Chapter 73

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*second person p.o.v.*

You saw someone land in a cloud of smoke beside Obito. You looked closer. When you saw who the person was, you gasped. "What?! Who is it?!" Naruto asked. "T-that's the actual Madara Uchiha." You stuttered. "Why? Why is that Madara over here?" Naruto asked. "Madara? You mean that Madara?" Kakashi also asked. "There's no doubt about it..." you mumbled. "What's happened to everyone over there?" Naruto shouted. Madara only mumbled to Obito. "I asked, what happened?!" Naruto demanded. Naruto's nine tails chakra increased. "I'm not sure, but i suspect...that none of them are doing too well." Madara replied. Naruto used his nine tails chakra and threw chakra rods at them. Madara blocked it with some jutsu. "Obito, did you launch the plan haphazardly before you even took in the eight tails and nine tails?" You heard Madara ask Obito.

'He knows about the plan. What is their relationship?' You thought. "You were hasty, Obito. Is that also why i was revived in the form? Well, knowing you...i'm sure you have something in mind. What have you been up to all this time? Where's Nagato? You were supposed to determine the appropriate moment and bring me back to life with Rinne Rebirth. That was the agreement." Madara said. "You tried to take advantage of Nagato?!" Naruto shouted. "He betrayed us. He used the jutsu to revive leaf villagers." Obito replied. "So that's how i was revived when i died and when pain attacked." You mumbled. "I can't depend on any of you. Well, no's still not too late. I'll capture the eight and nine tails!" Madara said. Naruto ran and jumped up with a mini beast bomb. "Dead men shouldn't go around messing things up!" Naruto yelled in anger. Madara stopped it with his weapon.

You covered your face from the upcoming rocks that blew past you due to the impact. Madara went to hit Naruto with his weapon. You got on your lightning armor and ran to Naruto. "Y/n! No!" Kakashi shouted. You ignored him and tapped Naruto in time. Your lightning armor wrapped around Naruto and protected him from the explosion. "A L/n? Hm. Nevermind that, i'll get the eight and nine tails. Obito, you take down those two. I'll take care of the L/n." Madara said. You stood up and ran over to Naruto. "You okay?!" You asked. "Yeah. I'm fine, thanks to your armor." Naruto smiled. You sighed in relief. Suddenly, Guy was thrown your way. Guy landed on the eight tails and you stood beside Naruto. A wooden dragon wrapped came and went after you both. You took out your katana and had your lightning armor back on. Naruto got into his nine tails chakra form and fought the wooden dragon.

The dragon wrapped around the nine tails chakra form. You jumped up on the wood dragon and stabbed your katana in it. Lightning surged through your katana and into the dragon. Naruto's nine tails chakra form bit into the dragon. The dragon roared and screeched loudly. The wood dragon flung you away and wrapped around the nine tails chakra form even tighter and squeezed him. You landed harshly and groaned out it pain. Madara ran towards you and slammed his weapon down. You rolled out of the way quickly and stood. You looked over to Naruto to see his nine tails chakra form was slowly disappearing. "Naruto!" You shouted. "Never let your guard down!" Madara shouted as he hit you with his weapon. You were slammed into the ground, creating a large crater. The impact was so damaging that your lightning armor faded off your body. "Y/n!" Guy shouted.

You shakily stood up and faced the smirking Madara. The bandages on your hands were long gone, your trench coat had rips and had dirt on it, your pants were also ripped and you had a bleeding head. You coughed out into your hand and brought it away to see blood. You saw your katana not so far away from you and grabbed it. "Y/n! No! Get away from him! You'll die!" Guy shouted. "I might as well die trying." You replied. "You should listen to the man, little girl." Madara said. Lightning armor covered your body once more. You raised your sword and lightning rushed down and collected itself into your blade. You aimed your katana at Madara and powerful lightning blasted out at Madara. Madara blocked it with his weapon.

Madara brought his weapon down and looked to see that it took some damage. "You're powerful for a child. But not enough to beat me." Madara said amused. You ran at him again and swung your katana down. He blocked it with his weapon. "Uchiha reflection." Madara smirked. You widened your eyes. An explosion that came from his weapon blew you away and you slammed into the ground again. As soon as you made contact with the ground, your lightning armor wore off. You lay there limp and staring at the sky. Your breathing got heavier and your vision blurred. "Y/n! Get up! Y/n!" Guy choked out. Guy was getting squeezed by wood, same as Bee and Naruto. You self healed yourself slowly. You had less than half of your chakra left. One of Naruto's shadow clones ran to you. "Y/n!" Naruto said. He kneeled beside you quickly. Naruto grit his teeth in anger.

He grabbed your hand and you felt your chakra slowly come back. "W-what are you d-doing, Naruto?" You stuttered. "I'm giving you some of my chakra. You need it." He said. "No, you need it more than me." You tried taking your hand away but he only held it tighter. "I'll never let my comrades die!" Naruto smiled. You gave him a small smile and slowly sat up. "You're right Naruto. Thank you." You said. Naruto gave you a bright smile in return. Naruto helped you stand. You bit your thumb and slammed your hand into the ground. "Summoning jutsu." You muttered. Raion appeared and looked down at you both. "Whoa. Your summoning is a lion?" Naruto said in awe. You nodded. "What do you need?" Raion smiled. "Go help the octopus wrapped in wood. Bite the wood off and be sure not to injure a man wearing a green jumpsuit." You said. He nodded and went over to them.

When Raion finished, he went back to you and looked at you with concern. "Hey, are you okay, Y/n?" Raion asked. "Do i look it?" You asked back. "No..." He replied. "Nevermind me, Raion, go back. You're not needed here any longer. I don't want you to get hurt." You said. "...okay." Raion hesitantly said. He poofed away. Naruto put you inside the nine tails chakra form and went beside the eight tails. You rested and sighed. 'I'll take this chance to perserve my chakra and rest.' You thought.


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