Chapter 29

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*second person p.o.v.*

Sasuke was discharged from the hospital a couple of days ago and today was the ceremony for lady Tsunade's announcement for becoming fifth hokage. "From this day forward, i am the ruler of the village hidden in the leaves, the fifth hokage!" She shouted. The crowd from down below, started cheering in joy. You looked up and smiled at lady Tsunade. You hoped lady Tsunade could be the best hokage she could for as long as she could. You had a good feeling about lady Tsunade.


"Hey...don't you wanna see it?" Naruto whispered. You looked at him curiously. "It's about time." Naruto says. "What?" You ask. "You know what i'm talking about. Kakashi sensei's real face!" Naruto said with a flashlight out. "That's stupid. I'm not interested. Today's mission is over, so i'm going home." Sasuke said as he walked away. "I agree." Sakura says. As Sasuke was walking away, Naruto turned to Sasuke. "Maybe he lips." Naruto said. Sasuke stopped in his tracks to imagine his sensei with fish lips. "Or maybe...buckteeth?!" Naruto edged on. Sasuke stopped and shivered. Naruto smiled weirdly. "I doubt this'll work, but i'll do this for the entertainment." You shrugged.

Team 7 got Kakashi sensei to Ichiraku ramen, so when he ate, he would definitely take off his mask. You all sat down and watched intently, but trying to be subtle as possible, as Kakashi took the handed bowl of food. Kakashi sat with his arms crossed. "All four of you are treating know what i mean?" He asked. The four of you backed away and look panicked. "Maybe it's that...something like that." kakashi thought aloud. "Or if it's not that...are you guys up to something?" He asked looking at you four . "Wh-wh-what are you saying?!" Naruto stuttered. "K-kakashi sensei, we're celebrating your release from the hospital! Now please eat!" Sakura said nervously. "All right. I trust you guys. So i'll eat it without hesitation." Kakashi replied. Kakashi took his chopsticks slowly. The four of you were turned to the front, but the four of you were actually watching him out of the corner of your eyes.

He took the chopsticks apart and slowly went up to pull off his mask, but just as he was about to, Shikamaru, Ino and Choji came out of nowhere, blocking your view. You sighed and put your hands to your face. "Oh! Sasuke! What a coincidence!" Ino says while pulling Sasuke into a hug. "Go away Ino-pig!" Sakura shouted. "I can't see!" You said as you tried to peek out from behind Ino. "I'm finished! That was good!" Kakashi said. "So fast!" Everyone exclaimed as Kakashi looked at each one of you. "Huh? Something wrong?" He asked. "N-nothing's wrong." Sakura replied. "Hey!" Naruto said all of a sudden. Everyone turned to where Naruto's line of vision led. Ayame had hearts in her eyes while Teuchi was blushing. "Now i'm really curious!" Naruto, Sasuke Sakura and you say simultaneously.

"Now, i will not allow myself to be denied a glimpse of him!" Naruto said. "But how are you going to see it?" Sakura asked. "We'll see it somehow!" Naruto replied while making a weird face. Sakura punched Naruto. "I'm asking you how you idiot!" She shouted. "The do you have a good plan, Sakura?" Naruto asked rubbing the new formed bump on his head caused by Sakura. "We'll follow by completely marking him. If we do that, he'll eventually take his mask off." Sasuke said. "I doubt it." You mumble. "You're so cool Sasuke!" Sakura says in awe. You roll your eyes. "What's the big deal? That was so lame!" Naruto says. "Did you say something?" Sakura asked dangerously. "Well, that's fine." Naruto said nervously.

