Chapter 8

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*second person p.o.v.*

"So now, the training begins!" Kakashi sensei announced. "Yes sir!" Everyone replied. "So...before that, let me explain chakra power for a ninja from the basics." Kakashi explained. "At this point..." Sasuke started. "Of course we know about that! Catra right?" Naruto questioned. "It's chakra..." you said while sighing. "Yes, Sakura?" Kakashi asked Sakura who was about to say something.

"Are you listening Naruto?! It's tiresome so i'll explain it simply! Chakra is an energy that a ninja needs when he uses a jutsu! It's made up of two energies: 1) physical energy gathered together from each and every cell in the body and 2) spiritual energy accumulated based on numerous trainings and experiences! In other words, jutsu wings out and combines these two energies from within the body and this is called 'combining the chakra.' Then chakra is activated by forming hand 'signs.'" Sakura explains.

"Yeah, didn't you listen when we learned this in class with Iruka sensei?" You asked Naruto. "Sakura you're exactly right! Iruka sensei really does have good students." Kakashi praised. "Whatever! I may not understand difficult explanations but i'll jusy learn it with my body!" Naruto retorted. "Naruto is absolutely right. We're already able to use jutsu." Sasuke agreed. "No! All of you haven't used chakra efficiently!" kakashi sensei told Naruto and Sasuke. "What?!" Naruto yelled. "No, Sakura explained earlier..." Kakashi explains what sakura said earlier and about how they need to learn how to control chakra.

"Then what will we be doing?" You asked. "Tree-climbing." He said. "Tree-climbing?!" Everyone questioned. "That's right. But it's not simple tree-climbing! You will climb without using your hands." Kakashi explained. You gave a confused look. "Huh? How are we supposed to climb without our hands?" You questioned. "Just watch." Kakashi replied. He did a hand sign and walked towards a tree, walking up it without using his hands. Kakashi stood upside down on a branch and looked at his team.

"Focus the chakra to the bottom of your feet and make them stick to the tree trunk. If you can use chakra well, you can do things like this." Kakashi explains. "Wait! How does something like that make you strong?" Sakura asked. "So this is the main point....the aim of this training is to accumulate the required amount of combined chakra to the required spot. This is suprisingly difficult even for an expert ninja." Kakashi kept on explaining about what the training was for. He threw four kunai infront of you. "Use that kunai to mark at the spot where you can climb up to under your own strength now." Kakashi said.

He then explained about how they were to use the kunai to make a mark further than the last one and to run to build up momentum. Everyone picked up their kunai and found a tree for them to climb. You found your tree and stood infornt of it. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. You focused your chakra into your feet and ran at the tree. You balanced the chakra throughout your feet and before you knew it you were on a branch hanging upside down like Kakashi sensei. You stabbed your kunai in the tree and looked over to see Sakura sitting on a branch. "This is pretty easy, right Sakura?" You said looking at her. "Yeah, it is easier than i thought!" Sakura exclaimed.

Everyone looked at you and Sakura. "Well, it looks like the girls have the best chakra control." Kakashi said. "Wow! Good job you guys!" Naruto shouted looking up at you. "Well, not only does Sakura and Y/n have knowledge about chakra, their control and stamina are pretty good. It looks like they might be closer in becoming hokage...unlike someone else." Kakashi was provoking Naruto. "And maybe the Uchiha clan isn't as great as they seem." Kakashi said to Sasuke.

"Shut up, sensei!" Sakura yells. "Sakura, i think it's best if you let Kakashi sensei be. He knows what he's doing. Now Naruto and Sasuke will try harder to improve." You whisper as you watched Naruto and Sasuke. "But sensei was mean to Sasuke." Sakura said. "It's for the best." You said as you patted her back. "You're probably right." Sakura said. "That's 'cause i am." You proudly said.


Everyone was training for a long time now and everyone was tired. You were panting, crouching down. You got up and climbed the tree again, and came down. "Y/n, how do you have so much stamina?" Sakura asks, worn out. "I don't know. I just want to get stronger so that keeps on pushing me to go further." You reply honestly. "I'm tired, can't get me wrong there, but if i want to protect Konoha and my family including you guys, i have to train. You can't get strong by starting nowhere. Training builds up stamina and makes you stronger." You say.

"That's true." Sakura says. "But i'm gonna stop with the tree-climbing here. I wanna work on my lightning armor. I need to work on it. Wanna help me?" You ask. "No sorry, i'm really tired. But you can ask Kakashi sensei." Sakura suggests. "Good idea." You agree. You walk over to Kakashi sensei. He looks at you and turns around. "What's up?" He asks. "The sky. Now i wanna ask you something." You say. "What is it?" He asks curious. "Can you help me with my lightning armor? I need to try some new experiments." You say. "Alright. Just don't kill me." He says. "No promises." You mumbled.

You both walked away deeper into the forest looking for a clearing. You and Kakashi sensei had finally found a nice clearing and stood in the middle of it. "So, what did you want to test out?" Kakashi sensei asks. "I've been wondering if i could pass my lightning armor to a different person." You say. "What do you mean? Like give your lightning armor to someone else?" He asks. "Yeah, i could give them my lightning armor and take it back. Like pass it on and back to me." You replied. "Hm. Maybe you could do the lightning armor jutsu and focus it on the other person?" Kakashi suggests. "Alright! Let's try it!" You exclaim.

You do the handsigns and feel the tingly sensation cover your body. "Sensei, grab my hand." You ask. He hesitantly grabs your hand and feels the tingly snesation cover his body. You focused your chakra flowing to Kakashi. You opened your eyes and saw that Kakashi had your lightning armor worked. "Yes! It worked! First try too!" You said jumping up and down. "Try and take the lightning armor back." Kakashi said. You nod and touch his hand, feeling the tingly sensation again, spread throughout your body. "Alright! Success!" You shout.

Kakashi said since you were tired, you and Sakura should go and guard Tazuna, so you agreed. "We will continue this tomorrow." He says. "Right!" You say. You walked back to Sakura to tell her to go with you to guard Tazuna. 'Y/n has a lot of chakra and she doesn't know it. Her chakra surpasses Sasuke's. Not enough to pass Naruto's, but she's not far behind. Naruto's chakra and Y/n's chakra are even greater than mine, and i'm a jonin. If Y/n gets proper training, she could maybe pass Naruto, or even me! I can tell, she'll be one powerful kunoichi. I look forward to watching team 7 grow up.' Kakashi thought as he watched you walk away.


HEY HEY HEY! Lol. If you haven't checked out my other story: Island Devils, it's a AoT Various! x reader -a rewrite of 'the moon is beautiful, isn't it?'. If you're interested, please go check it out! Go to the next chapter to find out more about Y/n's mom!


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