Chapter 64

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*second person p.o.v.*

After Sai explained the truth behind Sakura's confession, it seemed that she wanted to kill Sasuke herself. After standing in silence and shock, you looked to your left to see Gaara, Temari and Kankuro. "There is something you must hear immediately. We will tell you everything that happened at the five kage summit." Temari said. The three sand siblings explained what happened at the summit, including the run in with Sasuke.

"I see. Who would've thought the meeting would become so intense. I guess with Danzo..." Yamato trailed off. "I'm not too eager in becoming hokage. And even if the situation requires me to accept...i'll have to return to the hidden leaf village first and hear what the others say." Kakashi said. "Madara declared war on us! There is no time to deliberate." Temari exclaimed. 'Never in my years would i ever think about a war. I never thought that i would be fighting in a war, too. All because of the Akatsuki...' You though sighing.

"I'm sure everyone will approve. We should have them proceed on the premise that you are hokage, Kakashi. If our response is delayed and the Akatsuki and Madara take advantage of it, that would be even worse." Yamato said. "I guess you're right. Thanks." Kakashi said. "And Sasuke...for him to attack the five kage..." Yamato sighed.

"Naruto. This is a battle to protect the eight tails and nine tails. Namely you. And it's also for the ninja world. As the kazekage, i would give my life to protect you. If Sasuke Uchiha confronts the allied shinobi forces as a member of the Akatsuki, i will show no mercy." Gaara said mono tonelessly.

You clenched your fists, and Gaara looked over at you. "Y/n, i know this may be hard for you especially, considering your relationship with Sasuke, but... if it's to protect my people, Naruto, the allied shinobi force, including you, i will kill him without hesitation. I hope you know that. For your safety, i will do so. Any friend of Naruto's is a friend of mine." Gaara said with a hint of sadness.

Sympathy was shown on his face, since Gaara couldn't pinpoint the exact emotion you felt. "Yes. I know. I know that just as well as you do, Gaara. Thank you. I appreciate it. I just.... need to let the information sink in." Your voice cracked. The three sand siblings give you a look of sympathy.

Gaara turn to Naruto with his usual plain and blank expression plastered across his face. "Naruto, Sasuke doesn't care about you. All he wants is darknesss. Naruto, you told me 'i am going to be the hokage.' I have become the kazekage." Gaara said. Gaara walked up to Naruto and put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "If you are prepared to bear the burden of being a kage, then do what is right as Sasuke's friend." Gaara says.

Naruto removed Gaara's hand off his shoulder. "We've said everything we needed to say. Let's go, Gaara. We will return to our village. Kakashi Hatake... with the understanding that you will be hokage, the sand will take action. As allied nations, i pray that there will be no conflicting intel between us." Temari said. "Understood." Kakashi nodded.

"It was nice seeing you, Y/n. You sure have grown." Temari smiled. You nodded. "Yeah, you guys too. It was nice to see you too, Temari." You muttered. Kankuro ruffled your hair as a big brother would as you snapped out of your zoned-out state. You shot him a small smile as the sand siblings took off and left. But just before Gaara left, he stopped.

"I consider you my friend. In the past, 'friend' was merely a word to me. Nothing more, nothing less. But after meeting you, you made me realize that... the meaning of of that word is what's important. What does it mean? What can you do for Sasuke? Think hard about that. Let's go." Gaara said and then left. Naruto was left thinking deeply.

"So? What do we do now? In any case, i think we should return to the hidden leaf and report what happened at the summit. And also about Sakura." Yamato suggested. "The real me is accompanying Sakura. She won't be allowed to go near Sasuke! You can count on that." Sai reassured. "But it would be better to go in person and talk her out of it." You mentioned.

"All right. Yamato, take Naruto and head back to the village. Me and Y/n will bring Sakura back. Sakura is no match for Sasuke. It would be like she's going there to die. I'll dispatch ninja hounds with a report about the summit since it's urgent." Kakashi said. "Understood." You and Yamato said at the same time.

"Sai, take me and Y/n to Sakura." Kakashi ordered. "Yes." Sai nodded. Naruto started breathing heavily. He fell to his knees while holding his chest. Just as he was about to fall, you caught him. You cradled his head in your hands and cupped his face as he gripped his chest as if he were in pain. "He's hyperventilating. Everything's too much for Naruto to handle right now. Naruto, breathe slowly. Naruto!" You shook Naruto, but he was passed out.

"Captain Yamato, bring Naruto inside the inn and make sure he's warm. Me and Kakashi are going to go after Sakura before it's too late." You said. He nodded and took the limp Naruto out of your arms. You looked at Naruto worridly before you, Kakashi and Sai left to go after Sakura. You and Kakashi followed Sai into a forest. "Y/n." Kakashi said. "What is it?" You asked.

"We might have to kill Sasuke." He said looking at you. "Yes, i know." You replied. "I wanted to tell you that so you're prepared for what might happen." Kakashi said. "I was prepared as soon as he left for Orochimaru. I knew a day like this would come." You said. "So you know that you might have to kill him or witness it, right?" Kakashi questioned.

"....yes. I know this more than anyone. And as his lover or not, you can kill him. It's not like you need my permission, but i just want to let you know that. I never thought that things would become like this. I never would have thought Sasuke's revenge would be so strong that he would leave Konoha. I never thought he would kill Orochimaru. I never thought that he would kill his brother and join the Akatsuki. I never thought any of this would have happened." You sighed deeply.

Kakashi took notice to how tired you were and looked, different from how enthusiastic you used to be. It was honestly sad for him to see one of his most happy students look so tired -almost like a tired mother. He wanted nothing more than to see you happy again, but with what was going on now, stress was bound to get to you and everyone else. The way everything changed was not how everyone pictured it.... it just happened so suddenly, and no one had time to adjust to it.

"If he never seeked for revenge, he would've been back in Konoha. Maybe Madara would've never declared war on us. If only i didn't care for him as much as i do now. I used to only think of him as a friend, now he's more than that. And i regret it in a way. If i didn't feel like this for him, i could kill him without second thoughts. I hate that i feel this way. Sasuke is my weakness. I feel so vulnerable around him... and i hate myself for that so, so much. I think over this a lot too. I wonder why i fell for that idiot obsessed with revenge. I never planned it, it just...." you paused.

"Happened. And now, i could die because of him. Our love is somewhat complicated in a way." You confessed. "You sound like you're suffering. Is loving him that bad?" Kakashi asked. "Yes, Kakashi. Yes i am suffering from it. And it is that bad." You replied.


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