Chapter 50

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*second person p.o.v.*

Kisame took out his samehada and held it in front of Jiraiya, making sure he couldn't get to you. Keeping his hold on your neck, Itachi pulled you into the shadows. Suddenly, everything around you turned into a different scenery -a house. You got into stance and looked around, a hand making their way to your shoulder. You turned around and were about to hit the person when he grabbed your hand. "I just wanted to talk, not fight." Itachi said letting go of your wrist.

"Tch. Like i would want to talk with you. You're in the Akatsuki." You gritted out. You went to kick him but he blocked it again. "Fine then, if you won't cooperate, i'll have to do this the hard way." He sighed. Itachi transformed into Sasuke. He started to inch his face closer to yours but you didn't flinch. "If you think i'm stupid enough to believe this, you're wrong. I know it's you Itachi, i'm not falling for this." You said looking away. 'Sasuke' grabbed your chin and turned your face to look at him.

He leaned near your ear. "Y/n." He cooed in your ear. "Stop it." You whispered. You felt his breath fanning your neck and his finger tracing your lips. His face inched in closer to your neck, and you felt his soft lips plant a kiss on your neck. He slowly kissed his was up your neck to your jaw, using his hand that was tracing your lips to move and rest on your neck.

Feeling overwhelmed, you squeezed your eyes shut and tried to muster up some words. "Stop it!" You demanded, pushing him away. "What, it's me Y/n." 'Sasuke' said smirking. "No, no it's not. Stop it." You said shaking your head. He walked near you as you backed away to a wall. He had his arm above your head, and leaned down near you and transformed back into Itachi.

"You may be stronger than Sasuke, you may have the ability to kill him, but he's your weakness." Itachi whispered. "Leave me alone, okay?! I do love him! I don't need to be reminded that he's my weakness!" You admitted. He retreated his head back and gave you space. "That's the answer i was looking for..." Itachi said.

"You didn't have to do that." You muttered looking down, disappointed in yourself for being fooled so easily. "It was a fun way to do so. Watching you struggle." Itachi smiled. "Shut up. Don't speak with me like you're not in the Akatsuki." You said, sitting down on the floor. In truth, Itachi felt the need to protect you. He crouched down in front of you, poking your forehead with his fingers.

"I apologize for my younger brother. I really do. But he'll come around, i know he will. Please don't give up just yet. I know Sasuke feels the same. I'm sorry you have to deal with him. He may be a pain, but he's Sasuke." Itachi said. "How do you know all of this? You may be wrong, you know." You said. "I just know, Y/n. I just know it." He whispered, resting his forehead against yours with a simple head pat. "Now then," Itachi stood up.

"I'll be going now. I must leave." He slowly faded away into crows. "Wait! Where is the Akatsuki base?" You asked. "Take care of Sasuke for me, Y/n. I leave my little brother in your hands once i leave this earth. Please, love him no matter what he does. I genuinely wish you the best of luck." He smiled softly at you, then he was fully gone. "What else did i expect? Every Akatsuki member is loyal." You sighed.

You were suddenly out of the genjutsu and in front of Jiraiya. "Y/n!" He ran over to you. "What happened?" He asked helping you up. "Nothing. We just spoke. Pretend this never happened." You said. "Did something happen?" He asked. "No. I'm fine. Let's continue to gather information on where the Akatsuki base is." You said, walking away. He caught up to you and looked at you weirdly. 'Something did happen.' Jiraiya thought.

*big-ish timeskip ( ^_^')*

You had heard Asuma sensei died a few days ago and you weren't going to be part of the mission to capture the third tails because you needed a break. You were sitting in your secret spot where you and Sasuke used to go to. You had your notebook and you were finishing your song, 'paper hearts'. You took your guitar and started strumming it lightly, you were going to practice singing it. What you didn't know, was that Sasuke was leaning on a tree nearby, watching you quietly.

Paper hearts: by Tori Kelly

Goodbye love, you flew right by, love

Remember the way you made me feel
Such young love but
Something in me knew that it was real
Frozen in my head

Pictures I'm living through for now
Trying to remember all the good times
Our life was cutting through so loud
Memories are playing in my dull mind
I hate this part, paper hearts
And I'll hold a piece of yours
Don't think I would just forget about it
Hoping that you won't forget about it

Everything is grey under these skies
Wet mascara
Hiding every cloud under a smile
When there's cameras
And I just can't reach out to tell you
That I always wonder what you're up to

Pictures I'm living through for now
Trying to remember all the good times
Our life was cutting through so loud
Memories are playing in my dull mind
I hate this part, paper hearts
And I'll hold a piece of yours
Don't think I would just forget about it
Hoping that you won't forget

I live through pictures
As if I was right there by your side
But you'll be good without me
And if I could just give it some time
I'll be alright

Goodbye love, you flew right by love

Pictures I'm living through for now
Trying to remember all the good times
Our life was cutting through so loud
Memories are playing in my dull mind
I hate this part, paper hearts
And I'll hold a piece of yours
Don't think I would just forget about it
Hoping that you won't forget

You finished singing and stopped strumming your guitar. "Sounded fine, could've done better though." you mumbled. Sasuke wanted to tell you that your singing was amazing; it was his first time hearing you sing. But he couldn't. He couldn't risk it.

'Your singing is beautiful. It's perfectly fine. It hurts to know that the song was about me though,' He thought, slowly walking away. You put your guitar down and looked up into the sky. 'Where are you Sasuke? Where in the world are you...?' You thought. You decided it was time to leave so you grabbed your things and walked away from the secret spot, going in the opposite direction from Sasuke.

You walked home and put your things in it's rightful spots. Then you took off your coat and went to take a long, warm shower. You grabbed a change of clothing and went to the bathroom, then getting undressed and hopping into the shower afterwards. You closed the shower curtain and began turning the water warm, the water soothing your nerves and comforting your tired body. It was like delicate raindrops falling.



(1252 words)

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