Chapter 17

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*second person p.o.v.*

"A fight here now...?" Sasuke asks confused. "Yes." Rock lee said as he jumped down from where he was. "My name's Rock lee. When asking a person their name, i'm supposed to give my own first, right? Sasuke Uchiha..." Rock lee said as he pointed at Sasuke. "Hmph. So you knew?" Sasuke asked. "I want to fight with you!" Rock lee shouted as he got into stance.

*timeskip after Sasuke fought with Rock lee*

After meeting Guy sensei, who was a rival of Kakashi's, team 7 continued to head to where the chunin exam was taking place. You all walked down the hallway and stopped when you saw Kakashi standing infront of the door. "I see Sakura, you've come too. Now you can formally register for thr chunin exam." Kakashi said. You looked at him confused. "What do you mean?" Sakura asks just as confused as you were. "Actually from the start, only three man squads could apply and take the exams." Kakashi explained.

"Wait but aren't we a four man squad?" Naruto asked. "Wait, let me finish. However, they made an exception for your team. And if Sakura didn't come, your team wouldn't be complete. Afterall, you all are one, yes?" Kakashi finished. "That's true." Sakura agreed. "Sakura! Naruto! Y/n! And Sasuke! I'm glad you came. You're a team i'm proud of. Now then, go on!" Kakashi said as he stepped away from the door. You all opened the door and walked in.

When you all walked through the door, it revealed many scary looking people. "W-wow!" Naruto said surprised. "There are so many of them...could it be that they're all applicants?" Sakura asks. "I think so....this is room 301 and where the chunin exam takes place." You replied. 'This years applicants look scary! You're saying we have to face these guys?!' You thought. You were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard Ino. "Sasuke, you're late!" Ino said as she jumped on Sasuke. You looked at Sasuke's face and had to stiffle in a laugh.

"I thought i'd be able to see you for the first time in awhile, so i was waiting in excitment!" Ino exclaimed. What she just said didn't help your poor self who was about to explode from laughter. "Get away from Sasuke, Ino-pig!" Sakura shouted as she pointed at Ino. You were getting red from holding in your laughter. "Oh my. It's Sakura. Your billboard brow hasn't changed at all, eh...ugly." Ino retorted. You couldn't hold it in anymore as you howled in laughter. "AAHAHAHHAHAHA INO-PIG AND BILLBOARD BROW AHAHAHHAHAHAHA" you said whilst laughing.

They both glared at you and Naruto as Naruto was also snickering. "What's up with this." A lazy voice said. It was Shikamaru. "Oh, hey Shikamaru!" You said calming down from your laughing fit. "Are you guys going to take this bothersome exam too?" He asked. "Oh it's the idiot trio." Naruto said. "Quit calling us that!" Shikamaru said as he stepped forward. You giggled and hit Naruto. "Yeah, Naruto. Stop being so mean." You said while trying to hide your smile.

"Says you who's trying not to laugh." Shikamaru said as he rolled his eyes. "What? I can't help it. I have broken humor." You said putting your hands up in defence. "Sasuke is mine...bleah." Ino said as she pulled down her bottom eyelid, teasing Sakura. "My, my. Looks like all the ten rookies are here." Kiba said as he walked over with his team. "H-hello." Hinata said shyly. Naruto looks at Hinata. Hinata blushed and looked down.

You walked over to Hinata and hugged her. "Hi Hinata." You said gently. "Hi Y-Y/n." She says shyly as she hugged back. "Huh. You guys too eh?" Someone says from behind you. You ignore their conversation and speak with Hinata. "Do you still have a crush on naruto?" You whisper. She blushes furiously and shakes her head no. You smile at her cuteness. "It's fine Hinata. Your secret is safe with me. But you should tell him, or else it'll be stuck with you until you tell him." You tell her.

"M-maybe. I'm too shy to tell him. I can't e-even look at him without b-blushing and looking away. I-i think it's best i tell him when i'm older." Hinata says looking down. You give her a sad smile and pat her back gently. "We won't lose to you guys!" Kiba interrupted. "Shut up! I' not sure about Sasuke, but i sure won't lose to the likes of you!" Naruto shouted. "I'm going to go stand with my team now. Talk to you later i guess." You smile. "A-alright." Hinata stutters. You stand beside Sasuke and listen to their conversation.

"Y/n! Move out of the way! Sasuke's mine!" Ino shouted. "Jeez! Why does everyone think i like Sasuke! I'm standing here so Sakura and you don't try to kill eachother!" You retort. "Y/n move away from him!" Ino said again. You glare at her. "Fine. You asked for it." You sighed. "Try me. Why don't you try and move me." You smirk. "Why you-!" Ino was about to charge at you until a boy with silver hair and glasses comes over. "You guys should keep it down. You guys are the 10 rookies, fresh out of the academy right? This isn't a field trip." The boy said.

"Who are you?!" Ino asked. "I'm Kabuto Yakushi. Anyways, take a good look around you." Everyone looked around at all the people in the room. "Everyone here is on edge, so they're a bit touchy. Behind you...those are rain ninja. They're hot-tempered. Everyone's tense before the exam. I thought i'd warn you guys before you got hurt by one of these guys. I guess it can't be helped. You're rookies who don't know left from right. You remind me of my old self." Kabuto explained. "You're Kabuto, right?" Sakura asked. "Yes." Kabuto answered. "Then is this your second time taking the exam?" Sakura asks.

"No, this is my seventh time." Kabuto corrected. "The exam is held twice a year, so it's now my fourth year." Kabuto explains. "So that means you know a lot about these exams?!" Sakura asks. "Kind of..." Kabuto says. "No kidding. Kabuto you're pretty awesome, huh?" Naruto says. "But you haven't passed." Shikamaru points out. "Yeah, well, that is the case, yes..." Kabuto says rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "Is the chunin exam that high a hurdle? Man this is such a drag." Shikamaru complained.

"Everything's a drag to you Shikamaru." You said, rolling your eyes. "Then, maybe i'll give a little bit of information to my cute little juniors. With these ninja info cards." Kabuto said taking out cards. You leaned closer to Naruto's ear "What is he? A pedophile? Calling us cute...tch..." You whispered to Naruto. Naruto snorted. "Maybe." He whispered back. "To put it simply, they're cards that have information burned into them and coded with chakra." Kabuto explained as he put down the deck of cards on the floor. "I spent four whole years gathering information for this exam. There are close to two hundred of these cards. They are pure white to eye. So to open the data on these cards..." Kabuto said as he took a card and showed the white side.

He spun the card around, infusing his chakra. "The way it works is that no one can see the info without using my chakra. For example, like this." The card he was spinning poofed into some sort of map. "What information is this?" You ask. "The number of test-takers and participating nations and the number of participating applicants from each respective village." Kabuto continued to explain what the card showed.


Kabuto the pedo? Nah you got it wrong Y/n, that's Orochimaru.


(1323 words)

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