Chapter 1

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*second person p.o.v.*

The L/n clan was part of the land of lightning, explaining why every L/n had lightning chakra nature. You weren't from the land of lightning but your dad was. Your mom was from Konoha, which is where you're from. Your parents met on a mission and the rest is history. They knew that having a relationship was taboo so they kept it a secret, but it wouldn't last forever. Your mom got pregnant with you and your grandparents found out and disapproved. They moved away from the land of lightning to Konoha, with permission from the third hokage since your mother was friends with the old man. Your mother was also friends with Kakashi Hatake, since she was on that team. As you grew older you always saw a lonely boy named Naruto and he was bullied since he had the nine tails. But did that stop you from approaching him? Nope.

"Hey!" You said as you stood infront of the boy. He looked up and wiped his tears away. "Hi." He said. "I'm Y/n L/n! Nice to meet you!" You said as you stuck your hand out expecting him to shake it. He took your hand and shook it. "I'm Naruto Uzumaki! I'm going to be hokage one day, believe it!" He yelled pointing at you. "Well, nice to meet you Naruto Uzumaki the future hokage!" You gave him a bright smile. He stared at you with sparkles in his eyes. "You think i can become hokage?" He asked surprised. "Of course! You said it yourself didn't you?" Your smile widened. "O-of course!" He said smiling too.

"Why aren't you afraid of me?" Naruto asked. "What do you mean?" You asked. "Well, everyone is scared of me for some reason but i'm glad you aren't!" He smiled at you. But the moment ended when both of your stomachs growled. "I'm hungry." You said rubbing your tummy. "Me too. Let's go get ichiraku ramen!" He said standing up. "Ok, let's go!" You grabbed his hand and ran towards the ichiraku ramen shop. Ever since that day you both became the best of the bestest friends, some would say you both were inseperable. Of course your parents didn't mind since your mom was friends with Naruto's mom, Kushina.

After a year you befriended Naruto, it was just another day to go to the ninja academy. You got up and did your morning routine changing into (whatever you want) you went downstairs to greet your parents. "Goodmorning, mom, dad!" You said grabbing a piece of toast heading towards the door. "Goodmorning sweetie. Wait! Shouldn't you eat more than that Y/n?" Your mother asked. "No it's ok i'm not that hungry anyways! Now i gotta go find Naruto before he causes trouble! Bye love you!" You said in a hurry. "Bye! Love you too, have fun at the academy, try not to cause any trouble!" Your father called out. "I will! And i won't cause any trouble! Or at least i'll try not to!" You yelled back heading in the direction of Naruto's house. Your father shook his head and sighed closing the door.

Meanwhile you were walking towards Naruto's house but, you hear yelling not so far from where you were. Being the curious girl you were, you walked towards the sound only to have Naruto run past you with paint all over him, two ninja's chasing after him. "Oi!" You call out to one of the ninja's. He stops, sighs and walks over to you. "Yes?" He asks. "What did Naruto do this time?" you sighed. "He painted on the hokage's faces and we're trying to get him back so he can clean his mess." You looked over to the hokage's faces and he was right, there was indeed paint on there. "NARUTO!!!" You call out. He walks out of his hiding spot, scared for his life. "Got you!" Iruka sensei said as he tied Naruto up. "I'm so sorry Iruka sensei." You say rubbing the bridge of your nose. He sighs. "It's not your fault. Now let's head to the ninja academy." You smiled "Alright!"

You three made it to the academy and walked into the classrom. Iruka sensei tossed Naruto onto the floor. "Because this happened too many times to count Naruto, we will have a re-test on the transformation jutsu! Even those who already passed will take it!" He ordered. You groaned out, so did everyone else. You all formed a line waiting for your turn to do the transformation jutsu. You stood beside Sasuke, one that almost everyone found attractive. Almost everyone. You didn't know what was so great about Sasuke Uchiha. Was it the duckbutt hair?

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