Chapter 18

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*second person p.o.v.*

"The information for the applicants this time around is not perfect, but it is burned in and saved. You guys included...About thoses 'ones you're concerned about' who you know. Anything's fine, tell me their information and i'll retrieve it for you." Kabuto told Sasuke. "Gaara of the sand village and Rock lee of the leaf village." Sasuke told Kabuto. "Oh, so you know their names? That doesn't make it any fun." Kabuto replied as he took out two cards. "Here they are." Kabuto said. Everyone looked curiously. "Show me." Sasuke ordered.

"Well then, first is Rock lee." Kabuto put his finger down on the card and infused his chakra into it. "He's one year older than you guys. His mission experience, twenty D-ranks and eleven C-ranks." Kabuto told everyone about Rock lee and his team, doing the same for Gaara. After he was finished, everyone looked in shock. 'Uninjured? What's up with this guy? He's a genin and he took a B-rank mission coming back uninjured. We need to keep a safe distance away from this guy. He gives me bad vibes. He's clearly someone to steer clear of. Who knows what he could do to us if we got in his way? He threatened to kill his brother. BROTHER. Who does that?' You thought.

"At any rate, they're all hidden villages with nothing but crackerjacks." Kabuto said smiling. "That kind of makes you lose your confidence." Hinata says. "Why are you saying that now?" Ino asked Hinata. "In other words, all of the applicants who have gathered here..." Sakura trailed off. "That's right. Not just Lee and Gaara, but they're all choice top elite genin from each nation. This isn't going to be easy." Kabuto warned. You looked at Naruto who was shaking beside you.

Sakura approached Naruto but stopped when Naruto turned around and pointed at the crowd. "My name's Naruto Uzumaki! I won't lose to any of you! Got it?!" He shouted. "What an idiot. Now he's made everyone in this room possible enemies." Shikamaru said. Sakura went ahead and put Naruto in headlock. "Sorry everyone, that was a joke! He's just and idiot you see...don't worry about him! Ehehehe." Sakura says nervously. She hit Naruto on the head repeatedly and scolded him. "Learn how to read atmosphere!" Sakura yelled at Naruto.

A hidden sound ninja suddenly made an appearence and threw two kunai at Kabuto. Kabuto dodged and slid back, but another hidden sound ninja came infront of Kabuto and punched him. Kabuto of course dodged once more. Kabuto's glasses cracked and shattered. "Didn't he evade the attack?" You wondered. "It probably grazed the tip of his nose. Bastard. Thinking he's so cool and strong." Shikamaru answered. Kabuto took his glasses off and smirked. "So, it was that kind of attack, eh?" Kabuto said.

He suddenly fell over and started puking. "He's puking!" Naruto shouted. You rolled your eyes. "Way to point out the obvious." You mumbled. Everyone looked at Kabuto in worry or just looked at him in shock. Naruto and Sakura ran over to Kabuto and asked if he was okay. 'Kabuto dodged the attack, yet his glasses cracked and he's now puking?' You thought. A loud poof noise was heard. You snapped your head in the direction of the noise. "Silence! You degenerates!" A loud voice said. The smoke cleared to show -what you assumed, to be one of the procters.

The one in the very front with the darkest uniform had a cloth covering his head and two giant scars on his face. "Sorry to keep you waiting... i'm Ibiki Morino, proctor for the first test of the chunin exam." Ibiki introduced. Everyone looked at Ibiki, their attention now focused on him. Ibiki pointed in the sound ninjas direction. "You, from the hidden sound village! No doing as you please before the exam! You wanna get failed at the get go?!" Ibiki ordered. "Sorry...sir. It's our first time taking the exam, so we're a bit...touchy." One of the hidden sound ninja said.

"Hmph. This is a good opportunity, so let me say this now. There will be no battles, competitions and the like without the permission of the proctors! And even if you get permission, actions that could lead to death of an opponent will not be permitted. Any pig that screws with me, will be disqualified immediately." Ibiki yelled. "Got it?!" He asked. "Now then, we will start the first test of the chunin exam! Turn in your applications, take one of these number cards in exchange, and sit in the seat matching that number! After that, we will hand out the paper for the written test. " Ibiki explained.

"A paper test?!" Naruto shouted from beside you. You patted Naruto's shoulder gently. "You got this Naruto." You encouraged giving him a thumbs up. "But i'm horrible at written tests!" Naruto shouted. "We're just going to get through this." You sighed. You were sitting down beside someone who you didn't know, and one of the hidden sand ninja. Temari. You didn't pay mind to her, as long as she didn't bother you, you wouldn't bother her. You looked around to see your teammates scattered across the room.

Sasuke looked fine as always, Sakura was giggling at Naruto and Naruto was stressing out. Your attention was brought to the very front of the room when Ibiki tapped chalk on the board. "There are several important rules to this first test. I will take no questions, so listen well accordingly! First off is the first rule! You are given ten points each from the start! The written test has ten questions in all! Each problem is one point. And this test is a point deduction system.

You are deducted for each problem you get wrong! If you get three wrong, you'll have 7 points! The second rule. Pass or failure will be determind by total points of the three person teams or four person team for one specific team!" Ibiki explained. You knew he was talking about your team, since it was the only one who had 4 team members.

"W-wait a minute! What do you points of the teams?" Sakura asked. "Shut up! There's a perfectly good reason for this! Shut up and listen! If you've got it, here is the most important next rule! Those who are deemed by the sentinels as having commited an act of cheating or something similar to will have two points deducted for each act. In other words, there may be those who will be dismissed during this test without waiting for test grading. If you aspire to be a chunin at all, know that shinobi should act like exemplary shinobi." He continued.

'Written tests aren't Naruto's strong suit, but if Sasuke, Sakura and I cover for him even if he gets zero points, we may pass this.' You thought determind. "And in the case of even one person on the team getting zero points...everyone on that team will fail!" The determind look on your face dropped as soon as you heard it. 'What?! There goes that thought down the drain! How the heck are we even supposed to pass now?! I know for a fact Naruto will get everything wrong!' you thought nervously. "By the way, the last problem will be given fourty-five minutes after the start of the test! The time for the test is one hour. BEGIN!" Ibiki finished.


Thanks for reading!


(1259 words)

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