Chapter 12

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*second person p.o.v.*

"Haku?" You said aloud. "Ah. Y/n. I wish we didn't have to meet this way." Haku said. "Y/n, you know him?" Kakashi says glancing at you. "Yeah. Like i told you before, i met Haku and Zabuza before." You said looking at Haku. You sigh. "Haku. Looks like you got a rival." Zabuza said referring to Sasuke. "So it seems." Haku replies. "Well, seems our prediction was right, Y/n." Kakashi says. "Prediction?" Zabuza questions. "The guy in the mask." Kakashi says. "I knew it..heh." Sasuke says.

"We had a hunch that you were alive, Zabuza." You said. Tazuna and Kakashi start speaking. "How dare he show up after what he did!" Sakura said. 'What happened after i passed out last time? I guess they already met Haku.' you thought. "I hate brats who think they're so cool with a mask." Kakashi says. "Says you Kakashi sensei." You deadpan. "Oh...really?" He questions. "Yeah." You reply. "Me and Y/n will do it." Sasuke says out of nowhere.

"Eh? Why was i brought up?" You say looking at Sasuke as if he had two heads. "With his bad acting...i hate brats who think they're so cool!" Sasuke says. "Pffftt- and you aren't the same?" You laughed. He turned and glared at you. You put your hands up in defense. "What? I'm being honest." You say. Suddenly, Haku spins around fast towards Sasuke. You jumped infront of Sasuke, taking out your katana and slashed your katana at Haku. Haku stopped it with a senbon needle. "Y/n, back down. I don't want to kill you." Haku said as you and he kept on blocking eachothers mini attacks.

"Did i ask? I won't hesitate on killing you." You said seriously. "You won't be able to keep up with my speed." Haku says. Sasuke was around you and Haku, just in case if he was needed. Haku takes out one hand and starts doing hand signs. "One handed?" You say surprised. "A thousand needles of death." Haku whispers. But you heard it. 'Darn it!' You say.

Haku splashes the water around you and forms into ice needles. Before it could reach you, you remember the training and focus your chakra. You watched from above as the needles shot at the spot you were at. You took out kunai and threw it at Haku. You landed and watched as Sasuke went to go fight Haku.

Sasuke kicked Haku back to Zabuza. You walked up beside Sasuke and high-fived him. "Nice going." You say as you look back at Zabuza and Haku. Blue chakra forms around Haku and the air turns cold. "It's unfortunate..." Haku says. "The air is...cold?" Sasuke whispers. Haku does a hand sign. Ice forms behind you and Sasuke turning into a...mirror? Ice mirrors surround you and Sasuke into some sort of ice prison as Haku sinks into one of the mirrors. "Now, i shall show true speed!" Haku says as he throws senbon needles.

The senbon needles scratch you and Sasuke. You whimper in pain as Sasuke screams in pain. You take your katana and hit the senbon needles away from you and Sasuke. But your katana couldn't get all the senbon needles, so some scratched you and Sasuke. You watch as Sakura throws a kunai but Haku grabs it, stopping it from reaching Sasuke. You did the hand signs for your lightning armor, and grabbed Sasuke's hand.

"What are you doing?" Sasuke says as he feels a tingly sensation cover his body. "It's my lightning armor, it'll protect you from the oncoming senbon needles." You say. "What about you?" He asks. "I have my katana. Of course it won't do much, but it's enough." You mumble. Over the past few days, you learned to keep your lightning armor on for at least 20 minutes.

Sasuke tries to get up but was interrupted when a shuriken knocks Haku out of the ice mirrors. You turned to look in that direction to see..."Naruto?" You say confused. You looked in the smoke to see it was indeed one of your best-friends, Naruto Uzumaki. "That darn show off." You smiled. Naruto then starts saying how the hero always comes in late. You then realized he should've came and took the enemies down when they least expected it. "That darn idiot." You face palm.

