Chapter 36

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*second person p.o.v.*

You had finally made it to your grandparents house. You opened the door and walked in to see your grandma crying with your grandpa comforting her. "Hey." You said. Your grandparents turn to look at you. Your grandma stood up and ran over to you. She pulled you into a hug and cried on your shoulder. You stayed stiff since her arms held yours down. "It must be so hard on you! The news about your parents must have hurt you greatly!" She cried. "Yes it did." You replied. "Gm/n, you should give Y/n some space." Your grandpa says. Your grandma steps back from you and wipes her tears. "I'm sorry. It's just that i never had the chance to tell my son and my daughter-in-law that i was sorry. They passed before i could." She said. "No, it's fine." You said blankly. Your grandma looked at you with worry written all over her face. "Are you alright dear?" She asks cupping your face. "Yes, i'm perfectly fine. I'm just tired, so i'll be heading to bed now. It's a bit late and i have to wake up early for training tomorrow. Goodnight you two. And i'm sorry for your loss too." You say walking away.

*timeskip to the next day of training*

Today you were taught how to also emit lightning out from your katana. After multiple times, you had finally got it. Having lightning emit from your katana was very useful. If you were to stab someone, you could emit lightning from the katana and kill them instantly.

*8 months into training*

"Today, i'm going to teach you medical ninjutsu." Your grandma says. She shows you how to concentrate your chakra into your hands to form a green chakra which is medical ninjutsu. She gave you an injured bunny she found in the backyard for you to heal. After 10 minutes of focusing chakra, you finally had green chakra form under your hands. You healed the bunny. "Great job!" Your grandma compliments. "Thanks." You say sitting back into your chair.

*1 year into training*

"Now since we're pretty far into your training, i think it's time you learn how to make your own jutsu. For example, Kakashi Hatake. He made the chidori i'm sure. When making your own jutsu, you should make sure it's strong and useful. Something that you think you would need in real life situations." Your grandpa explained. You thought for a moment. "Chains." You suddenly say. "Chains? Why?" Your grandpa asks. "Chains. If i were to catch an enemy, keep them in one place or capture them, i could use chains to hold them down." You say. "Hm. That's actually a good idea. What should you call it?" Your grandpa said. "Lightning chain bind. I could use lightning or a lightning jutsu on a chain or made chain and electrocute them while holding them down." You explained. "What chains though? You can't carry chains with you everywhere. And if you put it in a scroll, by the time you take it out, the enemy would be gone." Your grandpa states. "True." You sigh.

"Is there a summoning jutsu where you could summon chains out of mid air? Like you shout chains or something and it magically appears?" You suggest. "You may be emotionless but you're just as dumb as i first met you." Your grandpa chuckles. A ghost of a smile made their way on your lips. "But, i think it may be more convienient if you could just make chains out of your lightning armor." He says. "Oh. I never thought about that." You said. "Of course you didn't." Your grandpa says. "Okay, let's get started." You say standing off from the ground. After a few days of trying, you got it down. In those few days, you tried to make chains out of your lightning armor with every ounce of time you had.

*1 year and 3 months into training*

"After making a few of your own jutsus, i think you should make another one. For instance, if there were many enemies in one place and a small group, you could either take them down single handed or take them down with one jutsu." Your grandpa said. "Lightning wave? I could just use chidori or another lightning jutsu and slam my hand into the ground, making a lightning wave." You say. "That's not going to be easy." Your grandpa sighs. "I wasn't going to make it easy." You said standing. You first tried with chidori and slammed your hand down only to make a crater. "Yeah, the chidori isn't gonna work." Your grandpa said walking up next to you. "Then what?" You ask. "Why don't you use regular lightning? Emit lightning from your hand and slam it into the ground. When your hand hits the ground, increase the lightning power. If my thoughts are correct, it should create some sort of wave travelling underground." Your grandpa explained. "Let's give it a try." You say walking to a new part of the field. After many fails, you had gotten the hang of it. Although it wasn't too powerful, you would keep on trying.

*1 year and 6 months into training*

Today, you were having another lady lesson. "Stand straight. Don't slump your shoulders. Walk with your shoulders back and chin up." Your grandma said. You stood straight with your shoulders back and tilted your chin up a bit. "Now walk." She says. You start walking with a straight posture. "Perfect! You're a fast learner." Your grandma complimented. "Thanks, i get that a lot." You say. "Now walk like that everyday and get used to it." She says. You nod.

*1 year and 8 months into training*

"Y/n! Could you come and heal me? I broke my foot." Your grandma said in pain. You ran over and gently touched your grandma's leg. You got up and went to the bathroom to wet a rag aith cold water. You put it over her leg and did medical ninjutsu to heal her leg. In 5 minutes, it was healed but still sore and sometimes hurt. "Try not to walk on it too much. Let it heal." You say with your usual plain face. "Thank you dear" your grandma says. "No problem." You say.

*2 years into training*

"This is very hard to learn, so i understand if you can't do it." Your grandma says. "I want to try." You said. Your grandma smiled at your determined face. "This might be a painful process though." Your grandma says. "I can handle pain." You say. "Alright then..." She says. She grabbed a bucket of burning hot water and held it in front of you. "Whenever you're ready." She says. You take a inhale and exhale. Your grandpa watched from afar. "Go ahead." You say. She takes the burning hot water and poured it on your body. "Now, quick! Try to focus chakra around your whole body and heal it all at once!" Your grandma said. You bit your lip harshly and tried not to scream in pain. You tried healing the burns on your body. You watched as some burns on your arms healed, but it wasn't all. After 34 minutes of trying to heal your burned body, you had finally got most of the burns and you weren't in so much pain. "That hurt." You winced. "Well, i did warn you." Your grandma said helping you stand. "Yeah. My fault. But i healed most of my body. Just have to learn it faster." You said limping.


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