Chapter 11

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*second person p.o.v.*

Everyone was seated at the table. Except Naruto and Sasuke. They were tree-climbing still. Tsunami handed out the food to each person and placed Naruto's and Sasuke's food down where they were supposed to sit. "Thank you Tsunami." You said smiling. "No problem." Tsunami said smiling back. "They're late. And it's not just Naruto, but even Sasuke too." Sakura says worridly.

And on que the door opened to reveal Naruto and Sasuke. "Speak of the devil." You mumbled. You grabbed a spoonful of food and started eating not minding the conversation going on. Not until Naruto fell over bringing Sasuke down with him. You started giggling at the scene.

After everyone finished dinner, everyone was just making small talk. "Soon, the bridge will be complete. It's thanks to you guys." Tazuna thanks. "Even so, don't let your guard down." Tazuna warns. "Of course we won't let our guard down. Afterall, we had a hunch Zabuza is still alive. And Gato is still out there." You said. Tazuna nodded. "I've really wanted to ask you for a long time now....but why are you still here even if i lied to you about the mission?" Tazuna asks. Kakashi gives the answer to Tazuna.

Naruto had his head laying on the table with his eyes closed because of how tired he was. You started running your fingers through his hair. 'Sigh. Naruto you work too hard. One day Naruto, you might kill yourself from over working yourself.' You thought worridly. You look over at Inari to see he was crying. "Hey, Inari, are you okay?" You ask concerned for the kid.

"Why..?" Inari said. Naruto raised his head. You took your hand back and listened. "What is it?" Naruto said looking at Inari. "There's no way you'd be a match for Gato's men even if you train! No matter what cool things you say or how much effort you make, the weak always lose...against the strong!" Inari shouted slamming his hands onto the table while standing up. "Shut up. I'm not like you." Naruto said resting his head back on the table.

"Shut up! Looking at you makes me sick! Sticking your nose in even if you don't know anything of this land!" Inari shouts back. Inari keeps on shouting at them. You sighed and sipped on tea. "So you're gonna cry all day crying like your the lead in a tragedy? An idiot like you can just cry forever! You crybaby!" Naruto retorts.

You choke on your tea. You start coughing. "Y/n! Are you okay?" Sakura say patting your back. "Yeah i'm fine, it's just what Naruto just said was quite funny." You said almost laughing. "Y/n don't be so rude." Sakura whispers. "Sorry, sorry." You said hiding your smile. "Naruto! That was a bit harsh!" Sakura yelled. Naruto stood up and started walking away.

Not long after, Inari left the room, outside. "Can i talk to Inari?" You asked. "Yeah, sure kid, but i don't think that'll do anything." Tazuna said. You nodded and walked outside. You saw Inari sitting on the deck, watching the sea. "Hey, got a minute?" You say sitting next to him. He didn't respond. "Naruto didn't mean what he said back there...he just thinks crying is useless and won't do anything, and i think he's right." You said looking out at the sea. "We heard the story about your father from Mr. Tazuna. Naruto grew up without a father, somewhat like you. In fact, he grew up without either of his parents. And he grew up without friends. Until i came and became his very first friend of course." You said smiling softly. Inari looked up at you in surprise.

"However, i've never seen him sulk, be timid or cry. Except when i first met him. He was sitting on a swing crying because people were bullying him. Anyways, that's not the point, he's always eager, wanting to be acknowledged by someone. For the sake of the dream he has, he always risks his life. And that's probably because he's tired of crying. And so, he knows the true meaning of being strong. Like your father. Naruto is probably the one who understands your feelings the most. What Naruto said earlier, he must've said that to himself over and over again." You finished saying.

You smiled at Inari. Kakashi watched from afar as you gave Inari a talk. 'Look at my team, maturing at such an early age." Kakashi thought wiping a pretend tear. You got up and headed inside after you finished talking. You walked into the room you were sleeping in and got ready for bed.


It was morning and Naruto was still asleep, so everyone decided Naruto was going to be left behind. Everyone was out of the house, talking with Tsunami. "Are you okay Mr. Kakashi?" She asked. "Yes, no need to worry." Kakashi reassured. "We'll be going now!" Tazuna says as everyone started walking. You walked in between Sasuke and Sakura. You started whistling while walking. "Hey, Y/n. You should sing something." Sakura suggests. "Nope." You said popping the p.

"Pleaseeee?" Sakura said pleaded. "No. Plus, there's no instruments." You said. "You can just sing, you don't need any instruments." Sakura said looking at you. "It would sound better with the violin and piano. And no means no." You said walking faster. Finally, everyone made it to the bridge to your luck. "Wh-what happened here?" You said looking around at all the unconcious bodies.

"What the heck is this?! What is going on?! What happened?!" Tazuna yelled looking at his workers. "It couldn't be..." Kakashi mumbled. Mist filled the sky. "Sasuke, Y/n, Sakura! They're coming!" Kakashi shouted. You all went back to back checking your surroundings. You took out your katana and got in your stance. "I was waiting for you Kakashi. I see you got those brats with you like always. He's still trembling. poor thing." Zabuza says. You look over at Sasuke to see his hand shaking. You give him a look of worry.

Suddenly Zabuza's jumps down infront of everyone. "I'm trembling...with excitment." Sasuke says. You smile knowing he was perfectly fine. "Sasuke, do it." Kakashi told Sasuke. Sasuke went ahead and slashed all the water clones. "Well, well. So he could see the water clones eh? That brat's grown quite a bit." Zabuza said as the real one walked out. You squinted your eyes and looked at the person beside Zabuza.



Go check out my other book then.


(1100 words)

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