23.Being Tomura's Younger Sibling🥀

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Requested by:@Hakiri-chan ⭐️

.Your the annoying type of a younger sibling. Therefore anytime you get an opportunity  to make fun of Tomura you take that chance without even hesitating once.

.You mostly make fun of him about how chapped his lips are, since it seems get on his nerves the most.

.Personally Tomura hates having you apart of the league since you hardly ever listen to anything he has to says. But, because your his younger sibling and he also sees you as a very useful person in his mission to kill Allmight, he deals with your mess.

.Even though Tomura claims to hate your presence, he actually enjoys having you around because of your chill and carefree personality.

.Although you tend to not listen and make fun your older brother, you care about him a lot. So, when he get into his panicky faze it tends to frighten you since you don't know how to exactly calm him down.

.When it comes to protecting you, Tomura will put his life on the line just so that you are safe.

.Every now and then when Tomura notices that you are getting tired of being locked up in the villain hideout, he'll allow you to go out and lurk the city, but only if Dabi or Kurogiri is willing to go with with you.

.Sometimes Tomura even contemplates about his plan to kill Allmight, since he doesn't know how that would mentally or physically affect you.

.To be honest Tomura's life would be way more boring without you, so he always cherishes each day he has with you because who knows when it will be his last?

Bnha Scenarios [Sibling Version] ❤️ Where stories live. Discover now