Chapter 16

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*second person p.o.v.*

Everyone looked at Kakashi in confusion. "You guys are free to decide whether or not if you want to take the exam." Kakashi explained. Naruto ran up to Kakashi and hugged him. "I love you Kakashi sensei!" Naruto says clinging onto Kakashi. "Hey, cut it out. You're going to wrinkle my jacket." Kakashi says setting Naruto down. "Only those who want to take the exam, sign the application and come to room 301 of the academy at 3:00 p.m. five days from now..." Kakashi tells.

You were walking home when suddenly your 'father' jumped down infront of you. "Hey dad. What's up?" You say hiding your suspicion. "I heard you want to take the chunin exam. Is that true?" He asks. "Yeah. I do want to." You reply. "Are you sure? You could die-" he was cut off by you. "Cut the crap. You think i'm that dumb? You're clearly not my dad. And persuading me not go to the chunin exam is useless. I want to go and no one can say anything." You say as you walk away.

"Hmph. Looks like the kid might have what it takes." The stranger said as he transformed out of his disguise. You walked away and bumped into Sasuke. "Hey." He says. "Sup." You respond. "Did you have an encounter with a stranger trying to get you not to take the chunin exam?" He suddenly asks. "Yep. Did you?" You say looking at him. "Yeah, i did too. I wonder what they wanted." He thought aloud. "Who knows?" You shrug.

You and Sasuke were walking back together. "Have you decided whether or not you'll take the chunin exam?" Sasuke asks breaking the silence. "I most definitely will. I really want to become a chunin." You say excitedly. "I probably will too. I would like to take the chunin exam." Sasuke replies. "That's nice." You say. The air was filled with awkward silence. "Do you want to go to the spot with the koi fish?" You ask. "Sure." He says.

"Then let's go!" You say taking off, Sasuke not far behind. You and Sasuke finally made it and sat down panting. "I won." You say as you flop down. "No, i did." Sasuke says flopping down beside you. "I made it here a second before you did." You say proudly. "That's because you had a head start." Sasuke says looking at you. "Oh well. I made it first and i won. There's nothing you can do about it." You say crossing your arms. Sasuke rolls his eyes and looks at the clouds from above.

Your eyes felt droopy. Before you knew it, you had fell asleep. Sasuke looks over at you about to say something but stops when he sees you sleeping. Sasuke picked you up bridal style and walked back into the village and knocked on your door. Your father opened the door and let Sasuke in. Sasuke set you on your bed and watched you sleep. Not in a creepy way. He was admiring you. "It's true love." Someone whispered. "Honey, shhh." Another whispered. Sasuke turned around in confusion.

"Why are you spying on me?" Sasuke asks suspiciously. "We think you guys would look cute together when you're older." Your mom whispered. Sasuke blushed furiously and looked away. "Did you see that?! He blushed! So cute!" Your mom squealed. "Honey, why don't we leave them be for now. No funny business." And with that, your parents walked out. Sasuke tucked you in and hesitantly tucked your hair behind your ear. He left after saying goodbye to your parents and leaving a note on your night stand.


You woke up in a soft bed. Bed. What-? You sat up and rubbed your eyes. You looked around and saw a note on your night stand.


You fell asleep last night while we were at your
secret spot so i took you home. Don't worry,
Your parents knew about this and let me in,
So don't freak out if you find out i was in your
Room. I tucked you in and left soon after.



The note said. You brought your hands up to your face and felt it was hot. You were blushing. 'No. This can't be happening. I said i only thought of Sasuke as a friend. That's all, nothing more, nothing less. Then why do i blush over small things like this? Maybe it's just me. I don't like Sasuke. Only as a friend.' You thought shaking your head.

*timeskip to when they take the chunin exam*

You got up and changed into your ninja attire and met Naruto and Sasuke infront of the academy. "Hey Y/n!" Naruto yelled. "Sup Naruto." You say standing beside him. "Are you excited for the chunin exam?" You ask. "Sure am! I hope I'll be a chunin after this!" He shouted pumping his fist. You giggled. Finally, Sakura had made it. "Hey Sakura! You finally made it!" Naruto yells. She walks over. "Goodmorning, Sasuke." Sakura greeted, sounding off.

