101.School!!!(Izuku's Child Sibling)🥦

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Requested by:@LazyAssPerson ⭐️

.Usually you would throw a fit on a Monday since you would have to get up early for school, but today was different since today will going to your brother school.

.You were extremely excited, even so much to the point where you jumped into your favorite outfit and packed your own lunch and book bag, of course with your favorite snacks and your favorite teddy bear.

.Once Izuku finally finished getting dressed, you kissed your mom goodbye before walking to Izuku's school, holding his hand the whole way.

.Once you got into class 1A, you face lit up once you saw Katsuki talking to some weird looking red shark guy. {"Lord Explosion Murder!} You cheerfully yelled as you jumped into the blondes arms. ["(Y/N) your really messing up my whole mean mood."] Katsuki said as threw you up in the air before catching you.

.Everyone looked in shock as they just witnessed Katsuki being nice to a child, especially since your Izuku's little sibling.
["They're so cuteeeeeee!] | "Thanks everyone but they can be a handful."|

.For the whole time while Mr.Aizawa was teaching, you sat at his desk "taking notes" but actually you were just drawing stick figures and    smiley faces.

.But when lunch came around, thing were different. Everyone sat at the same table as the girls passed you around like a little doll, but you really didn't mind since they bought You cookies and taught you a few sassy words *cough* *cough* Mina.

.But instead of doing hero training, class 1A stayed in the classroom while Mr.Aizawa took a nap. But instead of hanging out with the girls, Katsuki picked you up and sat you with the boys from the Bakusquad. ["So what's your quirk."] a guy with tape elbows said as he smile at you. But before you could respond,you burped causing a huge outburst of flames to come out of your mouth. ["Now do you see why I like them, they aren't a quirkless loser, like Deku.] Katsuki said as he smirked.

.{"I'm badass, and don't talk about Broccoli like that."} You said as you hit Katsuki upside the head. ["Ooooo"] | "Kacchan I'm so sorry, and y/n don't curse."| {"Okay, sorry"}

.Once you got back home from your amazing day At Izuku's school, you and Izuku came home to both your Mom and Allmight talking on the couch.

.["Oh, little young Midoriya, how your day at Ua."] {"It was fun Mr.Allmight."] you said with a smile across your face. ["Aww your so cute."] {"I'm not cute, I'm sexy."} You said you walked hopped to your room. | "Who thought you that word (y/n)?" {"Mina."}

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