Chapter 23

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*second person p.o.v.*

She looked up with her finger pulling her eyelid down. Her eyes stared into your own and soon enough, you saw yourself, Sasuke and Sakura being killed. When it finished, you were left panting. "Genjutsu?" Was all you could mumble out. 'No. It was her thirst for blood. And i saw that by just looking into her eye.' you thought. You shakily stood up. 'What? How is she standing? I'm pretty sure she should be left a trembling mess...' the tongue lady thought in shock and excitment. Sasuke looked up at you after he finished puking. 'We have to flee. We can't stay here. Sakura and Sasuke are in no shape to move, so i'll do it myself.' you thought. You tried taking a step forward, but you only fell to your knees. 'Darn it!' you cursed. You tried standing up again, trying to steady your shaking legs. The lady smirked at you once more and licked her lips.

"S-sasuke, can you move at all?" You whisper. "N-no, i d-don't think  so." Sasuke answered. "Darn it all." You whispered under your breath. "W-wait, let me t-try something." Sasuke stuttered. He went to his ninja pouch and took out a kunai. He stood up from beside you and glared at the lady infront of him. "What do you intend to do...with that?" The lady asked. She took out three kunai and then started walking towards you three. "Don't worry. I'll end this in just a second. You won't even have the time to feel pain. I wanted you to entertain me more." She said as she held up the kunai in a throwing postition. "It's too bad." She says as the kunai she threw headed towards each of you. You were then again frozen with fear, your feet were glued to the floor. You couldn't move. Sasuke quickly stabs the kunai into his thigh and wraps his arm around your waist, his other arm grabbing Sakura. He jumped out of there and hid behind a tree.

You could now move since you were out of the presence of the lady. You sighed out in relief and put a hand to your heart. It was beating so fast, it felt as if it were about to explode in your chest. You watched as Sasuke took out the kunai that was plunged into his thigh. "Sas-" Sakura was cut off by Sasuke covering her mouth with his hand. "Sakura. Hush. We can't be found." You whispered. You looked at your surroundings, looking for the lady. You felt a shadow loom over you three and looked behind you. Sakura took Sasuke's hand off her mouth and shouted, "Guys, a snake!" You all jumped away from the snake and landed on a tree. The snake went after Sasuke and tried to bite him. Sasuke threw shuriken and ended up killing the snake. You take out your katana and held it infront of you, looking around cautiously. You looked back to the snake to see the lady emerge out from the snake.

"Don't lower your guard, not even for a moment... a prey must always stay tense and try to flee desperately...before a predator " The weird snake lady said as she was fully out of the snake, having a creepy look in her eyes. She flicked her tongue out of her mouth and wrapped her now snake like body around a tree. "This lady is starting to creep the living soul outta me." You shouted as you shuddered. She inched closer to Sasuke but before she could pounce on him, kunai and shuriken were thrown, stopping her. "Sorry Sasuke...the password....i forgot it!" Naruto said proudly. "It's alright Naruto!" Sakura shouted back. "Naruto! I know you tried to be cool and intended to rescue us but...Don't put your nose in this! Escape while you can! This...thing! She's on a whole different level!" Sasuke shouted. You sighed. It wasn't like Naruto would actually leave you guys here and flee. That's not how he works. You knew that, heck, you knew everything about him! What didn't you know?

"Now that i, Naruto uzumaki is here, i'm going to wipe the floor with you and make a pair of boots outta ya!" Naruto shouted as he pointed at the lady. You snorted. A pair of boots. A few moments later, Sasuke takes out the heaven scroll and holds it out. "Just take it and leave. This is what you wanted, isn't it?" Sasuke says. You understood that it was the best option now. You guys were overpowered, even if all of you would go against her. If she takes it and leave, you all could just get another one and find an earth scroll, right? You didn't think that keeping the scroll and fighting her should cost you your lives. But, there is a chance she might take the scroll and kill you all. "What are you doing Sasuke?! Why are you giving the scroll to the enemy?" Naruto shouts. "Shut up!" Sasuke shouts back at Naruto. Sasuke tosses the heaven scroll to the lady. "Here, take it." He says. Naruto swoops down quickly and takes the scroll and lands beside Sasuke. "Idiot! Don't interfere with this! Don't you understand this situation?!" Sasuke shouts. Naruto stands up and punches Sasuke across the face. "Ouch. That must've hurt." You wince. Blood came out of Sasuke's mouth as Sasuke easily caught himself before he could fall. "What're you doing all of a sudden?!" Sasuke shouts.

"As for me, i don't remember the i got no way to make sure. But you, you're an imposter Sasuke, aren't you?" Naruto asked. "Naruto! W-what are you trying to start?!" Sakura shouted. "You loser! I'm the real me!" Sasuke yelled. "Liar. This, this stupid coward is....not the Sasuke i know! I don't know how strong she is but, how can you be so sure that she'll let us go if we hand over the scroll, huh?! You're the one who doesn't understand the situation!" Naruto said. "Naruto. You're correct." The lady says. You widen your eyes. "The scroll. I could just kill you and seize it." Bingo. It was exactly that. She dragged her finger that had blood on it. Naruto ran at the lady, with his kunai out. "No Naruto! Run!" You shouted at him. The lady did hand signs and yelled summoning jutsu. A giant snake appeared and broke the tree you were standing on. You jumped away and landed on a tree, distancing yourself away from the snake lady.

You watched as the snake's tail hit the tree Naruto was on. Naruto hit the tree harshly and got knocked out. "Naruto!" You shout. He started falling towards the snake's mouth. Naruto turned in mid air and kicked the snake. "Shit. Naruto got into a fit of rage, now he can't control himself. Damn you, nine tails." You mumbled. Naruto kept on punching the snake in the head repeatedly. The snake lady did a fire jutsu of some sort and Naruto fell onto a tree again. The lady on her snake went towards Sasuke. But before it reached him, Naruto jumped infront of him and stopped the snake. "Hey. Are you hurt? Scaredy cat?!" Naruto asked. You smiled, you knew Naruto had always wanted to say that since Sasuke had to save Naruto in most situations. Now, Naruto saved Sasuke, so the tables have turned.


I have nothing to say. I don't know what to say anymore. Comment? Vote? Idk, just do at least one of 'em. It would make me very happy.


(1281 words)

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