The four of you followed Kakashi sensei as he was walking with his groceries. You watched as Kakashi stopped and looked at a book shop, for adults. He dropped his bag of groceries and went over to the window, peeking inside like some maniac. "What's Kakashi sensei doing?" Naruto asked. "I'm so disappointed in him." Sakura said. "How embarrassing." You sigh. Suddenly, Kakashi turned around. The four of you quickly ducked. "He noticed us!" Sasuke said. "Stupid Naruto! We were found because of you!" Sakura whisper shouted. "It's not my fault!" Naruto whisper shouted back. "I'm going to buy an advance ticket!" You heard. You peeked to see Kakashi skipping away. "He's begun to move." You said. "We'll follow his tracks!" Sasuke said. "Yeah!" Naruto chimed. Kakashi turned around the corner. The four of you jumped down and slowly walked out from behind the corner. "He's not here..." you mumbled. "Darn, he got away..." Sasuke replied. "Darn it! Where did he go...?" Naruto asked. "What are you guys doing? Do you guys have some buisness with me?" You four heard from behind you. You jumped in surprise and had a panicked look on your face. You all shook your heads quickly. "N-not really!" You all stuttered. You shakily turned your heads around and looked at Kakashi.

"Hey, how did he find us out?" Naruto asked. "Isn't it because there are too much of us?" Sakura asked. "If the presence is erased, the number of people shouldn't matter!" Naruto answered. "Or....have you forgotten the jutsu? Sakura...." naruto said with the same weird look. Sakura punched Naruto on the head. "That's you!" Sakura shouted. "It will be good training to shadow him. From now on, we'll go about it individually." Sasuke said. "I don't think that's the case, but okay." You shrugged. "Y-yeah, let's just leave Naruto here!" Sakura said in awe. "What?!" Naruto said. "Bye." You said as you, Sasuke and Sakura walked away.

The three of you sat and drank tea as Naruto was out spying on Kakashi. You set your tea to see Naruto standing and laughing sheepishly. "He got away..." Naruto said while rubbing his neck. "Clumsy as usual." Sakura says. "You idiot." Sasuke said. It was the next day, and your turn. "My turn then i guess." You said while standing up. You walked around Konoha in search for your sensei. As you were walking, you saw Kakashi walk into his apartment. You hid behind a wall and jumped to his window, peeking into his house. You saw Kakashi just standing there, doing nothing. You looked closer to see it was a scarecrow. "Ugh." You groan out. You then hear barking. You look inside to see some of his dogs barking at you. You quickly jump away and walk to where the others were.

"Haha. I failed." You said sheepishly. They sighed and slumped. The next day, it was Sakura's turn to go spy. You sat down with them and sipped on tea. "I don't think we'll ever get to see Kakashi without his mask." You sigh. "Don't worry! I'll make sure we'll see it! We won't stop 'till then!" Naruto reassured. You shrugged.  It was the next day and it was raining. You put down your tea to see Sakura standing there sheepishly. The three of you sigh and slump once more. It was the day after and it was Sasuke's turn. He got up and left to go spy on Kakashi. The three of you sit and sip on tea. Soon enough, Sasuke came back. You set down your tea and look at him. "Sasuke! How did it go?!" Sakura asked. Sasuke turned his head. "No more shadowing." He replied. The four of you slumped down again.


Team 7 just finished a mission that was assigned to them. During the mission, the four of you dressed up as enemy ninja to try and take off Kakashi's mask to see it didn't work. You all were walking back to Konoha. "Hey Kakashi sensei. What's behind your mask?" Naruto asked. "What? You wanted to see what was behind this mask?" Kakashi questioned. "Yeah!" Naruto answered. "You could've just said that from the beginning..." Kakashi said. "Well, can you show us then?" You ask. "I don't mind." Kakashi replied. "What's under this mask..." kakashi started. The four of you looked on curiously. "Is another mask!" He said taking off the first mask. "What?!" The four of you shouted. You all fell dramatically as Kakashi laughed. "What the heck was that?!" Naruto shouted.


In the next chapter, i am going to make a big timeskip after they went to the land of tea and came back with Naruto and Sasuke in the hospital. And once Sasuke leaves Konoha, i'm going to make an even bigger timeskip, a HUGE one, because i don't want to write the rest of Naruto shonen jump cause it's boring. Haha yeah 👍🏻


(1460 words)

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