Chapter 72

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*second person p.o.v.*

Naruto jumped up from where he was standing and hit the gedo statue with his rasengan. Naruto landed and made a shadow clone. "Naruto! You know about his abilities, right? The window of opportunity is the instant he tries to suck you inside himself. That's when he's solid. If you attack him normally, you'll end up passing right through him." Kakashi said. "Sounds like you're aiming for a counterattack. Diversionary tactics are a must." You said. "Create an opening through continuous close combat! Avoid using big moves!" Guy shouted. "I know! That's why i made a clone!" Naruto said running ahead. "Bee! Please raise me up high!" Kakashi said. "Y/n, use something that won't need to hit him directly! Your katana won't work!" Guy said taking out his nunchucks. "I know." You replied. "Will chains work?" You asked. "You have chains?" Guy asked. "Yep." You said.

You did your usual lightning armor and made chains out of it. It wrapped around your arms and hung down below your hands. You and Guy ran in to help Naruto. Just as Madara was about to touch Naruto's face, you used your chains to try and hit him while Guy tried to hit him in his head with his nunchucks. Your attacks only went through him again. You ran at Madara and wrapped your chains around his weapon. You pulled back, but your chains went through it again. Guy ran after Madara and used his nunchucks once more. Madara was about to touch Guy, but before so, Guy dodged and stopped his attacks. Guy landed beside you and watched Naruto try and hit Madara. But he was gone. "Where did he go?" You mumbled.

Madara appeared from the ground and tried to grab Naruto. Naruto jumped out of the way and got Madara to chase him. You and Guy jumped up from the ground and jumped off of boulders to try and reach Naruto. Madara was about to touch Naruto again, but this time Kakashi came and cut through a boulder with his chidori. Kakashi threw his chidori kunai in time to stop Madara's hand from touching Naruto. You and Guy landed on a boulder beside Naruto and Kakashi. "He's really strong. I can't get my attacks to hit him." Naruto said. "Are you alright?" Guy asked. "Yeah...but if even that attack is no good..." Kakashi trailed off.

"What do we do?!" Naruto asked. You looked closer at Madara's mask to see it crack. Suddenly, the boulders fell and you four dropped. "What's happening all of a sudden?" Naruto asked landing beside you. "Hey, Kakashi...did you see that?" Guy asked the silver haired jonin. "Yeah." Kakashi replied. "So i wasn't the only one who saw it." You mumbled. "Huh?" Naruto questioned clearly confused. "There's a crack in his mask." Kakashi replied. "Huh? Where, where?!" Naruto asked looking closely at Madara's mask. "You're right...on the left side!" Naruto exclaimed pointing at Madara. "Looks like Naruto's earlier attack grazed him before it passed through! Nice going, Naruto! Let's keep it up just like that!" Guy said. "All right! Now i feel like we got a chance!" Naruto replied.

"To be honest, it didn't look like Naruto's attack landed." Kakashi said. "You're doing it again...are you saying it was something else?" Guy said. "What's going on?" The blonde knuckleheaded ninja asked. Just as Kakashi was about to answer, the eight tails went to punch the gedo statue. But just before the eight tails could punch it, a flame barrier surrounded the gedo statue. "Now that he's erected a barrier, we have to choice but to attack the masked man first." Guy said. "That's been my plan since the beginning, y'know! Damn it!" Naruto replied. "Guy, Y/n, Naruto, Bee..." Kakashi said. "Yeah?" You and Naruto said at the same time. "There's something i want to test. Help me out.

When Kakashi finished explaining the plan, you four jumped on Bee's hand. "Let's do it!" Kakashi said. Bee threw you four into the air and at Madara. You wrapped your chains around a boulder and broke it into small pieces, as did Guy. Guy went to attack Madara while stood on a boulder and watched. Naruto jumped out from behind Guy and tried to attack Madara with his rasengan, but it only went through. Kakashi used his kamui and made the rasengan disappear. All of a sudden, Madara exploded and he tumbled onto the ground. You jumped down from the boulder you were standing on and landed beside Naruto, Kakashi and Guy. "It's just like you said, Kakashi sensei! I don't really understand why, but i finally landed an attack on him!" Naruto exclaimed. "I knew it...i thought he had two different jutsu, one that lets him slip through things and one to suck things in or take them out. But that's not the case. It's all one single jutsu!" Kakashi said.

"It's one jutsu?" Guy asked in disbelief. "Yeah." Kakashi replied. "Well, no one's better at jutsu analysis and breakdown than you. Can you explain his jutsu to us in simpler terms? Knowing what it is might change how we approach the battle." You said. "The way his jutsu works is really see, the jutsu he uses to absorb things, and the one he uses to slip through objects is the transportation technique." Kakashi said. "What do you mean? How can you tell?" Guy asked. "Well...first, the crack in his mask. My kunai made that mark. I'm absolutely certain. From the look of the wound on his right shoulder, i can tell it was from being hit by Naruto's rasengan just now. What these two things have in common is that they both involve areas of his body that were overlapping and in contact with Naruto's body while he was slipping through him. There is another thing that the two have in common. That is...a kunai and rasengan that i transported using my kamui jutsu caused those two things. In other words, from this, i can tell his transportation technique is linked to the same time-space as my kamui!" Kakashi had explained.


This fight is boring, so timeskip after this boring fight to the next chapter.


(1048 words)

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