Chapter 62

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*second person p.o.v.*

"Hm. I must say, your words from earlier are very wise. Your beauty is outstanding, you have a massive anount of chakra and you're a L/n. No wonder Sasuke fell in love with you. And no wonder the Uzumaki is trying to take you." You heard a voice say. You and Naruto snapped your heads in the direction of the voice to see the Akatsuki member with a mask, Madara. You took out your katana and stood in front of Naruto. "Now, now. I just want to talk with him, Naruto Uzumaki." Madara said. "Bastard!" Naruto shouted. He made a shadow clone and made the rasengan. Naruto's rasengan collided with the wall, Madara was no longer there.

"Rasengan right off the bat. You know it doesn't affect me, right?" Madara said from above the room. Wood trapped Madara in some sort of bind and sprouted from the floor and making a cage wall, trapping you and Naruto in it, keeping you both away from Madara. Yamato appeared with Kakashi who was behind Madara with chidori. "Naruto, Y/n. You two just stay put." Yamato said. "Kakashi Hatake of the sharingan. You're fast." Madara said. "We won't let you get your hands on Naruto that easily, Madara Uchiha." Kakashi said.

"You did hear my last line, didn't you? No attacks work on Madara Uchiha." Madara said."I don't know if you're merely erasing your presence or if this is an astral projection, but i know it's necessary for you to manifest physically in order to capture Naruto. Otherwise, you couldn't actually grab him. We'll aim for that. This here is now my territory." Yamato said as wood pillars formed around. "I never thought it would be easy. You see, i have my own plan. But right now, i'd rather talk." Madara said. "Talk?" You asked.

"Yes. What was it that made pain, Nagato, turn into a traitor? Naruto, you have aroused my curiosity." Madara said. Naruro stepped forward and gripped with wooden bars. "Who cares about something like that?! What do you intend to do to Sasuke?! Tell me about Sasuke!" Naruto demanded. "Sasuke, huh? Very well, i'll tell you. About the man whose hatred of the ninja world runs through his bones to his very core. About Sasuke Uchiha. Sasuke's story cannot be told without mentioning Itachi. So first, hear the truth about Itachi." Madara said.

After he explained the truth about Itachi, everyone was left shocked. "You're lying! That's nonsense!" Naruto slammed his fist on the wooden bar. "Stop joking around. Who'd believe that story?" Kakashi said. "It's not a lie. That's the truth about Itachi. He died for Sasuke's sake and for the hidden leaf village." Madara said. "What does that mean? Even if it is true, if Sasuke is aware of this, why would he join the Akatsuki? Knowing him, he would return to the hidden leaf to carry on Itachi's will." Kakashi said.

"As Sasuke's teacher, friends and lover, you might have assumed you understood Sasuke's true feelings. But you were badly mistaken. He's the real thing. A true avenger. That's what he is." Madara said. "Did you turn Sasuke into that?!" Naruto asked. "No, i didn't. Sasuke chose this himself." Madara replied. "It's a lie!" Naruto shouted. "I took a gamble too. Would Sasuke carry on Itachi's wishes, or would he seek revenge on the hidden leaf? He chose vengeance. In essence, he was meant to be on our side. Sasuke's goal at the moment is to take revenge against the hidden leaf for what he did to Itachi and the Uchiha clan." Madara said.

"Sasuke really is Naive. First he wanted revenge on he wants to avenge him? Since when did everything become so messed up?" You said sitting down again. "He simply learned the truth. Funny how revenge works, isn't it? But i can't help but agree with you. He is a naive child." Madara said. "Why? Why him? Why did this happen? How could he turn to revenge?!" Naruto shook with anger, frustration and sadness.

"It was inevitable. It is the Uchiha blood-soaked destiny of hate. Like a curse that has been passed down through the ages." Madara said. "A curse?" Naruto questioned. "Yes. A curse of hatred, which started generations ago. With the sage of the six paths who is said to be the founder of ninja." Madara explained. "The sage of the six paths? That's just a myth. The rinnegan was no more than a mutation!" Kakashi said.

"Myths are born from the truth. Long ago, the sage of the six paths preached the ninshu and tried to lead the way to peace. But before he could realize his dream, time ran out. The sage of this six paths decided to entrust the power and will of the ninshu to his two children. The older son was born with the sage's eyes. He inherited the sage's chakra and mental energy, and believed that strength was crucial to peace. The younger son was born with the gift of the sage's body. He inherited the sage's life force and physical energy, and believed love was crucial to peace. Ultimately, the sage was forced to choose his successor from his desth bed. However, his decision created the curse of hatred that has continued for generations." Madara continued to explain.

"What do you mean by that?" Naruto asked. "Instead of his older son, who sought strength, the sage felt that the younger son who sought love, was more suitable, and named him as his successor. The first born, who had long expected to follow in his father's footsteps, could not accept the decision. Filled with rage, he challenged his younger brother." Madara said.

"Even as time passed and new generations were born, the decendants of the two brothers, continued to battle. The decendants of the older brother, came to be known as the Uchiha. And the decendants of the younger brother were called the Senju. As Madara Uchiha, my battle with the first hokage, Hashirama Senju, was destined to take place. This is only the second time i've met you. But i can tell you hold the Senju's will of fire within you. I can see the first hokage inside you. Even after death, he lives on. He, whom i admired, yet was my rival. And the man who i hated most. The Senju and the Uchiha. The will of fire and hatred. Naruto and Sasuke. You both will probably be the next chosen by fate. The Uchiha was destined to be a clan of vengeance. Sasuke has shouldered the entire burden of the Uchiha's hatred and intends to strike the world with that curse. It is the most powerful weapon. It's his friend and source of power, this thing called hatred. And it is Sasuke's ninja way!" Madara said.

" will probably end up fighting Sasuke one day. Rather...i will throw Sasuke at you. A battle that was predestined ages ago. I'll have Sasuke validate the existence of the Uchiha." Madara said. "Sasuke isn't your toy! Quit making selfish plans!" Naruto yelled. "You think you can make Sasuke have a change of heart, like you did with Nagato? That's just as selfish, Naruto. Controlling people requires the skill to manipulate the darkness in their souls. Although, Nagato just happened to be easily influenced by others." Madara said.

"Don't liken yourself to Nagato! His ways were different, but he truly wanted peace! But you're different!" Naruto yelled. "You're right." Madara said. "The existence of the Uchiha...if that's all you want to validate, why hunt the tailed beasts? Just what are your motives? What do you hope to accomplish?" Kakashi asked. "Let's see...if anything, it is to be conplete." Madara said glancing back at Kakashi. "Complete?! What do you mean?!" Yamato questioned. "Talking to you is meaningless. I'll explain more when we're in a appropriate place. Our conversation...was quite fun. So long." And with that said, he used his erasing ability and left.


This chapter was a lot to write 😪.


(1352 words)

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