Chapter 30

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*second person p.o.v*

After Sasuke landed in the hospital, team 7 wouldn't get any missions for a while. It was early morning and you were still in bed, staring at the ceiling. You were bored out of your mind. You were interrupted from being bored by a tap on the window. It was a bird. You opened the window as the bird came in and landed on your out stretched arm. You pet it and took the letter that was found on the back. You open the protective case for the letter and take the paper inside. Your eyes skim over the sheet of paper. It seemed that lady hokage needed your presence at the moment. You smiled and jumped out of bed, letting the bird fly out of your room. You got dressed into your ninja attire and ran downstairs. "Bye mom, by dad! Lady Tsunade needs me at the moment for some important reason!" You say quickly and shut the door as you left. You walked to the hokage office and ran into Shikamaru. "Oh. Hey Y/n." Shikamaru said lazily. "Hey! What are you doing here?" You asked. "Lady Tsunade needed me here for some reason." He replied. The both of you continued walking. "Same. I wonder what she needs us for." You pondered. "Guess we're about to find out..." Shikamaru said opening the door for the both of you.

You both walked in and stood to see lady Tsunade, Shizune, Anko, Ibiki, Genma and other exam procters. You furrowed your eyebrows. 'What are the exam procters doing here? Wait...don't tell me-' your thoughts stopped as you listened to what lady Tsunade was now saying. "To be honest, i really don't understand. It seems there were opinions that, with the final exam being suspended, no one should pass this time around. But i hear the late third hokage highly praised your matches. It seemed he intended to recommend you both for chunin. The lords of other lands who observed the fight and the procters were of the same opinion as well...In that case, it's not my place to say this or that about it. From now on, strive to perform in a manner that is worthy of that headband. Congratulations! As of today, Shikamaru Nara and Y/n L/n are now chunin!" Lady Tsunade said. You stood there with your mouth agape.

*mini timeskip*

After being promoted to chunin, you walked to the hospital to tell team 7 the good news. You walked into Sasuke's hospital room and smiled brightly. The three look at you. "Hey! Guess what?" You  say sitting down. "What?" Naruto says. "I got promoted to chunin!" You said. They all stare at you with their mouths agape. "You got what?!" Naruto asked while shouting. "I got promoted to chunin!" You say again. "Congratulations Y/n!" Sakura says smiling. Naruto fainted. 'What? Y/n's already a chunin? H-how? I thought i was stronger than her. Seems like i'm far behind... although, i am happy for her.' Sasuke thought while clenching his fists. "Y/n, there's a bag of apples right by you, could you grab one for me?" Sakura asked. "Sure!" You say grabbing an apple. You gave it to Sakura. She took the apple and peeled the skin off it. "I'll cut it to make it easy to eat,, Sasuke." Sakura said with a slice of apple on a toothpick. It seemed Sasuke was in deep thought. Suddenly, Sasuke gave Sakura a nasty look and slapped the apples out of her hands. You stood up adruptly. "Oi! You don't try and hit a girl! What's wrong with you?!" You say walking up to Sasuke. Naruto sat up. "Ow! What happened?" He asked rubning his head.

"S-sasuke?" Sakura stutters. "I'm fine." Sasuke says. "No, you're clearly not! What's happened to you?-" You shouted but were stopped by his nasty glare. "I said i'm fine! Leave me alone! You don't ever leave me alone! Just shut up for once!" Sasuke shouted at you. You felt tears well up in your eyes. "Okay fine. I'll be going then." You say running out of the room. "Sasuke! You made Y/n cry! She never cries! Go apologize!" You heard Naruto shout. "Hey, Naruto. Fight me. Right now!" Sasuke shouts. "You're really talking about that? You just made Y/n cry... the least you could do is say sorry." Sakura mumbled. You didn't care for their conversation, so you just walked slowly out of the hospital. 5 minutes into your walk, you heard footsteps. You looked behind you to see a teary eyed Sakura running up to you. "Y/n! Naruto and Sasuke! They're fighting on the hospital roof!" Sakura said while grabbing your shoulders. "I don't care." You said. "They might kill each other! Y/n! Come on! Please stop them!" Sakura pleaded. You stared at her crying face for a few seconds more and sighed. "Fine. I'll see what i can do." You mumbled. "Right!" She said while grabbing your wrist and running to the hospital.

You both ran up to the hospital roof to see Sasuke with the chidori and Naruto with his rasengan. They were about to clash. "Naruto, Sasuke! Stop it! That'll kill the both of you!" You shout. You and Sakura both start to run to the both of them. Just as the were about to get too close, Kakashi comes in and grabs both of their hands, throwing them into some sort of water tower containers. You and Sakura both stop. You sigh out in relief. "Those darn idiots." You say. "What're you guys doing up on top of the hospital? You went a bit too far for just a fight, you two." Kakashi said. Naruto made a small dent and a small water hole. Sasuke on the other hand, made a big dent with a giant water hole from his arm getting stuck. "Were you trying to kill Naruto, Sasuke? What're you doing giving yourself over to a sense of superiority? The chidori wasn't one to be made and aimed at a comrade. What's with your behavior?" Kakashi asked. Sasuke glared at Kakashi the whole time. Sasuke walked back a bit and flipped off the roof and onto the small building beside, looking behind Naruto's water tower he clashed into and seeing the damage that was actutally made by the rasengan. "I didn't get to do anything to stop them in time. So i'll be off." You said. You walked away from them before they could say anything.


Sasuke's a meanie. He made Y/n cry and didn't apologize.


(1110 words)

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