Chapter 68

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*second person p.o.v.*

All the shinobi around you chatted and murmured among themselves. "Are you okay, Guy sensei?" Rock lee asked the passed out Guy sensei. Sakura was healing him while you shook your head. "We haven't even fought yet, what happened?" Sakura asked. Everyone soon went quiet and looked up at Gaara. More murmurs went on in the crowd about trust. They insulted eachother and went on about the past. A hidden mist and hidden cloud member fought in front of you. You got inbetween them and grabbed the two by the collars. "This is the allied shinobi force! We're supposed to cooperate here." You said harshly. They gulped and nodded. You dropped them and walked back to where Sakura and lee were. "In the name of gain and profit for one's nation and village...shinobi have hated and hurt each other for many years, from the first to the third great ninja wars. That hatred cried out for power, and thus, i was born. In the past, i too was hatred and power...i was a jinchuriki." Gaara got the attention of everyone.

"And i hated this world and the humans in it and thought about destroying them. This is exactly what the Akatsuki are trying to do now. However...a single shinobi from the hidden leaf stopped me. He cried for me, his enemy! We wounded eachother in battle but he called me his friend! He saved me! We were both enemies, but we were both jinchuriki...when we share and experience the same pain, there can be no bad blood! No one is an enemy here! Because we all bear the pain of having been hurt by the Akatsuki. The sand...the stone...the leaf...the mist...the cloud are no more! Now, there is only...shinobi!" Gaara shouted. Everyone was left shocked and touched by his words. "If you still cannot forgive the sand, after this war is over, you can speak with me! The enemy is now after my friend who saved me! If he falls into the enemy hands, this world is finished! I want to protect my friend! And i want to protect this world! But i am much too young, too inexperienced to protect this world! So i beg you all to lend me your strength!" Gaara shouted.

Everyone cheered Gaara on in agreement. "Hm. Those were wise words." You mumbled. "Yeah!" Rock lee fistpumped. The two hidden mist and hidden cloud ninja walked up to you. "We're sorry." The said. "Ah, it's fine. As long as you understand now." You replied. They smiled and walked away together. "All who feel as i do, follow me!" Gaara shouted. The cheering got louder. The leaders of the companies got down and lead their people. The shinobi forces ran on a large field, following their leader. "Sakura! Goodluck out there, don't die." You told Sakura. "You too! Don't be reckless out there." She smiled. You nodded in response. You ran in a forest with Kakashi and sensed familiar chakra. "Kakashi! I feel Haku and Zabuza's chakra! They're close!" You shouted. "Okay, let's go!" He shouted. You entered a clearing and saw 4 ninjas ready to strike Sai, Omoi and one other leaf ninja. You took out your katana and stopped Haku while Kakashi stopped Zabuza.

"Y/n? Kakashi?" You heard Haku say. "It's been a while, Haku." You replied. "What is going on?" Haku asked. "I'm sure you're under a reanimation jutsu. And this is the fourth great shinobi war." You informed. "Fourth great shinobi war?" Haku said shocked. "Yes. It's been almost three years since our fight on the bridge." You said. "Almost three have matured well, Kakashi's kunoichi's." Zabuza said to you and Sakura. "How is that kid? Naruto was it?" Haku asked. "He's fine. No need to worry about Naruto. He's somewhere safe." You replied. As you were all reminiscing, Haku and Zabuza started using their kekkai genkai. "Y/n...Kakashi....stop us..." Zabuza said as his eyes closed. You all jumped away from the four reanimated ninjas. "Kakashi, these people..." Sai trailed off. "I know! There's no doubt!" Kakashi replied. "The demon Zabuza Momochi! And Haku of the ice style!" Sakura shouted. Their eyes soon snapped open and they now had no conciousness left in them. Mist surrounded you all and you all went to manji formation, only using sound to find the enemy.


It's been at least a couple of days or so since your fight with the reanimated Haku and Zabuza. The war was still taking place, and you've been fighting with no rest. "Captain Kakashi." A ninja said. Kakashi and his group, you included, stepped out from behind a tree and out of the shadows. "What's the enemy up to?" Kakashi asked. "There are no signs of life, even the enemy's. It's completely silent." The leaf ninja said. "What's going on? I don't think they would just give up." Guy sensei said. "A key to a shinobi battle is psychological warfare. I don't like doing what the enemy wants us to do, but we should use this as a chance to rest. Everyone, rest up and recover your chakra!" Kakashi told everyone. "But be on your guard! We'll scout the area every half an hour! We must make sure we're ready to begin fighting again at any time! That is all!" Kakashi added. "Y/n, Guy, you should rest a little too." Kakashi said turning to the two of you.

"Did you think i could sleep at a time like this?!" Guy said with a thumbs up and smile. "I understand how you feel, but..." Kakashi trailed off. "Captain Kakashi! We've recieved that item from HQ." One of the stone ninja informed. Kakashi nodded. "Alright. I'm going to look out, i guess." You said about to walk away. "No. You need to rest first." Kakashi said grabbing your shoulder. "But-" you were cut off. "No buts. Just please, rest. You've been fighting non-stop. I don't even think you should go look out. It may not be fair, but i know you're the most exhausted out of us all. The dark circles under your eyes says it all. Go to sleep. Replenish your chakra." Kakashi said sternly. "Fine." You grumbled. You slid your katana back into its holder and walked away. You found a tree and sat down. You leaned your head against it and sighed out in relief. 'Kakashi is right. I do need rest.' You thought. You looked up at the red moon and let your eyes flutter shut. You fell into a light slumber and had your katana holder right in your hands just in case someone decided to sneak up on you.


I don't want to make big timeskips, so i'll try not to.


(1139 words)

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