chapter 9

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M/n= Mom's name

F/n= Father's name

*narrator's p.o.v.*

Reader-chan's mom was part of the old team 7, made up of, Kakashi, Obito, Rin and M/n. After the two incidents where Obito 'died' and where Rin was killed, your mom, Kakashi and Minato sensei were the only ones left of the old team 7. After the nine tails attack, Minato sensei and his wife, Kushina, died during the attack but Naruto was still okay. Not long after your mom was sent to a mission where she met F/n. Blah blah blah they had you. Kakashi was like an uncle or big brother to you, sometimes babysitting you. When your mom had you, she and your dad retired early from being a ninja to take care of you. Kakashi visits every now and then when he has the time to. So, the last people of the old team 7 were Kakashi and M/n.

Now, back to the story.

*second person p.o.v.*

You and Sakura watched Tazuna build the bridge. You sighed and looked up into the blue sky. Sakura yawned and stretched her arms above her head. "It looks like you guys got some time to kill all by yourselves." Tazuna says as he looks at us. "What happened to the blond boy and the stuck-up emo boy?" Tazuna said carrying a bridge part. "They're still in the middle of training." Sakura said. "So you girls couldn't handle the training?" Tazuna asked. You and Sakura had irk marks on your head

"It's actutally quite the opposite. We finished training and were told to come guard you." You said. "Really?" He says looking at you. "Y'know what, old man? Gimme that bridge part." You ordered, walking up to him. "What? You think you can carry this?" Tazuna asked. You took a bridge part and easily carried it over to the right spot. You put it down and dusted your hands and looked over to Tazuna and Sakura who had their mouths agape. "Point proven." You smirked. A bridge worker then walked up to Tazuna.

"You got a minute Tazuna?" The worker asks. "Huh? What is it Giichi?" Tazuna said wiping his sweat. "Uh actually...i gave it some thought. Building this bridge....can i quit?" He asks not making contact with Tazuna. You went over to Sakura and sat down, watching the scene unfold. "What?! Not you too!" Tazuna shouts angry and disappointed. You didn't want to listen so you layed your head back and closed your eyes, listening to the calming water below, ignoring the yelling of Tazuna. "Hey Y/n?" Sakura suddenly said.

"Hm?" You say still closing your eyes and relaxing. " you perhaps like Sasuke?" She asks, nervousness evident in her voice. "No? Why would i like duckbutt? He's emo, has weird hair, stuck up, mean, cold, rude and plus, he's just a friend. Why do you ask?" You say furrowing your eyebrows with your eyes still closed. "It's just that you and Sasuke seem did you two become friends?" Sakura asks. "I just act as myself. I'm not a fangirl. I don't know how we became friends, we just...did. i care for him, but just as a friend. Like Naruto! I may be annoying to him but i still bother him. Just act yourself Sakura. Like you do with me." You say. "Wow. You give good advice. I'll give it a try!" She says. You smile. You and Sakura then bring your attention over to the yelling Tazuna. After Tazuna and Giichi fought you and Sakura watched as Tazuna walked away.

You and Sakura follow Tazuna and walk into town. "Say, where are we going?" Sakura asks Tazuna. "I was asked to bring ingredients home for dinner on the way home." Tazuna replied. You looked around and saw people walk around holding signs saying 'will do any kind of work' and a kid running away with food. As you kept on walking Tazuna and Sakura walked into the store while you said you'd wait outside and walk around for a bit.

As you walked not far away you saw a violinst and a pianist playing. Curious, you walked over and listened. After they were finished you walked over to them. "Hey, can i play?" You ask shyly. "Sure kid." The guy playing the piano stepped away. You walked over to the violinist next and asked her if she knew the song you were playing and fortunatly, she did. So you sat down and took a deep breath.

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