Chapter 54

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*second person p.o.v.*

"Y/n!" Jiraiya shouted. You had two chakra rods plunged into your stomach and another one had just been impaled into you. You coughed out blood and used medical ninjutsu to stop the bleeding. "I'm f-fine." You dismissed. "No, you're not. The medical ninjutsu will only do so much." Lord Fukasaku said.

"Why can't you pull it out?" Jiraiya asked. "It hurts too much to pull it out." You grunted. Jiraiya sighed. "Sweetie, you have to pull it out." Shima said worridly. "No, i'll do it once this fight is over. Not now, i don't have time to. There might Pains out there. Plus, i'll just die of blood loss." You said wincing.

You looked on over at the dead Pains that you and Jiraiya defeated. "Well, that's done." Jiraiya said at one of the Pains he just killed. Jiraiya was about to stand up when suddenly lady Shima and lord Fukasaku started coughing. "Are you both alright?!" Jiraiya asked the two toads. They stopped and sighed. "This genjutsu is hard on the throat." Fukasaku said. "It's really hard keeping tempo with pa...this jutsu ain't that easy at all!" Shima exclaimed.

Jiraiya started walking while you limped behind him. Shima started complaining about how the genjutsu creates wrinkles. Jiraiya apologized as you limped beside him. You felt a presence behind you. "Didn't you teach me to never let your guard down...Jiraiya sensei?" One of the Pains said.

Before you and Jiraiya could turn around, Jiraiya grabbed you and held you protectively as the pain punched you two through the wall. Jiraiya landed and gently put you on the water. "Sorry for no warning, Y/n, but i didn't want to make your wounds worse than it already was." Jiraiya said. You waved your hand and shook your head.

"No, no, it's fine. You're the one who lost an arm for goodness sakes. I'm just grateful that you saved me." You said looking up at the Pains. "What's going on?!" Fukasaku asked. "This one's got a different face than the other three...he was probably summoned earlier." Jiraiya said panting. "I see! Before they got caught in out genjutsu!" Fukasaku said.

"Y/n, i want you to summon another lion besides Kuro. I bet Kuro is too injured to fight with us anymore. Tell the lion you summon to stand by, i need to tell him something." Jiraiya ordered. You nodded and summoned a lion. It was Shiroi. "Hello, what may i help you with, Y/n?" Shiroi asked.

"Shiroi, over here is master Jiraiya, he's our ally. The people with red clouds on their cloaks are our enemy here. Please stand by until further notice. Oh and master Jiraiya, please speak with Shiroi while you have the chance." You explained. Jiraiya nodded and whispered something to Shiroi. Shiroi nodded and jumped a far distance away.

"What did you tell him?" You asked. "I just told Shiroi something that only he and i know. It's not important. Now, eyes back on Pain." He said. You nodded suspiciously and looked back to Pain. The Pain that was in the hole created from you and Jiraiya, revived the other Pain and jumped out with all of them.

You stared wide eyed. "How the hell are we supposed to beat 6 Pains?!" You asked. "I'm not sure." Jiraiya mumbled. "In attendance...the six paths of pain." One of the Pains said. "Six?! There are six of them?!" Fukasaku said in disbelief. "Hey! Look close! The ones we just killed are there too!" Shima exclaimed.

"The newly summoned one must have ressurected them." Fukasaku said. 'For all i know, this might be the day i die. I have three chakra rods impaled into me, my chakra is almost gone
and master Jiraiya here is no better condition. I guess, this may be goodbye to the world.' You thought. "Pain...what are you?!" Jiraiya said snapping you out of your thoughts.

"Pain...that name is an alias that denotes all six of us." Pain said. "Why...are there six rinnegan bearers?" He asked. Jiraiya looked closer to see Yahiko, one of his former students. "Y-you're-?!" He stuttered widening his eyes. "Who is it?" You asked. "Yahiko...what's going on? I thought you said Yahiko died! Plus, those eyes.." Jiraiya shouted.

"You see the image of Yahiko in me? You really are his former teacher. But Yahiko has been dead for quite some time. All that Pain." Pain said. "Quit it with the wordplay! Why do you possess the rinnegan?!" Jiraiya demanded. "What are you talking about, Jiraiya boy?" Fukasaku asked.

"One of my former students is among them. Except he never possessed such eyes as those." Jiraiya explained. "What in tarnation is going on? You saying there are two children of prochecy?" Shima asked. "Just what are you?!" Jiraiya asked. "We are pain...we are God." The one looking like Yahiko said.

"Pain this, pain that. You're starting to become an actual pain." You said rolling your eyes. The pains jumped down from the ladge there were on and went after you and Jiraiya. "Retreat, Jiraiya boy! You and Y/n girly are in no condition to fight!" Fukasaku shouted. You got into stance and got prepared.

One of the pains tried to kick you but you pushed their leg away and dodged a punch from behind you. You and Jiraiya dodged all of the attacks until Jiraiya punched the one looking like Yahiko. One of the pains you were fighting kept on kicking and punching at you. All you could do was dodge and block each attack. The Yahiko looking pain threw Jiraiya while Jiraiya jumped and dodged oncoming explosions.

A concrete piece fell on top of Jiraiya. "Master Jiraiya!" You shouted. Two tongues suddenly wrap around your feet and you were pulled underwater. You landed next to Jiraiya and coughed out. "Sorry, Y/n girly. We didn't mean to hurt you." Fukasaku said. "It's fine. I'm fine." You said sitting up. You looked over to see one of the pains dead with their forehead protector off.




(1027 words)

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