Chapter 79

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*second person p.o.v.*

You watched lord third fight with Obito. Kuro left a while ago and you had released the L/n jutsu not too long ago. Your body was weak and you were tired. You put a hand to your head and rubbed your temples. "Are you okay, Y/n?" Sasuke asked. "I'm fine...the L/n jutsu just took a toll on me." You waved a hand in dismissal. "Are you sure?" Naruto asked. "Y-yeah." You mumbled. As you were standing, you felt your legs give into exhaustion. Sasuke caught you before you fell. "Whoa, Y/n, you need to rest. Where's Katsuyu?" Minato said looking around. You tried to push Sasuke's arms away but he only held you tighter.

"I'm fine." You mumbled. "No you're not. We'll get Katsuyu soon. Just let me help you." Sasuke said firmly. "I... fine." You sighed. Sasuke tried to move you into a comfortable position and touched your stomach while doing so. You stared at him calmly as you watched him freak out. "S-sorry." He looked away with a blush. "Why are you freaking out? It's not that big of a deal." You were genuinely curious as to why he was freaking out about touching you. Naruto and Minato smirked in sync and gave eachother a glace before looking back at you two. "And why are you two smirking?" You asked. "It's nothing, Y/n." Naruto snickered behind his hand.

*mini timeskip :)*

Katsuyu hadn't healed you yet, but you felt better already. You got out of Sasuke's arms and stretched. "Y/n, are you okay now?" Naruto asked. "Yeah. I feel better." You replied. Your attention focused back on Obito. "I guess i'll have to make an opening with my rasen-flash super-circle dance howl stage three..." Minato said. "What type of name is that?" You asked. "You're bit of a comedian, aren't you? I'd normally make fun of your jutsu names...except this guy we're facing is absolutely no joke." Tobirama glanced at Minato. Naruto and Sasuke suddenly started running at Obito. "Those idiots." You sighed. "Sasuke! Naruto! I said i would create an opening for you!" Minato shouted after them. "I'll do it!" Sasuke shouted back. "No, we will do it! We'll let dad and the others be the main act!" Naruto argued back. You face palmed.

"Y/n, this may be much to ask from you, but if i tell you to go help them, could you?" Minato nervously asked. "Of course. What kind of friend would i be to them if i didn't?" You replied. "Them? Friend? Y/n, you and Sasuke are more than friends. I can tell it's love." Minato said. "Maybe.... but it'll be some time before i let him in again." You replied. "He loves you." Minato looked over at you. "I know." You said. "And you love him." Minato smiled. "Sure." You shrugged, keeping your eyes on Naruto and Sasuke. "Okay, enough of love talk. Let's go, fourth. A clone's flying rajin is much slower. Let's combine and reciprocate our flying rajin. Go ahead and put your marking on me." Tobirama put his marking on Minato.

"Yes sir! Plus, with these bodies, we can still move after being hit!" Minato said putting his mark on Tobirama. "I'll just stand by and watch, for now." You shrugged. They both nodded and used their flying rajin jutsu, and you saw Obito get attacked by them. Black flames rose up into the sky from their attack. "All right!" Naruto exclaimed. "Did they get him?!" Gamakichi asked. The flames cleared to show that Obito was fine. "No. I guess they didn't." You replied. Obito started floating off the ground. "What a pain." Sasuke muttered before running back to Obito.

"Y/n, has your chakra fully come back yet? Do you feel better?" Naruto asked. "Yeah, almost." You replied. "Then come on!" He exclaimed. You sighed. "All right." You and Naruto ran after Sasuke and landed beside him behind the second and fourth hokage. "I have come to possess the same power as the founder of shinobi. You can no longer measure me to the standards you are used to." Obito said.

"Don't tell me, your jutsu...!" Tobirama said shocked. "What does he mean by the same power as the founder of shinobi?" Minato asked. "Fourth....try not to get injured again, even wih our reanimated bodies....he's probabaly using a jutsu based on shadow and light styles that nullify all ninjutsu. In other words, if he destroys our bodies....we'll be unable to regenerate and we'll die! Also...assume that right arm of yours is permanently gone." Tobirama replied.

