EXTRA: Chapter 88 | Mrs. Uchiha

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*second person p.o.v.*

(This is what happened during your first date with Sasuke once he was released)

One whole year. After one whole year of waiting, Sasuke was finally freed. During the time he was locked away, you were very busy. Sasuke was as patient as he could be. Waiting. Waiting, and more waiting. But now, he was free to do what he wanted. In fact, you were getting ready for your date at the moment.

"Try this, i bet it'll look great on you!" Ino said handing you a beautiful yukata. "Are you sure this will look good on me?" You asked inspecting it. "Try it on!" She pushed you into your bathroom with the dress. Ino and the girls were dressing you up for your date with Sasuke. You put the yukata on and smoothed it out. You walked out of the bathroom and were met with the sound of squeals.

"Calm down." You said. Tenten ran over to you and sat you down on a chair. She grabbed makeup and got to work. She aimed for a more natrual look, so it wouldn't seem you were wearing too much makeup. She fixed your hair into a nice bun and showed you a mirror. "All done! You look so pretty." Tenten smiled.

"Thank you." You nodded. "U-uhm, guys. Sasuke is h-here to g-get Y-Y/n." Hinata stammered. "You guys can leave. I'll be going now, thank you for your help." You flashed them a small smile. "Okay, go!" Sakura urged. You nodded and walked to the front door after going downstairs.

You opened the door for Sasuke. Sasuke who was standing with his back to you turned around. His breath hitched as he took in your appearance. "You look beautiful, my love." He said under his breath. Light pink dusted your cheeks, you haven't heard him say that nickname in over a year.

After hearing Sasuke say it, it left you flustered. "Thank you." You gave him a closed eye smile. 'So pretty.' Sasuke thought. "Are you ready to leave?" He cleared his throat and looked away with a blush. You nodded and averted your eyes away from him.

"Just a second, let me put on my shoes." Sasuke grabbed your hand to help you balance as you slid on your shoes. "I'm ready now. We can leave." You said. You both walked out of the door arm in arm. "They're so cute together." Tenten smiled from the window. The other girls nodded in agreement.

You and Sasuke walked down the dirt road, the one you and he used to walk on when you were younger. Although there were some minor changes, it still brung back memories. "Sasuke?! My goodness, long time no see!" You heard Ayame exclaim. Turning to her, she ran over and hugged you both. "Ayame?" Sasuke asked. Ayame scowled and hit Sasuke upside the head like a mother.

"A-ayame!" Teuchi panicked. "You damned brat! Do you know what you put Y/n through?! First, you leave her, then you fight with her and refuse to come home, and then, you also fight with her in the war, get hurt, go to the hospital and get locked up for punishment?! Seriously?!" Ayame exclaimed. "Ayame, it's seriously fine." You unlinked your arm from Sasuke's and grabbed the fuming Ayame.

"Me and Sasuke are fine now." You smiled. "Yeah, Ayame! Look at what they're wearing! They're probably going on a romantic date!" Teuchi said. "It's fine. I deserve it anyways." Sasuke mumbled. Teuchi patted Sasuke's back harshly with an irk mark as he leaned close to Sasuke's ear. "But seriously, if you hurt Y/n again, not only are you gonna hear it from Ayame, but me too." Teuchi laughed loudly and backed away, clearing his throat.

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