46.Being Katsuki's Adult Sibling💥

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Requested by:@Kirishimasbitchbabe ⭐️

.For the most part the two of you get along very well, but you both have your day where you want to burn each other to a crisp.(you know typical sibling stuff in the Bakugo family)

.One the weeks when you get the chance to visit your childhood home, you always come at weird times when you know Katsuki asleep, just so you can scare him awake.

.Sometimes when you get the chance to spend a few nights at your childhood home, you always enjoy training with your little brother at a near by park, since you get to see how much he has grown since the last time the two of you fought.

.Often times when you catch Katsuki talking on the phone to Kirishma, you like to make little remarks here and there about how much Katsuki talks about him. But when you do, it normally leads him having a full on fist fight with you while he's still on the phone with Kirishma.

.To be honest You and Katsuki aren't really protective over each other since you know that your both tough cookies, but that doesn't mean that you won't kill anyone who tries to bully your brother.

.Katsuki doesn't really like to come to you when he has a problem since he knows that you have a lot of stress on you already and he doesn't want to add more on to you.

.When your out traveling long distance, Katsuki likes to call you just to annoy you, which leads to the two of you having arguments and lashing out death threats.(like I said the usual)

.Every now and then Katsuki will come to you with questions on how he should go about making cool new powers moves so he can one day be better that you. But as his older sibling, you always help him out even when you sometimes just want to beat his cocky demeanor right out of him.

.Sometimes Katsuki does like to get smart with you and especially your mom, so you and your mom have fun tag teaming Katsuki when his mouth gets totally out of hand.

.Katsuki would never forget the day that Allmight invited you UA so you could see him. In all honesty he was happy that he could brag to all of the extras about how cool you are, but he didn't like how you embarrassed him by telling all the things he used to do when he was little.

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