Chapter 20

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*second person p.o.v.*

The window broke, shattering into a thousand small shards of glass as a purple haired lady crashed through the window, throwing up a banner in the process. "You guys! This isn't the time to be celebrating! I'm the proctor for the second exam! Anko Mitarashi! Let's move onto the next stage! Follow me!" Anko shouted. You couldn't help but look at her chest. 'They sure are big...' you thought. Ibiki peeked out from behind the banner that was hung up by Anko. "You're early...." Ibiki pointed out. Anko blushed in embarrassment. You studied Anko and she reminded you of someone.

"Heh. She's almost like Naruto." You mumbled aloud. "78?! Ibiki! You let 26 teams slide by?" Anko asked looking at Ibiki in disbelief. "You're getting too soff, Ibiki." Anko told Ibiki. "This year seems like the candidates are special." Ibiki replied. "We'll see about that. After they're finished with me, more than half of them will have dropped out! Hm, i'm getting excited. I'll give you the details tomorrow. We're switching locations, so get the information from your jonin about the location and time! That's it! You're dismissed." Anko explained.


You sighed out in relief as you walked through your house door. "I'm home!" You called out as you took off your shoes. Your mom approached you in the doorway. "Hey! Glad to see you're still in one piece!" Your mom said. Your dad peeked out from behind your mother and smiled. "So? How was the first exam? Who was your proctor?" He asked. "We had a written test first. And our proctor was Ibiki sensei. Ibiki Morino." You said as you walked into the dining room. Your parents followed.

"Ibiki? That interrogation specialist? That guy specializes in torture. Physically and mentally." Your mother said in disbelief. "Yep. Ibiki Morino. The test was to see how well you could cheat without getting caught. How well you could gather information based on your surroundings." You explained. "Wow. Did you pass?" Your dad asked handing you a bowl of food he made. You took a bite and swallowed. "Yep! My second exam proctor is someone named Anko Mitarashi. The second exam is also taking place in 'the forest of death.' Scary name if you ask me." You shrugged.

"Goodluck, Y/n. You'll need it." Your mom said eating beside you. "Maybe. But i know for sure that me and my team will pass it. We have good teamwork and everyone in my team is pretty strong." You explained. "Oh! Y/n, you haven't told us who your teammates are." Your dad told you. "Ah, well, you met one two of them already, but i'll tell you about them and their special talents. #1 Sasuke Uchiha. As you heard in the name, he's an Uchiha. So he has the sharingan. He's also the little brother of Itachi Uchiha and son of the chief of police back then i'm pretty sure. As you know, his brother massacred his whole clan except him and i'm guessing Sasuke wants revenge. He might go blind with revenge as he grows older. I think it gets stronger every day." You told sighing.

"#2 Naruto Uzumaki. His parents were Kushina Uzumaki and Minato Namikaze, also known as the nine tails before Naruto and the fourth hokage. Naruto has the nine tails sealed within him so he has an immense amount of chakra and can become way stronger with proper training and maybe training to control the nine tails, which i doubt will happen since it's the nine tails we're talking about here." You continued as you put your bowl in the sink, washing it.

"#3 Sakura Haruno. I don't know much about her parents, but she's part of the Haruno clan -obviously. She's really smart and has great chakra control, but she lacks in any special jutsu or ninjutsu. She's the one who keeps everyone in check, along with the help of me. Although, she gets annoying when she fangirls over Sasuke." You say sitting down once more with a glass of juice. You take a big sip and set it down.

"#4 Kakashi Hatake. As mom knows, he was apart of the old team 7, containing Minato Namikaze, Obito Uchiha, Rin Nohara, Kakashi Hatake and M/n L/n. Sadly, his whole team, except him and Mom, passed away after some tragic events. Kakashi isn't an Uchiha, but he holds the power of the sharingan in one eye, is an elite jonin, and former anbu black ops member." You explained.

"Last but not least, me, Y/n L/n. People say i'm smart and have strong jutsu. I think i'm pretty dumb, but that's not the point. I have lightning armor which is very useful and i have pretty decent combat skills. I'm the daughter of M/n and F/n L/n, who are well known in the land of lightning and Konoha. I also have a great amount of knowledge on people, which comes in handy." You finish.

"Wow! I bet when you're all older, you'll be a very powerful team. An Uchiha, Uzumaki, L/n, Hatake and Haruno in one group." Your father commented. "The only thing i'm mostly worried about is Sasuke's desire for revenge. If he gets blinded by it, who knows what he'll do?" Your mom said looking at you in concern. "I know Sasuke. He won't do it. After he kills his brother, what will that bring him? It won't bring back his parents and clan. There'll be nothing left after he kills him and i think Sasuke knows that. Killing Itachi might bring him joy, which i doubt will, but it'll probably only last a second." You said looking down at your lap.

"Hm. Maybe. Only time will tell." Your dad patted your back. You nodded in agreement. "Yeah, Y/n. Don't get so worried." A familiar voice said. You looked behind you to see Kakashi sensei. "Oh, hey Kakashi!" You waved. He walked over and sat down. "Y/n, you should get to bed, i just want to speak with your parents about the letter from your grandparents." Kakashi said. You nodded and said goodnight, getting ready for bed. You did your night routine and layed in bed, staring at the ceiling once more. You closed your eyes and fell into a dreamless sleep.


Sorry for the long-ish chapter!


(1069 words)

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