Chapter 70

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*second person p.o.v.*

They ran at you with their katanas out. Before they could close in on you, you jumped up and dodged their attacks. You landed and ran at them again. You aimed your katana at you mother. Just as it was about to make contact with your mother, you felt your fathers presence behind you. Lightning armor made it's way around your body and stopped his attack. Your mother swerved your katana and jumped away. You kicked your father away and fell on the ground. You kicked yourself off the ground and did hand signs. But just as you were about to make the final hand sign, your father came running at you. You jumped up in the air again and finished making hand signs. "Lightning style: thunderstorm!" You shouted. The clouds from above turned grey and striked your parents from below. You landed and ran at you parents.

As you were about to strike them both, lightning armor also formed around their bodies. The fight went on and you were winning. "You've gotten strong Y/n!" Your father said. Your parents were both trying to chop off your head off, but you ducked down and punched them both in the stomach. They both flew and hit trees. You panted and wiped sweat off your forehead. You stood straight and grabbed your katana that was lodged into the ground. You walked to your mother who was recovering from your punch. You swung your katana up. "Y/n, it was fun fighting you." Your mother smiled. "Yes. I admit it was." You smiled back. "I love you, so so much. And i will watch you from above. I hope i'm never reanimated again. I'd rather relax up in the heavens." Your mother said. "I love you too. Goodbye, mother." You said. "Goodbye, Y/n." She smiled softly as your blade cut her head off. You took her head off the ground and just as you did, foosteps were heard. You turned around quickly and sliced your father in half.

"You have fast reflexes." Your father said. "Thanks. That's what grandpa told me." You said. "Well, i guess this is the end. You entertained me...i haven't had that much fun in forever." You father chuckled. "Hm. Well, i need to slice your head off and take it away from your body to the sealing corps. I also had fun fighting you. Goodbye, father." You said. "Bye, Y/n. Love you." Your father smiled. "I love you too. Now go watch me up from above with mother." You said with a single tear rolling down your face. You sliced his head off and picked it up from the ground. You looked up into the sky and smiled. "Until next time, mother, father." You said. "Y/n!" You heard from above you. You looked behind you to see Kakashi, Guy sensei, Sai and others up flying on Sai's ink made birds. "Hey! I need you to seal up my parents, Sai!" You shouted. Sai landed beside you. You watched your parents get sealed up and away. Kakashi put a hand on your shoulder. "I'm sure they're resting peacefully now." Kakashi said. "Yeah...peacefully." You said.

You mounted one of Sai's ink birds and took flight. As you were admiring the sky, you heard a voice. "Kakashi, Guy, Y/n...listen up. I wanted to give you advance notice. Naruto and Bee are heading to the battlefront. It seems nothing worked to convince Naruto. So, we're going to use this opportunity to turn this war around! Over and out!" Inoichi said. "So, Naruto finally got out, huh? Things are getting interesting." You said amused. "Naruto got out?" Sai asked. "Yeah, seems like it. It's funny how this war is to protect Naruto and Bee, the two jinchuriki, but there they go, about to go fight on the front lines." You sighed. "It's Naruto. He's stubborn." Sai said. "Yeah, i know. I expected him to join soon anyways." You replied.


You, Kakashi and Guy sensei ran to Naruto's rescue. You and Guy sensei tried to attack Madara but your attacks only went through him. Kakashi scooped up Naruto and set him down. You and Guy sensei jumped back with Kakashi and Naruto. "Y/n, Kakashi sensei and Bushier brow sensei!" Naruto said relieved. "Hey, Naruto." You greeted. "Three more joining the party isn't going to change anything. Not against my visual prowess and power of the tailed beasts." Madara said turning his head. "We've got sharingan on our side too." Kakashi said. "As well as the noble green beast of the leaf!" Guy added. "Not to mention a L/n." You said. Naruto directed his attention back to Madara. "Oh! Him! He's got a sharingan and a rinnegan that are linked left eye to right eye...and...! And there's a rod sticking out of the left side of the chest...and...!" Naruto rushed. "Calm down. You're not making any sense." Guy said.

"The right eye is sharingan. The left eye is rinnegan. And he has the same rod pain had in his left chest. So i see." Kakashi said. "Gotta hand it to you, Kakashi. Your skills of deduction are impressive!" Guy complimented. The ground around you started to shake. You all turned your heads to see one of the tailed beasts running towards you four. "Here it comes!" You shouted. "From the number of's five tails!" Naruto said. "Leaf rock crush!" Guy said as he broke off the rock on Naruto's back. The five tails ran at the eight tails but it seemed it was actually headed to Madara. Before it could jump on Madara, chains wrapped around its neck and the tailed beast fell in front of you all. The eight tails closed his hand shut around Madara. "There! He got him!" Guy shouted. "I don't think so." You said. Madara walked out from the eight tails fist.

"Why would he supress the tailed beast's powers?" Guy asked. "I don't know. He doesn't seem to have the tailed beast completely under his control. Maybe that's why..." Kakashi trailed off. All of the tailed beast's went behind Madara. "They're coming!" You shouted. You, Kakashi and Guy ran at them with your special attacks and fought one. The one you were fighting, pushed you back with their tails. You landed beside Kakashi and Guy. "They're not using any of pain's jutsu!" Guy shouted. "Maybe...they can't." Kakashi said. "Maybe he's shrewd enough not to waste any chakra on pain's justu since we already know how to counter them!" Guy replied.

"Yeah. In order to control the six tailed beasts with just his visual prowess, he must use an enormous amount of chakra." Kakashi said. "Gotta hand it to you, Kakashi sensei! There's your deductive skill again!" Naruto said while fighting three tailed beast. The ground shook again and two of the beasts changed into it's original form. You, Kakashi and Guy fell and landed in front of the six tails. Lightning armor formed around your body and you took out your katana.


Can't wait to introduce Y/n's new jutsu 😼😼


(1196 words)

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