Oh well, it's too late now. You suddenly remember your wounds and look down. 'Ouch. These scratches hurt.' You thought wincing. Sasuke threw a kunai at Haku but Haku dodged it. "I haven't forgotten about you two." Haku says. "Y/n. Can i still use jutsu in your lightning armor?" Sasuke asks looking up at you. "Of course you can. Just act as if there were no lightning armor on you. The lightning armor is only used as a shield to protect you, so doing jutsu won't affect you or the armor." You tell Sasuke. "That's a relief." Sasuke says looking back at Haku.

"I would much rather you both go down quietly. But it looks like it won't work that way. Fine. I'll put an end to it first." Haku tells you and Sasuke. "Naruto. I'll get to you later." And with that Haku walked back into the ice mirror. You and Sasuke look at the mirror Haku was in. Sasuke reaches into his ninja pouch but stops when Haku suddenly moves to the mirror behind you. "Sasuke, don't worry. You have my lightning armor protecting you." You whisper.

"I know that. It's just that you don't have anything to protect you." Sasuke says looking up at you. You swing your katana blade around your hand. "Yeah i do. My katana." You smirk. You got into stance and glared at Haku who was now in every mirror. Senbon were thrown at you and Sasuke once more, some scratching you. You winced but continued swinging your katana around, your katana stopping most of the senbon needles.

You looked over at Sasuke who was fine since he still had your lightning armor on. More senbon needles scratched you, you wincing and whimpering each time. The round of senbon needles stopped as you fell to your knees. "Y/n!" Sasuke, Naruto, Sakura and Kakashi yelled as they looked at you. "I'm fine." You reassured standing up. You almost fell over but Sasuke held you from falling.

"We need to have Naruto attack from the ouside-" you were cut off by Naruto. "Yo, i came to save you two!" Naruto whispers. "You guys okay?" Naruto asks. You face palm amd sigh. "Y-you idiot! If you're a shinobi, you'll have to move more carefully!" Sasuke yells. "What's with you?! I came to the rescue you know?!" Naruto yells back. "Naruto. You could've helped by attacking the ice mirrors outside. Not inside, now we're all trapped and can't get out! Our only chance left was for you to attack from outside! I can't protect the both of you at the same time!" You yell, clearly angry.

"Since it came to this, it looks like i'll have to melt the mirrors!" Sasuke yells doing handsigns. The fire didn't even make a single scratch. It didn't melt it at all. "It'll take much more fire power to melt the ice." Haku says while the mirrors turned white and glowed. You and Naruto were pushed back by the force of the senbon needles. Sasuke fell back too but was unharmed since he still had your lightning armor on. "Darn it! Where did he attack from?! Was it the clones?!" Naruto shouts frustrated. "Where's his real body?!" He shouts standing up and looking around.

"It's useless for you to even try to attempt following with your eyes. I will not be caught." Haku says. Naruto yells shadow clone jutsu and jumps at the mirrors. "Hey, Y/n? Your lightning armor is wearing off..." Sasuke says as he watched the tingly sensation fade away. "Darn it! I can only do my lightning armor once, i don't have enough chakra! My lightning armor needs a specific amount of chakra that i don't have right now." You shout frustrated. "I'm sorry Sasuke, you have to protect yourself somehow." You apologize. "It's fine." Sasuke dismissed. You sigh and look at Naruto. Naruto and Haku were speaking.

"I don't want to kill you guys and i don't want to be killed by you guys. But if you guys are going to come at me, i'll kill my feelings with a sword and become a shinobi. This bridge is a battleground that connects each of us to our dreams. I, for the sake of my dream. And you, for the sake of your dreams. Please don't hold it against me. I want to protect the person dear to me. I work for the sake of that person, i fight for that person, and i want to make that person's dream a reality.... that is my dream. For the sake of that dream, i will completly become a shinobi and kill you guys!" Haku explains pulling out another senbon needle.

You watch as Naruto does the shadow clone jutsu again. "Naruto! Don't! You're just wasting chakra!" You shout. Once again, senbon needles were thrown. You used your katana once more and hit the oncoming senbon needles.


Sorry for the long-ish chapter.


(1566 words)

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