"Eh? What's wrong, Sakura? You sound a bit off." You point out. "N-no it's fine, i'm fine. Just a bit tired i guess." Sakura says, not sounding so sure. You narrow your eyes at her then smile. "Alright. Whatever you say." You reassure. She was lying. Something was definietly wrong, but you decided to leave it.

You all walked into the academy to see a crowd formed. There were two 'kids' standing infront of room '301' telling everyone what happened to people who took the chunin exam. Lies. Everything they were saying were lies. "A just arguement. However, you will let me through. And can you also undo this barrier created with genjutsu?" Sasuke asks walking up to them. "Yeah. Why is everyone here? This is the second floor, right? None of you noticed that? Room 301 is on the third floor." You say furrowing your eyebrows and looking at everyone.

"Well, well." One of them say. "So you both noticed eh?" The other asks. Sasuke turned to Sakura. "Sakura, you should be the first one who noticed, right?" Sasuke asks. "Y-yeah." She replies breaking out of a trance. "Of course! I realized it ages ago! Y/n's right, this is the second floor!" Sakura says confidently. The genjutsu was undone and changed into room 201. "Well, not bad...but all you've done was catch on. Right?!" The one with the orange nose says. He jumps up and was about to land a kick on Sasuke who was also about to kick him.

A boy with bushy brows and a bowl haircut stops the two of them before they could collide. "He's fast." You mumbled. The boy with the bushy brows let both of their legs go as his teammates walk over to talk with him. The same boy looks over at you and Sakura blushing. He walks up to the both of you. "My name's Rock Lee. Your name's Sakura, yes?" Rock Lee asks. "Huh?" Sakura looks at him confused. "Please go out with me! I'll protect you until i die!" Rock Lee says with his thumb up blushing. "Absolutely not. You're too...weird." Sakura says, grossed.

Rock Lee looks down sadly then looks up happy again. He walks up to you and takes both of your hands in his blushing. "Will you go out with me?!" Rock Lee asks. "A-ah, i'm sorry, but i'm not looking to date yet. You can find someone better than me." You stutter, smiling sheepishly. "Oh." He looks down again. You give him an apologetic look. "Then when you're ready to date, i'll ask you out!" He says giving you a thumbs up. "O-oh uh, that's not what i meant-" you were cut off by Sasuke taking Rock Lee's hands out of yours.

Eh? Before you could say anything, Rock Lee's teammates walk over. "Hey, you there." The boy with brown long hair says. "Identify yourself." He demanded. "When asking someone his name, give your own first." Sasuke said turning to them. "You're.....a rookie, right? How old are you?" The boy with brown long hair asks. "I am not obliged to answer." Sasuke responded. "What..?" The boy with brown long hair says as Sasuke walked away. "Now then! Y/n, Sasuke, Naruto, let's go!" Sakura exclaimed as she grabbed Naruto and Sasuke's hands. Sasuke quickly grabbed yours and walked down the hallway.

"This years chunin exam will be filled with many powerful people..." you say worried. "Don't worry Y/n! You're strong and you got us with you! We have your back!" Naruto reassures. You smile at him. "Yeah, you're right Naruto! With you guys at my side, i'm sure we'll accomplish many things!" You exclaim. You look at you team. "We'll do everything together. Teamwork for the win, right?" You ask hopefully. "Of course!" Sakura smiled.

Sasuke rolled his eyes and looked away, but softly smiled. "Yeah. Definietly. We'll get through things together." Sasuke says. Naruto smiles brightly. "For sure!" Naruto says. You smile once more. "Then let's get through the chunin exam!" You say as you pumped your fist determind. "Yeah!" Naruto says also pumping his fist.

As you were walking, someone shouts from behind you. "Hey, you with the attitude! Wait a minute!" Rock Lee shouts. Everyone turns around confused. "What is it?" Sasuke asks. "Why don't you fight with me here now?"


Rock lee deserves better 😔✊🏼.


(1580 words)

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