Chapter 40

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*second person p.o.v.*

"Okay, introduce yourselves." Yamato said. "Tch. Naruto Uzumaki." Naruto said. "I'm Sakura Haruno." Sakura said annoyed. "Y/n L/n." You said emotionlessly. "My name's Sai." The pale kid said smiling. "Well, that's enough of getting acquainted for now. I will now be explaining team Kakashi's mission. The five of us will now head for the Tenchi bridge, capture the Akatsuki spy who has infiltrated Orochimaru's organization and bring him back here. It's an opportunity to get information about Sasuke." Yamato said. You tensed at Sasuke's name being mentioned. "We will obtain a precious source of information with which we can draw up plans for both the assassination of Orochimaru and the retrieval of Sasuke. Be sure to proceed with caution!" Yamato finished. "Roger." You said. "We will met at the main gate in an hour! We will leave once you have your ninja tools!" Yamato ordered. You nodded and walked off with Naruto and Sakura.

"I don't like that Sai jerk at all! Why's he taking the place of Sasuke? Team Kakashi's fine with just us." Naruto said. "He does remind me of Sasuke. The way he talks and looks is kind of like Sasuke's." Sakura says smiling. "He's nothing like Sasuke. You must be blind to say that." You say putting your hands in your coat pockets. "Yeah! He doesn't resemble Sasuke at all! Sasuke's cooler! No, not cooler...well, he's better!" Naruto shouted. "Yeah, Sasuke is a little cooler than Sai, isn't he?" Sakura agreed smiling. "Not just a little! Sasuke's totally better!" Naruto shouted. "That is true. Now, my stop it here. See you guys at the main gate." You say walking to your house. "See you later Y/n!" Naruto and Sakura waved. You waved back and walked into your house. You went into your room and grabbed your backpack. You grabbed kunai, bandages, string, scrolls, shuriken and other things you would need. You took off your trench coat and put it into your backpack. You always wore your trench coat but today you didn't want to wear it. You put your backpack on and clipped the front above your chest. You took off your bandages and rewrapped them with fresh bandages. You took your katana out and cleaned it before putting it back into it's holder and put on your ninja pouch.

You walked to the main gates of Konoha and stood with Yamato. You put your hands in your pant pockets and waited patiently with a bored look on your face. Naruto, Sakura and Sai soon came. Naruto and Sakura looked at your arms and stomach. Your arms were littered with scars and your stomach had abs. Due to your trench coat covering most of your body, they never had seen your body on display until now. Your trench coat was always on. Naruto blushed and looked away. Sakura averted her eyes away from you. In some words, you looked hot. You all stood in silence until Yamato turned around. " Kakashi will now set out." Yamato declared. With that, team Kakashi started their mission. During the walk, all Naruto did was glare at Sai. Sakura was also looking at Sai. Yamato, Sai and you were just staring ahead. Sai turned to Naruto. "What is it? Please don't stare at me like that...i'll pound you." Sai said. "Hey! You tick me off with everything you say!" Naruto yelled. "I don't really mean it." Sai said with a closed eye smile. "You liar!" Naruto yelled pointing at Sai.

"I'm just trying to portray myself like that kind of character." Sai smiled. "Hm? Then you do mean it!" Naruto shouted. Team Kakashi stopped walking. "You really tick me off!" Naruto said glaring. "Hey! Don't be like that. Not in front of your captain, Naruto. I'm sure Kakashi taught you that trust and teamwork are most important in a team. You were on the same team as the great Kakashi...what's your problem?" Yamato said. You turned to Sai and made eye contact with him. You glared at him. He shuddered and looked away from you. "He's not a member of team Kakashi! The other member of our team Kakashi is...Sasuke!" Naruto shouted. He was right, Sai would never fill in the void left by Sasuke. "This guy was only chosen to cover the loss of Sasuke. I don't acknowledge him as a team member! You will never be Sasuke, no matter how much you may seem like him!" Naruto shouted. "Okay. That's actually easier for me. He betrayed the leaf and ran off to serve Orochimaru.  He's a traitorous snake. You're right, i'm nothing like him." Sai said looking down. You clenched your fists. You never wanted to hit someone this much before. He got on your nerves.

"Bastard!" Naruto said about to charge at Sai. Before he could, Sakura held her arm out stopping him. "Teamwork is indeed important. Sai, Naruto doesn't know you very well. So he may have been out of line. I'm sorry. Please forgive Naruto." Sakura said. You sighed. "It's good to know there's some level headed people in this team." You heard Yamato mumble. "Okay. That's fine with me." Sai said. Sakura gave him a close eyed smile. "Really? Thank goodness." She said. She kept on smiling at him and soon enough, Sai smiled back. As soon as he did though, Sakura punched him across the face. Sai fell back away from Sakura. "You can forgive don't have to forgive me." Sakura said. "That smile earlier actually looked sincere. I believed that fake smile of yours." Sai said wiping his mouth.

"And here you don't know anything about Sasuke. Don't you ever speak of him like that ever again! If you insult Sasuke again, i won't hold back." Sakura shouted. Naruto gulped from beside you. "Fine. I won't talk about him like that in front of you. So, that's another way of using a fake smile, huh? I'll be sure to remember that." Sai said smiling. "How can you smile like that?! You were just punched into next week?!" Naruto shouted. You stood on the sidelines and watched them fight and argue. "A smile is the best way to fool someone. Even if it's a fake smile." Sai said standing. He walked over and past Sakura. "Surprisingly enough, everyone gets fooled. That's what it said in the book. It seems i need to work on mine, though." Sai says. "You jerk!" Naruto says about to charge at Sai again.

"Four-pillar prison jutsu!" You heard Yamato shout. Wood sprouts from the ground, forming a large wooden cage. "I'll throw you guys in here if you continue fighting. We don't have much time before we have to get to the tenchi bridge. You guys will stay in here and review teamwork if this continues." Yamato explained. 'Wood style ninjutsu? This is the secret jutsu only known to the first hokage, Hashirama Senju. How does captain Yamato know how to use it?' You thought with furrowed eyebrows. "I can either toss you in this cell for a whole day, or we could go to a hot spring inn for the night. What do you choose? You guys don't know me that well at all either. I prefer the kind and gentle approach, but i'm not against controlling you by fear either." Yamato said with a scary look on his face.


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