Chapter 32

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*second person p.o.v.*

Sakura pulled you up out of your bed. "Go take a shower." She demanded. You sigh and nod. You walk into your bathroom and took a cold shower, rubbing your eyes to get rid of the puffiness. After your shower, Sakura took a blow dryer she found and dried your hair, combing it once it had dried. "You have very nice h/c hair." Sakura complimented. "Thanks." You said. She finished combing your hair and gave you nicer clothes than your pj's. You went into the bathroom again and got changed. You stepped out and sighed. "Why am i doing this?" You thought aloud. "Because, we need your mind off of Sasuke. As much as we want him back, crying isn't going to do that. So, let's have a girls day out and hope nothing happens to Naruto, Rock lee, Neji, Shikamaru, Choji and Kiba as they try to retrieve Sasuke back and fight sound ninja." Sakura smiled. You widened your eyes.

"They're going to get Sasuke back?! While fighting sound ninja?! Sorry Sakura, but i need to go after them. They can't fight sound ninja by themselves." You say about to run out of the room. Sakura grabbed your wrist. "No! You can't Y/n! I know you're a chunin, but you're not in the right state of mind to go and fight sound ninja! You've just finished crying, if you fight, you might get reckless and hurt yourself! Have some faith in the boys. I'm sure they can do it. Naruto made a promise to get Sasuke back. He'll keep it." Sakura said. You sigh and sit down. "Yeah, i guess you're right." You say. Sakura smiles and pulls you up again. "Now, let's go!" She said running out of your room. She pulled you downstairs and out of the door. Your parents turned to look at you two. Your mom smiled. 'Looks like Sakura did get Y/n out of her room.' Your mother thought.

Sakura pulled you out of your house and got all of the girls to the new barbeque restaurant that opened not so long ago. You sat awkwardly in front of them. "I love each and every one of you, but Sakura, when you said 'girls day out' i thought it was just the two of us. Not all the girls we know!" You said. She laughed and rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly. "Sorry Y/n. I had to get you cheered up." Sakura said. "Cheered up from what?" Ino asks. "Sasuke left the village to go train with Orochimaru." You replied. Everyone at the table gasps. "What?!" Ino shouts. "I-ino, we're in a-a restaurant, y-you're going to a-attract attention." Hinata stutters shyly. Ino apologizes and sits down. Food gets handed out to your table. "Thank you." You smile to the lady. "Of course, dear." She says and walks away. "Y/n, i don't mean to be rude, but, what was your relationship with Sasuke? I thought you were just teammates." Ino said. You put some meat on the grill and smile at Ino.

"No, it's fine. But, uh, Sasuke was a...really good friend of mine i guess." You shrugged. "I don't think you're just friends." Tenten says smirking. You blush and look down. "She blushed!" Ino exclaimed. You cover your face with your hands. "S-stop it you guys." You mumbled in embarrassment. "So, how far did you two go beyond just being friends?" Sakura asked. "I don't want to tell. If i do, you'll all get jealous. Except Hinata. But, most of you are fangirls right?" You say. "It's fine, Y/n. You got further then any of us ever could with a relationship with Sasuke. I admit, i am jealous, but i can't do anything about it. None of us can. So you might as well tell us." Sakura said. "Wow Sakura. Who would've known you of all people would say that." Ino says. "Shut up!" Sakura says looking away. You sigh. "All right fine. I'll tell you." You mumbled blushing. They turned to you and looked at you expectantly. "We hugged and kissed before he told me the news that he was leaving. As an apology i guess." You mumble. Ino, Tenten and Sakura start squealing. Your blush deepens.

"Wait, Y-Y/n. I'm sorry i-if this m-makes you sad a-again, but if he l-loves you s-so m-much, why would he l-leave?" Hinats stuttered. You gave her a sad smile. "He wanted power from Orochimaru. I'm sure it was the curse mark. He went so he could train and get stronger to kill Itachi, his older brother. That's the power of revenge." You shrugg. Ino side hugged you. "I didn't know you felt that way Y/n. Let's hope he comes back." Ino said. You smiled at her. You all suddenly smell smoke. You look down at the food to see it all burnt. "Ah, darn it! We were talking too much to see that our food was getting burned! Let's hurry and eat!" You say while grabbing your chopsticks. Everyone grabbed their chopsticks and said a quick 'ikadakimasu' before taking the burned pieces of meat and throwing it away and cooking new slices of meat. Everyone dug in and ate the food.


After hanging out with the girls, the smile on your face came back. The next day, you heard the news that the team sent out to retrieve Sasuke, failed their mission, so Sasuke was now out of reach. The news made you sad for sure, but you decided to let it go. One day, one day for sure you would bring Sasuke back to Konoha. You weren't ever planning to give up on him. You prepared a fruit basket for Naruto and went over to the hospital where he was. You walked into his room to see Naruto and a man with long white hair and red markings on his face. "Hello Naruto! And...?" You trailed off. "I'm master Jiraiya, the toad sage! You may call me one of those two names." He said proudly. "Or you can call him pervy sage!" Naruto chimed in. "Pervy sage?" You giggled. "Naruto! You ruined my introduction!" Jiraiya said. You set down the fruit basket on the table next to Naruto and sat down.

You look at the bandages covering Naruto. "You dummy. Being so reckless caused you to end up in the hospital." You scolded. "Sorry. I really wanted to get Sasuke back." Naruto said sadly. You smiled at him. "It's fine! As long as you try and never give up!" You said. He looked up at you. "Y/n, i'm sure you've heard the news by now, so why do you seem so happy?" Naruto asked. "Because i know we'll get him back one day. Just because we didn't achieve our goal today, doesn't mean we lost it. We'll keep trying, trying and trying, until we get him back. I'm not leaving a comrade behind. Not ever." You said proudly. Naruto regained his smile. "You're right! We'll never stop trying! We will get Sasuke back, no matter what!" Naruto said. Jiraiya smiled at the two of you. And that day, is the day you got your ninja way.


Never give up no matter how hard things are and gets. Just know, i'll be there to support you even if you don't know me and i you. 😤


(1243 words)

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