Chapter 80

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*second person p.o.v.*

"Our only choice now is to teleport those spheres outside the barrier using flying rajin. Fourth, can you handle two of them?" Tobirama turned to Minato. "Since we can't mark them, i can only take one. There's only one way. We could..." Minato trailed off. "You intend to teleport the stalk itself outside? You think i'd let you do that? You can't save anyone!" Obito shouted up from above. "Dad! I don't know if it will work, but i got an idea. Will you bump fists with me?" Naruto said with his fist out. Minato looked at him surprised before bumping fists with Naruto. "Naruto...Minato's useless, he can't do anything. He couldn't even protect your mom....nor his own subordiantes. You know what tomorrow is, don't you? It's the anniversary of Minato and Kushina's deaths. The day both of your parents died. In this world, it's over when you die. You see..." Obito trailed off. "Oh, right, which's also the day i was born!" Naruto shouted.

"That's right. I almost forgot. It is Naruto's birthday tomorrow." You mumbled. "So you's not over....'cuz i exist in this world!" Naruto shouted once more. His glowing nine tails cloak came back. "What's your plan, Naruto?" Sasuke asked. "Just...give me some time to focus." Suddenly, the nine tails cloak engulfed your body. It was more powerful than before. Jugo jumped down beside Sasuke. "Sasuke, this is looking bad. Let's get outside the barrier. Use the snake reverse summoning." Jugo said. "That was my plan already. I'll take you, Y/n and Naruto with me." Sasuke replied. "You know i can hear you both, right?" You glanced over at Sasuke. "I haven't given you any of my chakra yet. Get over here, will ya?" Naruto said. "What's your chakra going to accomplish?" Sasuke asked. "There's no time! Just hurry!" Naruto shouted. Sasuke walked over to Naruto.

After Naruto shared his chakra, the four beast bombs exploded. As the smoke cleared, you looked around to see you were outside of the barrier. "Fourth...this is the second time you've saved all of shinobi-kind." Tobirama said. "I've still failed...more times than that, so i must continue making up for it." Minato replied. "What did you do?" Jugo questioned. "Dad teleported everyone outside the barrier." Naruto replied. "Everyone? With that jutsu? How?" Sasuke asked. "I'd shared Kurama's and my chakra with everyone earlier. So if dad and our chakra and everybody were to! Right! If we were all in indirect contact with ezch other, it would work. So i connected dad's chakra with Kurama's and mine. That's all!" Naruto explained.

"He used the principle of shadow clones. Even if you split up and disperse your long as you keep even a little bit there without putting it out...when the original body infuses chakra again to regain control, all the individual chakra bits begin resonating and link together. In short, by joining his chakra with fourth, Naruto linked the fourth to the rest of his chakra residing in everyone else." Tobirama said. "Huh? Is that what i did?" Naruto questioned. You blinked slowly. "You know what? Never mind..." Tobirama sighed. "Old man second, you sure know a lot about my shadow clones too!" Naruto exclaimed. "I created that jutsu!" Tobirama snapped in annoyance. You quietly laughed. "I haven't heard your laugh in forever." You heard Sasuke murmur. "Maybe if you stayed in the village you would've heard it more." You shrugged. "Shut up." Sasuke huffed.

"What is your relationship with Sasuke?" Jugo asked. "We're old comrades. He used to be on team 7 before he went rogue." You replied. Sasuke gave you a 'are you kidding me?' Look. "What?" You asked. "Comrades?" He scoffed. "What, you want me to call you my friend instead?" You knew exactly what you were doing. Provoking Sasuke. "Friend?" He was getting annoyed. "Best friend?" You suggested. "Okay, that's enough. You're annoying the crap out of me. Stop it." He growled. Jugo looked at you both back and forth. "I get it now." Jugo spoke up. "Finally." Sasuke sighed. "You guys were bestest friends?" Jugo asked. You laughed even harder as Sasuke scowled. "No, you idiot. I'm her lover, duh." Sasuke had an irk mark on his head as you laughed. "That was hilarious." You chuckled. "Karin would be upset if she knew about this." Jugo said. "Who's Karin?" You asked. "She used to be apart of Sasuke's squad. I'm sure she has a crush on Sasuke." Jugo replied.

"To be honest, i don't care. I never said i was his lover anyway." You shrugged. "You are." Sasuke snapped. "I never said so." You turned to Sasuke. "Too bad." He smirked. "You're so annoying." You rolled your eyes. He chuckled. Naruto jumped up from his spot. "I feel power welling up inside of me! Let's go!" Naruto shouted. "Naruto! Letting out a shout and showing off is all well and good...but don't tell me you've already forgotten...that nothing other than the sage jutsu works on him? I know you're not an idiot!" Tobirama called after Naruto who was up in the nine tails chakra form. "That's right!" Naruto said panicked. "You're a bigger idiot than my elder brother!" Tobirama insulted. "That's Naruto. The biggest idiot i know." You gave a small smile. "Shut up!" Naruto shouted in embarrassment.

Minato suddenly jumped up beside Naruto with a nine tails chakra form, too. Minato's nine tails chakra form made a giant rasengan and held it up. Tobirama went up to the nine tails chakra form and used flying rajin on them. They teleported inside the barrier with Obito. "Man, it seems i have to step up my game too." You sighed. Sasuke clenched his fists from beside you. The barrier disappeared and you looked closely to see the ten tails. A giant tree shot out and grabbed shinobi, it sucked all their chakra up and killed them. Roots and vines reached out and connected into the ground until it all stopped. "Have things finally settled down?" Jugo asked. Tobirama teleported in front of you three with Minato, Naruto and lord third. "What the hell is that?" You asked looking up at the large tree. "It's the divine tree. It's where chakra originated from apparently." Sasuke replied. "The divine tree?" You mumbled.


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