day and you and I can draw and color."] Midnight said as she wiped a tear from your face. {O-okay.}

.Once lunch came around, you we're allowed to join your brother and the rest of class 1A in the cafeteria. You sat on Todoroki's lap as Izuku brought both you and Todoroki's lunch since you didn't get up. {"Ooo, soba."} You said as Todoroki fed you a chopstick full of soba.

.Tsu and Ochako chuckled noticing that you and Todoroki ordered the same food. Tsu["It's pretty cute that you both like the same food." *ribit*"] {"Ahhh,the soba is too hot."} You said as cheeks started to catch fire. Iida["Uh Todoroki, it seems to be something wrong with Y/n."]

.Noticing your cheeks flaring into huge flames, Todoroki gave you an ice cold cup of water to drink as he changed the temperature of your food by touching the boil. Izuku ["So is that their quirk?"] Izuku said as he took out his notebook. |"Well not exactly, Y/n's quirk allows them to to create hot and cold type of elements from their cheeks, so let's say that if it was hot outside or if they eat something that's too spicy, they can create a fireball inside their cheek that will pop out when it's done. But if it's the other way around, they can create snowball.

.Upon hearing Shoto explain your quirk, you grabbed a fireball from your still lit cheek. Izuku["Woah that's awesome, but how do you get rid of it when you don't need it.] Suddenly, you decide to just eat the fire ball since it was the most harmless way of getting rid of it. Ochako["Wait their immune to fire!"]

.When it was time for hero training, you got to sit on Allmight's neck as you watched your brother kick major butt.

.After school was over, everyone decided to freshen up from a long day of training, but since you were only an innocent child, Mina decided steal you from your Todoroki so you could join the girls in the female bath house. Mina["see doesn't it smell nicer than the guys' disgusting old bath house. Mina said as she placed a pile of soap onto of your head. Girls["They look like a cherry Ice cream cone!"]

.After your refreshing bath, Ochako and Jiro decided to brush your hair into two pigtails (or into a tiny ponytail if your a boy or just like tiny ponytails.) While Momo created a cozy polar bare onesie for you.

.After you were dress, Mina carried you into the living room where all of class 1A were waiting for you and the rest of the girls to get ready. Katsuki ["Hurry up so we can watch the walking dead."] Katsuki said as he clicked his teeth. Kirishma["We all were thinking something more like Disney movies"] Kirishma said as he kissed the blondes cheek. {"{inset favorite Disney movie}!"} You said as you let out a excited chuckled.

.After putting on your favorite Disney movie, you sat on Todoroki's lap as you fed Dark Shadow popcorn while you and Shoto sang every song together.

.After the movie was over, you were sound asleep in a ball on Todoroki lap as he ruffled your hair before looking around to see that almost everyone beside him and Izuku were asleep. Izuku["It's pretty late Todoroki, maybe we should sleep too."] Izuku said as he laid his head down on Todoroki's shoulder. |"Yeah, your right."|

.It's safe to say that both you and Todoroki slept soundly that night, knowing that you are safe.

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