Chapter 38

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*second person p.o.v.*

You were on the boat, looking out to the sea. In a day you would be getting back on land. You buttoned/tied your trench coat up and walked inside the boat. It was getting late. You sat down in the boat and made your self comfy, slowly falling into a dreamless sleep.


After a long long journey back to Konoha, you had finally made it. You slowly walked up to the gates. Izumo and Kotetsu walk up to you before you could enter. "State your name and buisness." Kotetsu said. "That's sad. You don't remember my name. Well, it's nice to see you too Kotetsu and Izumo. My name is Y/n, Y/n L/n." You said sounding monotonous. Their eyes widened. "Y-Y/n?! Oh my gosh! You're so tall and pretty! We didn't even recognize you!" Izumo said patting your shoulder. You nod at him. "Yeah, you look so different." Kotetsu said. "I'm happy to see you and all, but is Naruto, Sakura and Kakashi here? Did Naruto get back yet?" You asked. "Oh, yes, Naruto did come back. He's just out on a mission with Sakura and Kakashi. The sand village has been infiltrated by the Akatsuki. They took Gaara, the sand's kazekage. That's all i've heard and that's all i was told." Izumo explained. "Oh, alright then. I'm sure they can handle the mission. If i were to go now, i'm sure they would already be finished their mission, so i'm going to lady Tsunade to inform her about my arrival." You said.

They nodded and let you go inside. You walked into the village and admired everything. Nothing changed. It was just the same as the day you left. You walked further into the leaf to see lady Tsunade's face upon the hokage cliff. After looking at it, you continued walking to the hokage's building. As you were on your way, you bumped into Hinata, Kiba and Shino. Kiba looked at you and swung his arm around your shoulder. "Hey, are you new around here? I could show you around." He flirted. You took his arm off you. "Kiba, it's not nice to flirt with an old friend, is it?" You said. He looked at you confused. "How do you know my name? Who are you?" He asked. "The name's Y/n, Y/n L/n. You should know that, it's disappointing you don't." You say with a straight face. "Y/n! It's been so long! I knew you smelled familiar!" Kiba said. Akamaru jumped up on you and barked happily. "Wow, Akamaru got so big." You said petting him. "Yeah, i get that a lot." Kiba said. Hinata hugged you and smiled.

"It's good to finally see you again Y/n!" Hinata said. "You too." You said mono tonelessly. You looked over to Shino. "Hey Shino. Long time no see." You said. He hummed out in response. "Okay, it was nice seeing you but i need to tell lady Tsunade about my arrival. I'll talk to you next time." You said walking away from them before they could reply. You walked up to the hokage office and knocked on her door. "Come in!" You heard her shout. You opened the door and closed it. "Hello, lady Tsunade, Shizune." You greet. "And you are...?" Lady Tsunade asks. You sigh. It was getting annoying. "It's me Y/n. I wanted to announce my arrival. I'll be moving back into my old house." You say putting your hands into your pocket.

They both stared at you with their mouths agape. "You're telling me that you're the same girl Y/n? The bright and cheerful Y/n? You don't look it." Shizune says. "Oink." Tonton agrees. "How so?" You asked. "You don't have that smile on your face anymore. Did something happen?" Lady Tsunade asked. "The incident with my parents. That's all you need to know. Now, i'll be off. Send a messenger bird to my house if you need me. Later." You said poofing away. You poofed to the front of your house. You opened the door and was met by a swarm of dust particles. You coughed and waved your hand. You set your bag down on the couch and sighed. "Time to clean." You mumbled. You took off your trench coat and got cleaning supplies.


After cleaning the whole house, you sat on the sofa and sighed out in relief. "That's finally done. And i'm hungry. I'm gonna go to Ichiraku ramen to see Teuchi and Ayame." You said getting up again. You left your trench coat in your house and walked to Ichiraku. You made it to Ichiraku and went ahead and sat down. "One bowl of miso ramen please." You said. "Of course!" Teuchi said cooking up a bowl. "Y/n? Is that you?" Ayame asked. "Yes Ayame, it's clearly Y/n!" Teuchi said. "Finally, someone who recognized me." You mumbled. "Sorry Y/n. But it's nice to see that you're back in town! It's been so long!" Ayame said. You nodded. "Yes it has." You agreed. "Here you go! One miso ramen, just the way you like it!" Teuchi said handing you your bowl. "Thank you." You said. You took out chopsticks and said 'ikadakimasu' before eating. After you finished, you thanked them and left the shop. It was night. You didn't know it was that late. You brushed it off and went home. You went into your old room and put your things back. You got into your pj's and went to bed.

*another timeskip*

It's been a few days since your return to Konoha and everything was fine. You just woken up and were brushing your teeth. You heard a tap on your window to see a bird tapping on it. You finished brushing your teeth and opened the window for it to come in. It landed in your shoulder and ducked down so you could get the letter on it's back. You took the letter out of the protective case and read the letter. It said that Naruto should be coming soon and lady Tsunade wanted you to greet him, team 7 and team Guy. You got dressed into your ninja attire (look in chapter 37 for the outfit), put on your trench coat and wrapped your hands in bandages. You decided to button/tie your trench coat up and walked towards the leaf village. You greeted Izumo and Kotetsu and stood there. You felt a dog brush up against your leg. You turned around to pet it. You played with the dog for a bit before you heard distant yelling.

Guy zoomed past you with Kakashi on his back. "First place!" He shouted. More shouting followed and came Rock lee. "Second place!" Rock lee shouted. "No lee, you're in third place. Kakashi here came in with me, so he's in second place! You are lucky Kakashi!" Guy said dramatically. "Dramatic as always." You say shaking your head. "Who are you?" Guy asked. "Nice to see you too Guy sensei. And before you ask, it's me, Y/n." You say. Rock lee looks at you. He runs up to you and hugs you. "Y/n! You are just as pretty as the day i met you! No, you're even prettier! I see you've stayed youthful!" Lee exclaimed. "Yes lee, i have." You say. He pulls away from the hug as his team walks over with team 7. Naruto didn't recognize you and tackled you. He went to punch you, but you quickly turned around and caught it. He tried to kick your face but you blocked it with your other hand. He twisted and got out of your grip. "Who are you?!" He demanded.


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