Chapter 47

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*second person p.o.v.*

You walked into a field filled with many Naruto shadow clones. You walked up to Kakashi and waved. "Hey." You said. "Hey." He replied. "What's going on here? Why so many shadow clones?" You asked. "Oh, that." He said. Kakashi started to explain why there were so many shadow clones and what this training was for. "Oh, i see." You nodded. "Yeah. Oh, and if Tenzo- i mean Yamato, get's tired, you can also help him with Naruto. If he get's out of control, you can use some sort of jutsu to stop him." Kakashi explained. "Tenzo? So that's his real name...." You mumbled. "Kakashi, look what you did, now she knows my real identity." Yamato whined. "Sorry, Yamato." Kakashi said sheepsishly.

*hehe timeskip*

Naruto released his shadow clones and smiled. "I'm ready to get to my next training!" Naruto smiled. You looked as he started to fall. You flickered to him and caught him with your arm. His head rested on your shoulder. "You work to hard, you idiot." You mumbled softly at Naruto. "Well, that's Naruto. What else do you expect?" Kakashi said walking up beside you. Sakura and Sai run over in worry. "Naruto!" Sakura shouted. "Y/n, Yamato, let's take a break." Kakashi said. "Yeah, Naruto needs it." You replied. "Will Naruto be okay?" Sakura asked. "He'll be fine if he rests a bit..." kakashi said. Sakura gave Kakashi a worried look. "What is it Sakura?" Kakashi asked. "Lady Tsunade wants to see you." Sakura says. Kakashi widened his eyes and soon left to the hokage building. You carried Naruto's heavy self and layed him down under the tree shade gently. You sat down leaning against the tree and played with Naruto's hair.

Soon later, Kakashi came back saying there was a mission for team 7 and he had his own. You were in your house changing into your ninja attire. You put your katana onto your hip and grabbed your bandages. You wrapped your whole hand to your forearm and went to go grab your coat. You slid it on and left your backpack, you wouldn't need it, so you put kunai, shuriken and other things that might be needed into your coat pockets. You wondered why you never had things be in your coat then your backpack. You shrugged it off and tied your ninja headband on your left lower thigh. You put on your sandals and left your house, catching up with your team. You walked to the main gates of Konoha while listening to Naruto whine the whole way. "We stopped my training just to head out on a mission? It's a mission so we have no choice...but it depends on the mission, right?" Naruto complained. "Why did that grandma Tsunade give us some petty little mission like a grave robbery." Naruto huffed. You sighed and continued walking. You looked over to see Asuma sensei's team. "Yo, Naruto. What about your training?" Shikamaru asked.

"It was suspended for a mission..." Naruto replied. "Ino, are you guys heading out now too?" Sakura asked. "That's right...all of us for the first time in a while..." Ino answered. "You're all together.." you heard Konohamaru say. You looked over at him and his team. Naruto walked over to him and started speaking with him and Asuma sensei. "All right, team Yamato! Let's head out on our mission!" Naruto said pumping his fist. Naruto started running to the Konoha gates. "Wait! Naruto!" Sakura said running after him. Sai starts running after them. "N-naruto!" Sai stutters. You sigh and walk after them. "Y/n, take care of Naruto." You heard Asuma say. You turned to him. "Yeah, of course. What kind of friend would i be if i didn't?" You replied turning back around and walking up to Naruto. "Hey! Captain Yamato! What's keeping you?!" Naruto called over to Yamato. Yamato then starts running over. "Sorry! Sorry!" Yamato apologized waving. He ran over and told everyone to head out now. Team 7 walked out of the main gates and started their journey.

*another timeskip*

"This is the rendezvous point." Yamato said. He looked up at the moon and back down again. "Some people from the fire temple are supposed to meet us here." He said. You went and leaned on a tree nearby and crossed your arms. You closed your eyes and got comfortable. "Oh man, i'm tired too." You heard Naruto say. You opened one of your eyes and looked to see Naruto sit right next to Sakura. "You're in my personal bubble!" Sakura shouted while pushing Naruto to the tree you were leaning on. You sighed and caught Naruto before he got hurt. "Leave Sakura alone, Naruto. And Sakura, don't go hurting Naruto." You said. "You're almost like a caretaker of team 7, Y/n." Naruto said sitting next to the tree. You leaned back onto the tree and closed your eyes. "Yeah, of course i am. I have to care for each and every one of you, that's what a jonin's job is." You replied. "Jonin?!" Naruto exclaimed. "Yes, jonin." You said. "Since when?" Sakura asked. "Before our mission to capture the Akatsuki spy." You answered. "That long ago and you never said anything?!" Naruto said looking at you. "I didn't have the chance to." You shrugged. "You did. Many times." Sakura said. "Oh well." You shrugged again.

"They're late. I'm going to have a look over there. Y/n, come with me." Yamato said. You opened your eyes and pushed yourself off the tree while uncrossing your arms. "Can i come too?" Sakura asked standing. "Sure." Yamato shrugged. Naruto and Sai also stood up. "Huh? Then i'm coming too." Naruto said. "You and Sai wait here. We might end up just missing them." Sakura said to Naruto. "Fine." Naruto pouted. "It'll be okay. I'll stay with Naruto." Sai reassured. "Alright then, don't cause any trouble for Sai, Naruto. Same goes for you Sai." You said walking away with Sakura and Yamato. You walked down the path and looked around. "Where do you think they are?" You asked. "I'm not sure. The least we could do for now is to look around." Yamato answered. After 5 minutes of looking, you heard foosteps. "Someone's coming." You say stopping. Sakura and Yamato stop and look around. The footsteps get louder and faster. You sense someone coming behind you, and fast. The person behind you tried to kick you, but you turned around just in time to block it.

You looked to see lord Chiriku. You quickly got out of stance and bow in apology. "I am so sorry lord Chiriku, i didn't think it was you." You say. Lord Chiriku got out of stance and laughed. "No need to apologize. I was the one who attacked you. Though i must say, you have very fast reflexes and very good senses. You guys are the leaf ninja we asked for, right?" Lord Chiriku asked. "Yes, we are. We were just looking for you." Yamato said. "Sorry we were late." Lord Chiriku bowed. You suddenly sensed chakra from your right. "I'm sorry for interrupting, but i sensed chakra being used from that direction. We should maybe check it out." You said pointing in that direction. "That's the direction of one of the graves, lord Chiriku!" One of the monks said. "Y/n, Sakura. Let's go." Yamato said. You both nod and run in the direction with the monks following behind.


(1250 words)

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