Chapter 33

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*second person p.o.v.*

Team 7 continued to carry out the missions assigned by lady hokage; everything went back to normal. The only thing that wasn't was the fact that Sasuke still wasn't there. You just came home after an incident with the four celestials. Apparently, they wanted Gaara's sand Shukaku sealed within him. They were defeated in the end and you were tired. "Hey, i'm home." You said lazily. You took of your shoes and walked into the living room, slumping down on the couch. "Hey, Y/n!" Your father says. "Have you thought about the offer? To train with your grandparents? As much time as you have, we just got a letter asking again if you would like to go. Have you thought of an answer?" Your father explained. "Y'know what? If Sasuke's gonna train to get stronger, i will too! And plus, i heard Naruto is gonna train with pervy sage for a while!" You exclaimed while sitting up.

"Who's pervy sage?" Your mother asked. "Oh, it's just a nickname given to master Jiraiya by Naruto." You said. Your mother laughed. "I've never heard a much more fitting name for that pervert." She said. Your father chuckles along with her. "Oh, master Jiraiya, hm? That guy always trys to take a sneak peek at the ladies in the hot spring." Your father commented. "Anyways, are you sure you want to go? I wouldn't mind training you." Your mother suggests. "No, it's fine mom. I want to go to the land of lightning. I've always wondered what my grandparents are and like." You say determined. "Alright. You should start packing slowly and wait for Naruto to get out of the hospital. You should travel with him and master Jiraiya for part of the way, it's a pretty long journey." Your father says.


The same day you decided to go to the land of lightning, was the same day your father sent out a letter to your grandparents, telling them that you would love to train with them. In a day or so, Naruto was finally released from the hospital. You had spoken with Jiraiya about travelling with them for a bit and he gladly agreed. You took your backpack filled with the things you would need on the journey. You walked downstairs and saw your parents. "Well, it seems that you're journey had just begun." Your father said. You walk up to them and hug them tight. "I'll miss you guys so much." You say with some tears in your eyes. "We will too." Your mother says also crying. You pull away from the hug and give them a bright smile. "I'll see you guys in two years then i guess." You say. "Yes. Two long years." Your mother mumbled.

You pulled them into one last hug before walking to the door and putting on your ninja sandels. "Bye mom! Bye dad! See you in two years! Don't forget me!" You say. They stand at the doorway smiling with tears in their eyes. "Bye sweetie! We love you!" Your mother says. "I know! And i love you two too! Now, bye! I don't want to keep Naruto and pervy sage waiting!" You say last. Your parents wave as you ran to the gates of Konoha. You ran into some people you knew and bid them a farewell for now too. You walked up to Naruto and Jiraiya and smiled. "So, let's start the journey!" Naruto shouts. "Yeah...let's go." You say giggling at Naruto. "The journey begins!" Jiraiya said marching forward.

*timeskip to where you part ways with Naruto and Jiraiya*

During the small time together with pervy sage, he taught you the rasengan. Soon enough, it was time for you to go. "I'll see you both in two years, alright?" You say breaking away from the hug with Naruto. Naruto started crying. "I don't want you to go! That's two long years! I'm gonna miss you!" He said hugging you again. You started laughing at his behavior. "I'll miss you too! But i promise, when i come back, we can fight each other to see who got stronger over the years! Whoever wins gets to have a free bowl of ramen from Ichiraku ramen! The loser has to pay for the winner's meal!" You declared. Naruto wiped his tears and nodded. "Yeah! That's a great idea!" He said smiling. "Okay Naruto. Let Y/n go. She has a long journey ahead of her." Jiraiya said patting his shoulder. "Alright then...bye Y/n." Naruto smiled. "Bye Naruto!" You beamed. You walked away waving. "Stay safe!" Jiraiya shouted. "Of course!" You shouted back. You and Naruto waved until you were out of view. You stopped waving, stood and sighed happily. "All right! To the land of lightning it is!" You say pointing in the direction.

In a day, you reached the point where you had to go on boat. The people on the boat were a really nice crew who treated you nicely. After a long time on boat, you had made it to your destination. You hopped of the boat and thanked the crew. You walked onto land and took out a map that came with the letter sent to you by your grandparents. The map showed the whole land of lightning, including a red circle which should be where your grandparents house was. You guessed the journey to their house would be a 4 hour long journey. You sigh and continue on your way. You had finally made it to their house. It looked large and very tidy. You take a step and almost fall face flat.Your legs felt as if they were going to fall of your body. They were sore and tired. You folded the map away and stood straight, knocking lightly. "Who is it?!" You heard someone shout from inside. "Uhm, it's Y/n L/n. Daughter of F/n L/n, your son." You say nervously. An old women opened the door and smiled. "Ah, hello dear. No need to be nervous. Come on in. We were expecting you." The old lady said.

She started walking down a hall that leaded to a living room of some sort. "My name is Gm/n (grandma's name). You of course can call me granny or grandma." She says sitting down. "So, where is grandpa?" You asked. "Oh, i'll call him down." She says. You nod and smile. "GP/N (grandpa's name)! COME DOWN! THERE'S A GUEST HERE!" She shouted loudly. A minute later, an old man walks into the living room. "Who is it?" He asks. He looks at you. "This is your granddaughter. Introduce yourself." She says. "H-hello, i'm Y/n L/n, daughter of F/n L/n." You stutter. "Hm. Fight me." He says suddenly. "W-what? Now?" You ask. "Yes. Fight me now. I want to see what you know. To see how strong you are and to see what needs improvement." He says.

"Gp/n. She just came back from a very tiring journey. Just let her rest for now, you can fight her tomorrow." Your grandma said. "Fine." He says after a few seconds, giving in. "Okay dear, are you hungry at all?" She asks. "No, i ate a bit while walking here." You smile. "Alright then, you can head to bed now. It's getting late." She says while guiding you to a nice room. "Thank you." You say. "No problem dear, it's the least i could do for what i did to your mother and father." She says sadly. She closes the door soon after. You set your bag down and fall down onto your bed. 'I'm sure i'll love it here. I just know it." You thought.


I'm so excited to write Y/n training!


(1304 words)

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