Chapter 7

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*second person p.o.v.*

"It's over." Kakashi said while he held a kunai to Zabuza's neck. Zabuza chuckled slowly.  "Do you really think it's over? You understand, don't you? You won't be able to beat me by making like a monkey..." Zabuza said. "No chance. But i must say you're good. My water clone jutsu was being copied at that point. By letting the clone talk as if it were you, you succeeded in distracting me. And you used hidden mist jutsu to hide yourself to see what i was up to. But. I'm not a fool." And then the real Zabuza was right behind the real Kakashi.

You took a moment to think about what just happened. 'So, The water clone Zabuza that was behind us was killed by a Kakashi water clone but that Kakashi water clone was killed by the real Zabuza while the real Kakashi was behind the real Zabuza. Or so everyone thought. The real Zabuza is now behind the real Kakashi. Unless it's not the real Kakashi. And what if that's not actually the real Zabuza....Y'know what? I don't know anymore! All this thinking is hurting my brain!' You thought rubbing your head.

Zabuza swung his blade at Kakashi while he ducked but Zabuza kicked Kakashi sensei into the water. Zabuza ran after Kakashi and stopped. Zabuza looked down to see spikes. He avoided them by jumping into the water. "Kakashi sensei!" You called out. Kakashi stuck his head out of the water and felt the was heavier than usual. Zabuza appeared behind Kakashi and did handsigns, trapping Kakashi into a water prison. "Darn, this isn't good. How the hell is sensei supposed to get out of the water prison?!" You mumbled. Zabuza made a water clone that was going to be ordered to take you down, including Tazuna. But you weren't going to let that happen.

"You think you're so great. Wearing a headband like a ninja....but, a real ninja is one who has hovered between life and death numerous times. In other words, only those who are worth being listed in my bingo book deserve to be called ninja. Guys like you can't be called real ninja." Zabuza said as he disappeared into mist. Suddenly, Zabuza reappered and kicked Naruto's headband off. You take your katan out and stand infront of Naruto.

"You four! Take Tazuna and run! You have no chance against this guy! As long as he has me trapped in this water prison, he won't be able to move from here. And he shouldn't be able to use the water clone jutsu if he's far enough away from his real body. Just run!" Kakashi yelled. "No! We're not leaving you sensei!" You yelled back. "We'll just have to do it!" Sasuke yelled running forward.

Sasuke threw shuriken but it was easily stopped by Zabuza's blade. Sasuke went above Zabuza with a kunai but Zabuza stopped him again by choking Sasuke. Zabuza threw Sasuke to the ground. You had enough and decided to go help so you ran at Zabuza. He stopped your katana with his blade. With all your strength you pushed forward, Zabuza moving a bit. "You're strong kid." Zabuza said. "But not strong enough." Zabuza said while pushing forward. You pushed back and put some distance in between you and Zabuza. Zabuza ran at you and swung his blade down. "Lightning armor!" You yelled while the tingly sensation covered your body. His blade crashed down on your armor.

When the blade made contact with your armor, it made a loud clang noise. You didn't flinch when Zabuza's blade came down. "What? Lightning armor? You're a L/n aren't you?" Zabuza asked shocked. "Duh no duh." You said while rolling your eyes. When you had your lightning armor, your katana was way more powerful than it was without. And within a split second, your katana had sliced through the Zabuza water clone. "Are you okay Y/n?!" Sakura yelled. "I'm fine!" You yelled as your lightning armor wore off.

While you were distracted, Zabuza made another water clone who punched you into a tree. You coughed out blood. "Y/n!" Naruto, Kakashi sensei and Sakura yelled. You fell to the ground and looked at everyone as your vision blurred. "I killed the first water's your turn. Don't die....Any of you." You said before you blacked out. "Y/n!" Sasuke shouted looking at your out of concious body.

*timeskip after Haku took Zabuza*

You woke up on a soft bed...wait....bed? You shot up from the bed and groaned in pain. "Take it easy, Y/n. You took a hard blow out there." Kakashi said. You snapped your head in his direction. "Kakashi sensei! You're okay!" You said hugging him. He patted your back lightly and chuckled. You pulled away and smiled. "Wait. How long have i been out?" You asked. "Not that long." Sasuke said. This time you snapped your head in the other direction. "Hey Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura!" You waved as they walked into the room with Tazuna and a pretty lady.

"Y/n! You're okay! You were so cool out there!" Naruto exclaimed while hugging you. You smiled again and hugged back. "Tch." You heard. It was Sasuke. "Sasuke, Sakura! Group hug!" You yelled happily. Sakura smiled and agreed and hugged you too. Sasuke crossed his arms and looked away. You grab Sasuke's hand and pulled him into the hug. Sasuke blushed at the sudden contact.

"Stop being so stubborn, Sasuke. Enjoy the moment." You said while closing your eyes. "Sorry to ruin the moment guys but, it's time to assign you training!" Kakashi said ruining the moment. You groaned out. "I just woke up from being knocked out and this is the first thing i have to do?" You whined. "Yep." Kakashi replied.

"Finally! Things are getting interesting!" Naruto said excitedly. "Nothing's getting interesting...not at all..." Some kid said out of nowhere. "Who the heck is this kid with the attitude? Like, are you on your man period or something- owwwww Kakashi sensei, you didn't have to hit me on the head! I'm saying that kid is acting rude!" You exclaimed as Kakashi hit you upside the head. "Hey, Inari! Where've you been?!" Tazuna asked the kid called Inari. "Welcome back grandpa." Inari said as he hugged Tazuna. "Inari, what sort of greeting was that?! These are the ninja who escorted your grandpa!" The lady yelled at her son.

"It's okay. It's okay. Right Inari?" Tazuna dismissed. "Mom, these guys will die...there's no way they can beat Gato and win." Inari said. You looked at him offended. "Say what, you little brat?! Listen up! I'm a super-hero and i'm gonna become hokage in the future! I don't know if it's Gato or chocolat or whatever...i'm not worried about him! Not at all!" Naruto yelled standing up. "Huh. A hero. That's ridiculous! There's no such thing!" Inari yelled. "What did you say?!" Naruto yelled shaking his fist but Sakura held him back and told him to stop.

"If you don't want to die, you'd better hurry up and go home." Inari replied looking back. Inari was about to walk out of the room until you spoke up. "Listen kid, i don't know why you hate us, but we can't leave. Not until your grandpa completes the bridge. If we leave, God knows what will happen to you or your grandpa. We're here to make sure you're kept safe, because like you said, Gato could hurt your family or village. And we're ninjas. At least -if we do, we'll die protecting you guys. So suck it up, we're gonna be here for a while." You said seriously. Inari widened his eyes and looked away.

"I'll be looking at the sea." He mumbled while walking out of the room. "Wow Y/n. You were serious for once." Sakura said as she watched the door close. "Y/n's right though. We can't leave until Mr. Tazuna finishes the bridge." Naruto says. "I apologize." Tazuna says looking at you everyone. You sigh and lay down. "What's wrong Y/n?" Sakura asks. "Nothing. I just have a weird feeling. Zabuza's....alive, isn't he?" You ask. "How did you know?" Kakashi sensei asks. "Just a hunch." You replied closing your eyes.


👁👄👁 i'm bored.


(1400 words)

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