Chapter 42

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*second person p.o.v.*

You leaned back onto a tree and watched Naruto who was walking away. Sakura was speaking with Sai about emotions, apparently Sai said he couldn't feel anything. "How did you feel when you lost your brother? You mentioned him, right?" Sakura asked Sai. "I'm not sure what i felt when he died. I didn't feel anything. Was i supposed to? I never knew how to look when my brother died." Sai said. Man, this guys really got on your nerves, so you decided to do something about it. "You don't feel anything?" Sai heard your monotone voice ask. "That is what i said earlier, yes?" He replied smiling. "Do you ever wonder what emotion feels like?" You asked. "Sometimes, yes." Sai said. "Hm." You hummed out. "What are you planning to do, Y/n?" Yamato asked.

*flashback to the beginning of your training*

"Sorry what?" You asked. "Chakra flaring. Let me explain, chakra flaring is where you surpress your chakra, but not fully. You supress most of your chakra, so if you want to scare someone away or intimidate someone, you surpress your chakra where people only feel a little and then when they least expect jt, you let all that surpressed chakra go. It should scare them. And, when you use chakra when facing an enemy, you should also flare your chakra." Your grandpa explained. "Can you show me?" You asked. He nodded and did exactly that. You fell back and shivered. "Whoa." You mumbled. "Yes, whoa is the word. Now you try." He says. "Right!" You say trying to do what he did.

*end of flashback*

You crossed your arms and looked down. Your head suddenly snapped up at Sai, your eyes weren't their bored and dull expression anymore. Your chakra released and flared immensly. Sai's smile dropped and he stepped back in fear. There was something about your chakra that seemed so cold and warm at the same time. It scared him to the core. Sai fell back and shakily looked up at you. He felt sweat drip down his face and looked to see his hands shaking. 'So, this is what fear feels like? I feel...intimidated by her?' Sai thought. Naruto snapped his head in your direction and widened his eyes. 'Is this chakra Y/n's? H-how is it stronger than mine?!' Naruto thought. "Y/n, enough!" Yamato shouted. You surpressed your chakra back and let your eyes go back to looking uninterested. "W-what was that?" Sakura asked. "Chakra flaring." You replied simply. "Chakra flaring? How do you know how to do that?" Yamato asked. "Training." You replied. "Who did you train with?" Yamato asked again. "My grandparents in the land of lightning." You said. "And your grandparents are...?" Yamato said. "Gp/n and Gm/n L/n." You replied. 'The legendary Gp/n and Gm/n? Interesting.' Yamato thought.


Team 7 made it to tenchi bridge and watched captain Yamato who disguised as Sasori of the red sand and walked out onto the tenchi bridge up to the Akatsuki spy. The spy slowly took of his cloak to reveal Kabuto. "So, Kabuto was the Akatsuki spy?" You mumbled. "Him again?" Naruto asked. "Who would've thought he was the spy." Sakura said. Naruto put his hands up to his ears to try and hear what they were saying. "The wind is so loud and strong, i can't hear what they're saying." Naruto said. "You idiot! That's why we were able to get so close! The wind blows away our smell and chakra so they can't sense us." Sakura whisper shouted. The wind might have been strong enough to do so, but you still hid your chakra. You were being cautious. "What's he doing?! He should just grab him!" Naruto whisper shouted. "Naruto, captain Yamato knows what he's doing." You replied. Sai and Sakura start conversating. You felt as if there was someone there. You closed your eyes and started sensing around the area.

"What are you doing Y/n?" Naruto asked. "I feel as if there's someone here. I'm trying to sense whoever's here by their chakra." You said. You felt a faint sense of chakra. You snapped your eyes opened. "Someone else is here." You announced. "What?" Sakura said in disbelief. "There's another person here." You answered. "Who could it be?" Naruto asked. "I'm not sure. Let's keep on watching Kabuto." You said looking back. And there was for sure someone. Orochimaru. He appeared behind Kabuto with his snake. You clenched your fists in anger. He was the one who took Sasuke away. "Orochimaru!" Naruto said disbelieved. "What do we do?!" Naruto asked. "We wait for the signal. Until then, we sit back and watch. We can't do anything at this moment." You replied. "We have to do something though-" Naruto was cut off by you. "Naruto. I just said, wait for the signal." You said sternly. He huffed and sat back down. You all looked back down to see Kabuto slice through Yamato's disguise. "Darn it. We've been found out." You cursed.

Yamato jumped out of the puppet and away from the snakes. He did the signal for you to come out. "That's the signal. Let's go." You ordered. "Right!" Naruto said. You all jumped in front of Yamato. You took out your katana and held it in front of you. "My dear, Y/n. You're all grown and your chakra is magnificant, it's even stronger than Sasuke's. The chance for you to join me is still free. I'm sure Sasuke would be happy to see you." Orochimaru said smirking. "No. Not ever. I won't ever work with a snake like you. I'll see Sasuke once we get him back from you." You shouted. "That's a shame. Well then, i might as well toy with all of you." Orochimaru said still smirking. "Oh. It's the nine tails. Let's see who gotten stronger, you....or Sasuke." Orochimaru hissed at Naruto. You glanced over at Naruto to see he was in nine tails first stage. His eyes were red and he had fangs, his nails were long and sharp, digging into the wood below him. "Give Sasuke...back...!" Naruto demanded.



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