Chapter 77

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*second person p.o.v.*

You had just found out Orochimaru was alive and reanimated the four hokage. Madara suddenly jumped down and landed. "I've been waiting for you, Hashirama!" Madara smirked. "I'll deal with you later! I have to stop the ten tails first!" Hashirama pointed. "We're never on the same page." Madara mumbled. "After's charging towards us..." Hashirama said pointing to the now running ten tails. "You've done well, Naruto. Take a rest. Your friend will be here soon. He's our ally too." Minato smiled. Minato stood in front of you three and had the same glowing cloak Naruto had. You stared in surprise before looking back down at Naruto. "Friend? Ally? What was he talking about?" You said with furrowed brows. "Y/'re smart but you're also dumb. Who else would it be?" Naruto paused. "It's Sasuke. He's coming over to fight." Naruto finished. " an ally?" You breathed out. "Apparently so." Naruto smiled up at you.

"Don't worry, Y/n." Sakura gave you a reassuring smile. "Why would i worry? Why should i? I don't have anything to worry about. Except the ten tails and healing Naruto. That's all." You said with a now blank face. Naruto and Sakura gave you sad looks. "Don't give me those looks. You understand me well." You said looking away from them. "Yeah, but.." Naruto trailed off. "That's enough talk about Sasuke." You interrupted. They hesitantly nodded. You looked back to the ten tails to see it trapped in a red barrier made by the four hokage. Just as you look at the ten tails, someone familiar jumped down. Sasuke. The said ravenette glanced at you, seeing that you were injured and hurt. Your clothes were torn and dirtied with blood and debris. "You guys don't look too good." Sasuke said with a small smirk. "We're in war, what do you expect?" You spat, venom lacing your words. "You sure took your time in getting here, Sasuke." Naruto smiled. "Sasuke?" Sakura said in shock. "Is that you Sakura?" Sasuke asked. "Sasuke, why?!" Sakura said a bit too loudly.

You remained quiet with a cold expression sat upon your face. You weren't going to break character, not in front of Sasuke. Ino tried to run over, but Shikamaru and Choji stopped her, saying he was an enemy. "You're all still as noisy as ever." Sasuke said. Kiba, Shino, Hinata and Akamaru ran over. "What the hell are you doing here, bastard?!" Kiba asked. "Why are you here, Sasuke?" You asked sounding monotone. "A lot of things have happened. I've decided to protect the leaf village. And then, i'll...become hokage." Sasuke said. You let out a humorless laugh. Everyone looked over at you. "You first become a rogue ninja, hurt your friends and have the intent to kill them, and then you want to become hokage, even after trying to end the leaf village..." Your face went cold and stoic again. "That's weird, isn't it? Eh, Sasuke?" You said. Hurt flashed across his features. You scoffed and looked away. "You can't just come back all of a sudden and crack a lame joke like that, you rogue ninja! Do you even know what it means to be hokage?!" Kiba shouted in anger.

"I don't know what happened to you, but that's not possible. Do you even realize what you're saying?" Shikamaru said. "Do you think we can just forget all the things you've done?" Shino also said. "Yeah, i realize you probably can't. doesn't matter what you guys think of me. All the previous hokage created these certain circumstances. So i will become hokage and change the village." Sasuke replied. You rolled your eyes. Naruto stood up and went beside Sasuke. "I'm going to be hokage!" Naruto said. "I'm glad there's so much interest in becoming hokage...but you guys are taking too much time! Start infusing chakra right now! We'll take down the ten tails with an all-out attack!" Hashirama interrupted. "Thank you for healing me, Y/n, Sakura! Now it's your turn to get some rest. Let's go, Sasuke!" And with that he and Sasuke jumped away.

"Tch. They think i'm going to sit around and watch? Think again." You clicked your tongue in annoyance. You took off your trench coat and dropped it. Before it fell, it poofed away and back in your home where it would be safe from further damage. You didn't want to lose that coat, it was too special. You rolled your stiff shoulders and turned to Sakura. "I'm going to go join them. You should too. Can't let 'em steal the spotlight." You said. You flickered away and stood beside Sasuke. He glanced at you. "Glad to see that you could join us." Sasuke smirked. "Don't get your hopes up, duckbutt." You sneered. Sasuke rolled his eyes at the given nickname. "Don't call me that." Sasuke growled. "I can call you whatever i want. You can't stop me." You retorted. Sasuke bit back a nasty remark, scoffing instead. He was about to comment something, but he got easily distracted. 'Shit. Why the hell does she have to be so hot?' Sasuke thought. Naruto glanced at his two friends and almost snorted at the look Sasuke was giving his bestfriend. It was like he wasn't even trying to hide it. 'He's in love~' Naruto thought with a short and quiet chuckle. Sasuke ignored Naruto and focused his attention on the girl beside him.

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