"Aren't they already dead?" You whispered. "If that's the case, we'll need to fight him more carefully...but since ninjutsu won't work on him, this will be tricky. How about physical attacks?" Minato said. "Let's try it out." Tobirama replied. "Y/n, Sasuke..." Naruto said. "What?" You and Sasuke glanced at Naruto. "We're going to have to take the lead. Think you both can keep up?" Naruto replied.

"Who do you take me for? Don't think i can't keep up." You scoffed. "Don't underestimate the Uchiha." Sasuke said. "All right! I'll up my Kurama mode and go into tailed beast state!" Naruto exclaimed. His glowing cloak suddenly disappeared. "Huh?" He questioned dumbfounded. "Don't make things worse than they already're as goofy as your father. So much that even he's dumbfounded." Tobirama said. "S-sorry." Naruto stammered. Gamakichi from behind you shot out a sticky syrup aimed at Obito. Naruto asked Gamakichi why he did that and Gamakichi answered with he did it because his time limit for him being there. Naruto thanked Gamakichi before he poofed away. "Obito, i thought you wanted to become hokage. Why are you doing this?" Minato said.

"You want to know why? Lecturing me now? Isn't it a bit late for that... sensei? You're always too late when it matters most. I'm glad my teacher was a hokage. It made it easy to give up on becoming hokage. Even though you were my teacher, you didn't realize it was me. That's just who you are fundamentaly. How died a heroic hokage, but now you're being exposed as a disgrace in front of your son. That's right. A hokage is a pitiful existence... compared to what i am now." Obito said. 'What's pathetic is that he started all of this over a 13 year old crush.' You thought. Naruto made the rasengan from beside you. "You have no right to make fun of a hokage when you couldn't even become one yourself. Especially my dad...who actually became hokage." Naruto spat. Tobirama came up behind Naruto and used flying rajin on him.

They teleported above Obito and slammed the rasengan down on his back. "How dare you put him down!" Naruto yelled. "That worked?! Why? How?" Sasuke asked. "Sage mode works. That toad Gamakichi from earlier, when he shot out that syrup, his attack wasn't nullified." You explained. Obito slammed into the ground and made rocks fly over. You covered your face from the wind. It soon stopped and Naruto and Tobirama landed back down where you three were. "Sage moves will work!" Naruto smiled. "Sage powers?" Minato questioned. "The toad attacks are sage jutsu...they use nature energy. Come to think of it, when i tried to sense the ten tails' power, it was nature energy itself. So you can counter nature energy with nature energy. Not that i really understand it. I'm just glad i learned sage jutsu! All right! Next up is frog kumite!" Naruto explained.

"It clearly worked, but he's recovered already, and now he's guarding his back." Tobirama said. Obito put his hands on the ground and up came a tree. "There is nothing worth saving in this reality. This world is already dead." Obito said. The four giant, ugly red flowers up on the tree made giant beast bombs. "It would take on person per each of those to teleport away using flying rajin. The fourth and i can get two of them, but that leaves two others! Impossible! Where's elder brother?" Tobirama said.

Obito shot out four red chakra rods (or spikes) in six different spots. A barrier formed around the allied shinobi force. "How the hell are we to get out of this predicament?" You clench your jaw, furrowing your brows. You felt a hand touch your face and smooth out the wrinkles due to your furrowed brows. "Relax your face. You'll get wrinkles." Sasuke muttered. His face was so close to yours. His eyes momentarily wandered to your lips and back to your eyes.

"What are you doing?" You asked. He backed away and looked ahead, rubbing your head affectionately. "Just relax. That's all." He glanced back at you with a smile which made your heart melt. You just fell in love with him all over again. You looked away from him with a small blush. 'She's so cute.' Sasuke thought.


(1507 words)

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