Chapter 85

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*second person p.o.v.*

In front of you, stood the sage of the six paths and the tailed beasts surrounding you all in a circle. "Naruto, who's this?" You heard Sakura whisper. "Six paths super gramps! Which means..." Naruto had trailed off at the end. "That's right. You're back in your world through a summoning performed by all prior five kage together. I called all of the previous five kage from the afterworld to help. Naruto, Sasuke...and the rest of you...excellent work saving the world." The six paths super gramps smiled. "Six path super gramps?" Sakura questioned. "Are you by any chance the legendary...?" Kakashi also questioned. "I am Hagoromo Otsutsuki. Also known as the sage of the six paths." Hagoromo replied.

"No're levitating." Sakura said. "At this point, nothing shocks me anymore." You sighed. Sakura nodded in agreement. "So you are the one, after all. Summoning the past five kage here and...being able to bring the tailed beasts and us back from the other're probably the only person who could perform such godly actions." Kakashi said. "Are you Kakashi Hatake?" Hagoromo asked. "Oh...yes." Kakashi replied. "Good job guiding everyone and sealing my mother away. That truly was the work of gods." Hagoromo said. "Oh, no. I hardly played any part at all. It was these four and many comrades. And...a former friend also lent me strength." Kakashi looked down. "That's why i said you guided everyone well. Despite losing your way, you remained Naruto's teacher and Obito's friend. Or else, you likely wouldn't have succeeded in stopping my mother." Hagoromo said.

"Hey! Kurama!" Naruto waved. "Were you lonely being seperated from me? I missed you!" Naruto shouted running over to Kurama. "Don't talk so loud! I wasn't lonely. You have half of me inside you...remember?" Kurama shouted. Son Goku laughed from beside him and Hagoromo chuckled. "Just look at Kurama, all embarrassed and flustered! But this is exactly what i had once envisioned. That there would one day be a shinobi, who would move even the tailed beasts to cooperate." Hagoromo said. "Even Obito was Naruto's doing...he restored Obito." Kakashi said. "I see...then i shall ask Obito to tell me the tale in the afterworld. Is he still...?" Hagaoromo replied. Kakashi suddenly fell back due to exhaustion. Sakura caught Kakashi before he fell. "Kakashi sensei!" Sakura exclaimed.

"Sakura...thank you." Kakashi said. "Kakashi, your eyes." You gestured to your eyes. " of today, Kakashi of the sharingan is no more." Kakashi replied. "Madara was a jinchuriki. Even if it was temporary...emptied of the tailed beasts, he won't last long." Hagoromo said. "It's his fault for trying to use such things." Sasuke said. "Sasuke, Naruto...behold, the end of your predecessors. You should watch this closely." Hagoromo said. You looked over at Madara and Hashirama. You listened to Madara's final words before he passed away. "This is the perfect moment. I will release the jutsu, free the five kages and those under the reanimation." Hagoromo said. Naruto jumped over to his father. You looked up at the sky as the sun rose. Naruto spoke with his father as Minato slowly left.

Before he left, he looked over at you. "Don't worry, Y/n! I'll tell them everything! I'm sure they're proud of you." Minato smiled. "Thank you so much lord fourth!" You waved and smiled. You knew who he was talking about. Your parents, of course. You looked over at Naruto to see him crying. "We're leaving the rest to you, Kakashi, Y/n, Sakura....Sasuke and Naruto." Lord third said before he too, disappeared back into the afterworld. Hashirama and Tobirama had also left soon after. "So the great ninja war is finslly over now." Sakura said. "Yes. All that's left is..." Kakashi trailed off. "Naruto and Sasuke....i asked you before. After battling my mother Kaguya, is there any change to the answers you gave me?" Hagoromo turned to Naruto. "My answer's the same. And i'm sorry super gramps, but there is one thing i feel strongly after fighting Kaguya...i'm really glad that Kushina Uzumaki was my mom. Kaguya was different than anyone i've ever battled. It's like she didn't have a heart at all." Naruto said.

"It's said my mother Kaguya started off as a beloved goddess of the people. I do not know for sure what caused her to transform into a being that came to be called a demon. I suspect something was triggered the moment she devoured the chakra fruit. In any case, you are not like my mother. I trust you not to become like her even with all the tailed beast chakra within you. Now then, all that's left undo the infinite tsukuyomi." Hagoromo replied. "But how, specifically? Do you need our powers?" Kurama asked. "No, you're fine. Naruto has the chakra of every tailed beast. And Sasuke possesses the rinnegan. If they both weave the sign for rat simultaneously, the jutsu will be undone." Hagoromo explained. "What? That's it? It's so simple." Kurama said. "I researched thoroughly how to undo mother's infinite tsukuyomi. There's no mistake. Now then, the rest is up to you, Sasuke." Hagoromo looked over at Sasuke.

"Yes...but first, i'm executing the current five kage inside the infinite tsukuyomi." Sasuke said. Kakashi and Sakura's eyes widened. "What did you just say, Sasuke? What about the five kage?" Kakashi asked. "Oh, and...i'm putting all you tailed beasts under my control....and eventually, i'll get rid of you as well." Sasuke added. "What did you say?!" Kurama was about to attack Sasuke but he stopped him with his rinnegan. All it took was a single glance at the tailed beasts, and they were immediately thrown into a genjutsu. "Naruto, it has ended up as i expected. I have no choice but to leave the rest to you. I cannot stay in this world any longer. I shall soon fade away." Hagoromo said. "Yeah, and sorry for saying this, six paths super gramps....but we won't end up like your sons. I'm not Ashura. And Sasuke isn't Indra either." Naruto replied. "Sasuke! Is this what your current dream is? Are you saying you're still seeking vengeance?" Kakashi asked.

"I admit, at one time, all i wished for was destruction, and vengeance was my goal. But i feel differently now. I want to destroy and rebuild. A village no longer shrouded in darkness. I'll reform the shinobi world. What i'm touting is...revolution!" Sasuke answers. "Revolution?!" Kakashi exclaimed. Sasuke weaved a hand sign. "Catastrophic planetary devestation!" Sasuke shouted. The ground beneath you broke off and flew up to the tailes beasts, trapping them in a rock ball. Once things stopped, Naruto junped back down. "Nope...all sibling squabbling ends right here!" Naruto said. 'Sasuke, what the hell? Why are you doing this? I thought things would go back to normal...but i guess not.' You thought. "Let the tailed beasts go. They've finally gained freedom. I'm friends with them, so i know. They won't cause trouble anymore." Naruto tried to reason with Sasuke.

"Naruto, you don't seem to get it. You're now the jinchuriki of all the tailed beasts. Which means i plan to eventually get rid of the tailed beast chakra inside of you too. In other words, you're going to die, Naruto. Out of necessity. If what the sage said was true, there's no need to use the tailed beast power inside you to release the infinite tsukuyomi. I can take advantage of the tailed beasts that i captured. I'll let them live until then." Sasuke explains. "You know i won't let you do that, right?" Naruto asked. "I guess i'll have to deal with you first, Naruto." Sasuke said. "You haven't changed at all, Sasuke. Darkness, power, superiority, control. It truly saddens me. From my perspective, that's all you desire. And just as i was warming up to you. This is why i got trust issues in the first place." You muttered the last part, hoping no one heard you. Sasuke glanced back at you with anger. "I have changed." He clenched his teeth. "Oh? How so?" You raised a brow in question. Sasuke's anger only rose, but he remained quiet. "There's your answer. You even know it yourself. You're smart, after all." Naruto couldn't help but smirk at your remark.


Timeskip between here and the next chapter becuz i'm lazy.


(1415 words)

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