157.Monster pt. 3 (Kai's Child Sibling)🧪

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Y/n's Pov:

.That morning, I woke to a huge headache, remembering just about nothing from that night, besides frightening running towards the exit. As I pushed myself from off of my bed, I winced feeling an unbearable sharp pain coming from my right shoulder.

.Although unbearable, I managed to get myself off of my bed and up towards my mirror, at the front of my room. As I looked closely at aching right shoulder, I noticed a small needle like injection mark. {"H-how could he do this to his sibling...he really is a monster."} I whispered to myself, not being able to hold back my tears.

.As I stood there quietly balling my eyes out, my door suddenly creaked open and as I turned around, all I could see was that monster in front of me, not even my own brother.

Kai's Pov:

.Upon walking in and seeing the horror in my little sibling's face as they couldn't even bare to stare at me, felt worse than pain I'd gone through. Watching them hold their arm as the tears wouldn't stop flowing, made my heart break into millions of pieces.

.At that moment, I felt like a monster...no even I was a monster. |"How could I have done that to them...how could I have cause them that much pain?"| I thought to myself as I stood there in shock, only being able to blame myself for all the wrong I had done.

.|"Y/n I'm sorry...I-I never meant for things to happen like this."| I said as I slowly walked up to them, only for them to shakingly walk back in response. {"Y-you're sorry? H-how can you say you're sorry when you repeatedly cause me pain!"} Y/n yelled out, their words stabbing me like knifes but not hardly as bad as what I've done to them.

.{"Y-you know I think to myself all the time about why you had to be like this, like why couldn't be a normal brother to me."} Y/n said, and with every voice crack and tear that fell, their words continued to stab even deeper.  |"y/n I-I'm really trying to be the brother you want me to be, b-but you have to understand that I'm trying to do what's best for the Yakuza."| I said, taking a few more steps. 

.{"You don't get it do you? All you do is focus on the Yakuza, all you do is cause harm for the Yakuza and at times, I sometimes wish that I had a quirk like Eri's. M-maybe then you'd pay more attention to me."} Y/n said in a more quieter tone while looking up at me with a dried up teary face and the whites of their eyes all red.

.I stared down at them speechless, I mean what could I have said? Nothing at that moment could have made all the things that I have done magically go away. {"I-I bet that couldn't even hug me without your gloves on."} They said looking away, again, not bearing to even look at me for than long.

.Although I knew that a hug wouldn't be able to clear up all the pain that I've cause them, I decided it could be a good start. Taking a deep breath, I hesitantly took off my gloves and got down to their level. |"I-I can try."| I said  as I held out my arms.

Y/n's Pov:

As I looked at Kai, I was shocked but extremely skeptical, yet I hesitantly took him up on his offer and as I wrapped my arms around him, I couldn't help but let the tears fall. |" I'm really sorry y/n and from now on, I promise to make it up to you.

(I hope you enjoyed💕💕😁)

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