Chapter 52

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*second person p.o.v.*

You walked out of the toad you were in and glared at Jiraiya. "What?" He asked nervously. "I get that we had to get in without going noticed, but did you really have to put us inside of a toad? You couldn't think of anything else?" You asked annoyed. He laughed sheepishly and apologized. "At least the infiltration was a success. That was quite easy." He said. You fixed your coat. "Yeah, you're right." You said. You both put on rain coats and walked into rain village. "All right. Where do we search first?" You asked looking around. "I'm not sure. We just know the location, not where it specifically is." Jiraiya replied. You both kept on walking until Jiraiya spotted a meat bun shop. The two of you each grabbed one. "Hot, hot." Jiraiya said as he tossed the bun around in his hands. You took out money and handed it to the lady. "We'll each have one of these, granny." Jiraiya said. "Thank you." The old lady said. "I haven't seen your faces here before. You're not from around here?" She asked. "Well...i'm a writer and she's...a travelling singer. I'm writing about her in my magazine, so i decided to write about her life journey as a singer." Jiraiya smiled.

"Oh, i see. How do you like my pork buns?" She asked. "They're delicious ma'am." You said. "At least smile so i know you really enjoy it." The old lady said to you. You raised a brow and gave her a smile. She smiled back. "There you go." She said. She turned to Jiraiya for an answer. "I agree with my fellow traveller. They are delicious. I heard about them, they're amazing!" Jiraiya complimented. The old lady and Jiraiya conversed as you watched quietly, eating your meat bun. They both started talking about 'lord pain' and that's when you listened in and paid most attention to. People started to look over so that's when it was time to leave. "Thanks for your time, granny." Jiraiya said walking away with you.


A man with orange hair and purple rinnegan eyes sat before you and Jiraiya. "Jiraiya sensei." Pain said. "Sensei? Were they your students, master Jiraiya?" You asked. "Yes. Nagato, Yahiko and Konan." He said. "You look different. But those you were pain, Nagato! It seems you strayed off the path of good. What happened?" Jiraiya said to pain. "You don't need to know. After all, you are an outsider." Pain replied. "You've changed, Nagato." Jiraiya said. Pain did a hand signs and shouted summoning jutsu, summoning a lobster. The lobster shot out some sort of foam, making you and Jiraya stand up on one of the walls nearby. "Konan, stay back." Pain ordered. She flew away, out of the fight. "Y/n, try not to engage in battle." Jiraiya said. "That may not be possible. I came all this way with you, i can't just keep quiet." You said dodging the lobster. Jiraiya used a jutsu to make his hair grow longer and wrap around the lobster. His hair tore the lobster apart, making it poof away. He used his hair again and made it into some sort of monster looking thing and attack pain.

"Nagato....i want to ask you a few things. What happened to Yahiko?" Jiraiya asked. "Oh yeah...there was such a great guy, wasn't there? He died a long time ago." Pain replied. Jiraiya widened his eyes. "! What happened to you? The old one wouldn't..." Jiraiya trailed off. "Nothing. Just war. Too many people died here. That pain made me grow up." Pain said. "What do you mean?" Jiraiya asked. "Even a stupid, foolish kid will grow up when he learns what pain is. Knowing pain controls one's words and thoughts." Pain said. "But abandoning one's love for a that what it means to become an adult?" Jiraiya questions. " are still just a man. However, through this never-ending pain...i have matured and become even more than a man. Yes...from a a God. When one becomes a God, your words and thoughts become absolute. Since you sensei and you little girl are still human, it can't be helped if you don't understand what i'm saying." Pain said. "Have you become that twisted?" Jiraiya asked.

"Things i couldn't see as a human are now clear to me now that i'm a God. And being a God, i realize there are things i can do which man cannot. To put it simply, evolving beyond man," Pain paused. "Just what are you planning to do?" Jiraiya asked. "I am going to put an end to this senseless, war-torn world. That is a God's work." Pain answered. "If that is your true purpose, why are you gathering tailed beasts?" Jiraiya asked. "You're going to die anyway. So i shall tell you both the true purpose. I will use the sealed tailed develop a new forbidden jutsu. Just with one such jutsu, a large nation can be destroyed instantly. It will be the most powerful, the ultimate forbidden jutsu weapon." Pain explained. "How will making such a thing stop all the fighting? Won't it simply intensify the conflicts?" You asked. He looked over at you and back at Jiraiya.

"There are disputes throughout the nations. How would you quickly put an end to them all, Jiraiya sensei?" He said ignoring you. You quietly scoffed. "That was my question to you. Answer me." You demanded. "You give each nation a forbidden jutsu weapon. Once they possess such a power, they are bound to use it." Pain answered. "What do you mean?" Jiraiya asked. "Tens of millions will die instantly....and people will become scared. People...and nations will know what pain is! The pain will breed a strong aversion to war and the fighting will end. It can be said that this world is still in the process of growing and stabilizing. Pain will make the world mature. In the same way i matured. In order for the world to grow up and become wiser a God's hand is necessary. The world is still a child." Pain had explained.


Pain? Nah, more like Pain in the ass 🙄🙄.


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