41. Being Kurogiri's Child Sibling🕳

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Requested by:@SsComitDancersS ⭐️

.You and Kurogiri tend to get along very well with another until you start throwing tantrums, then Kurogiri really doesn't know what to do with you.

.When you start to throw temper tantrums, Kurogiri usually tends to put you in timeout,but since he knows that timeouts usually don't work for you, he tends to let Dabi deal with you since you take Dabi way more seriously than Kurogiri.

.Whenever Kurogiri gets the chance to leave the villain hideout, he always takes you with him since he knows that you don't like to be cooped up in one place for two long.

.Every now and then your able to convince Kurogiri to play pirates with you and even though he will never tell you, he actually loves playing pirates because it makes him feel like an actual normal older brother for a chance.

.Even though Kurogiri is your brother, he tends to act as your mother and father at the same time, since he cooks for you,reads you bedtime story, picks out your outfits(and he actually had a good tase in style), fixes your hair, and also teaches you everything you you know.

.Kurogiri is also very over protective over you since he doesn't want anything thing to happen to you, and because of that you tend to not leave his side very often.

.One of the hardest decisions that Kurogiri had to make was either to keep you or but you up for adoption since he knew that villain life might cause too much trauma and stress on you and he didn't want that for you. But instead of going through with his plan to up you up for adoption, he decided to keep you because even though villain is stressful, he would be able to help you cope through it much better than if he had put you up for adoption.

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