Chapter 67

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*second person p.o.v.*

"The fourth great ninja war, huh?" Your grandpa asked. "Yes. As much as i hate asking this, could you please participate in this war?" You asked. "Of course dear." Your grandma smiled. "Okay then. You both will be apart of the allied shinobi forces in fighting against the Akatsuki in the fourth great shinobi war. I hope you two fight your best out there and i hope none of you die while fighting." Your voice was firm. "Now that you say it, it makes me more scared." Your grandma sighed. "Don't worry, grandma. You will be far away from the front lines healing injured soldiers. Grandpa might be the one to fight along side shinobi." You explained. "Right. Now, Gm/n we should pack our things and head back." Your grandpa said. Your grandma nodded and they left to go pack their things.


"So, you are Gp/n and Gm/n?" Lady Tsunade had asked your grandparents. "Yes, we are. My granddaughter here said we would be fighting in the war since you needed our assistance." Your grandpa said. "Yes, i hate to say it, but you two will be helping us. I'm not one to ask for elders to help, but since you're the legendary Gp/n and Gm/n, i can't help but admit it. Please make yourself comfortable and get rest until it's time to fight." Lady Tsunade sighed. "Yes, of course lady Tsunade." You bowed and left with your grandparents. "The leaf sure has taken heavy damage." Your grandma said looking around. "Yes, pain used a jutsu to destroy the whole village. It will probably take a few months at most to repair everything and have it go back to normal." You said. "Dear, why are you being so serious? Is something bothering you?" Your grandma asked. "I'm just nervous about the war. I may be strong, but i can't help but worry. It's going to be my first time fighting in a war, my friends could die, you could die the leaf ninja could die." You said walking into your house.

"It'll be fine, Y/n. Put some trust into your comrades." Your grandpa said. "Right. Now then, you can take the guest room. My parents room is too dusty. I haven't cleaned it yet due to all the things i was assigned." You said. "Thank you dear." You grandma smiled before walking upstairs with your grandpa. You heard rapid knocks on your door. You opened it to see all the girls standing there smiling. "Y/n! We're having a girls day out! Come on!" Ino exclaimed. "I'm sorry, but my grandparents are here." You said about to close the door. Sakura grabbed the door and pulled it open again. "Y/n, you need to take a break. You've been overworking yourself the past couple of days. You have bags under your eyes." Sakura said worridly. You sighed. "One minute." You said closing the door. You walked upstairs and into the guest room. "Hey, i know you two just got settled in, but my friends asked me to go for a girls day out." You said. "It's fine, dear. We'll take care of your house. Go have fun!" You grandma smiled.

You nodded and walked back out of your house. "Let's go." You said walking. Ino squealed and all of the girls followed you. "Where to?" You asked. "The barbeque restaurant!" Tenten exclaimed. "All right." You shrugged and walked to the restaurant. You walked in and sat down. "Wow! It's been a while since the girls all got together!" Sakura smiled. "That's because we were all busy. I still have stuff to do. I have-" you were cut off by Ino. "Y/n! Chill out! Today is the day you get to relax and eat!" Ino exclaimed. "This is only happening one time. Right after i'm finished, i'm heading home." You said taking a menu. "Whoa, Y/n never used to be so serious." You heard Tenten mumble. "Guys. We don't talk about that." Sakura whispered. "R-right." Ino stuttered. "Oooooh, beef tongue with salt." Tenten drooled.

"The meals here are great!" Sakura smiled. "I do love offal!" Shiho blushed. "Waiter! We're ready to order!" Tenten shouted. After ordering meals and drinks, you all cheers and ate. You ignored the conversations around you and just ate quietly. "Hey, Y/n?" Ino said. "Yes?" You asked. "I don't want to pry or anything, but do you still love Sasuke?" Ino asked. You and Sakura tensed. "Why do you ask?" You said looking away. "I'm just wondering if you still feel the same after a few years." Ino mumbled. "Yes. I do, for some weird reason." You replied. "Why? Why do you say it like it's a bad thing?" Shiho asked. "It's because he's a weakness of mine. I'm vulnerable around him and i hate that feeling." You said talking a sip of your drink. "I never knew you had a weak spot." Sakura said. "Sasuke is one of mine. But i have more. Naruto for example. I care for him and he's my weakness. Every person i care for is a weakness of mine." You said. "Awwwwhh, Y/n, that was so sweet!" Ino, Sakura and Tenten said. "Shut up." You mumbled.

"Oh and Sakura, i've been meaning to ask you something." You said. "What is it?" Sakura asked. "Remember the time you 'confessed' to Naruto?" You air quoted. All the girls turned to Sakura in surprise. "What about it?" Sakura took a sip of her drink to swallow her nervousness. "During that time, you said something about still having feelings for Sasuke. Tell me, was that true?" You didn't want to come out harsh, so you said it as friendly as possible. The girls gasped. "No, i promise you that wasn't true. I only said it so Naruto could believe me easier. I used to have feelings for Sasuke. Not anymore. There's someone else." Sakura mumbled the last part. "Well, that's assuring, i guess. I just wanted to know, no hard feelings. If you still liked him, i wouldn't mind." You flashed Sakura a small smile. She smiled back at you. "So, Sakura. Who's this 'someone else'?" Tenten smirked. "W-well, uhm, n-no one." Sakura blushed. "Come on, tell is." Ino nudged Sakura. "He's someone i'm friends with. We accidentaly met." Sakura said. "Wow, what a start to love story, huh?" You hid a small smirk. "Shush, Y/n." Sakura's blush deepened.

Little did you know, that night was the last night to relax.

*another timeskip. A biggish one.*

You were in line to grab one of the new headbands and it was now your turn. You took a black one and walked away. You tied it around your lower left thigh. Everyone was running around in a hurry. "Y/n, are you ready?" Your grandpa asked. "No, i assure you i am not. But i will protect and cooperate with everyone if that's what it takes to win this war." You replied. "You're not the only one who feels as you do." Your grandma muttered. "I'm sure everyone here feels as i do." You said. "Just don't die." Your grandpa said. "What? You think we'd go down without a fight? Who do you take us for? Weak women? Think again, Gp/n." Your grandma smirked. As she said that, people started making their way over where the allied shinobi force were to wait for instructions. Your grandpa, grandma and you also went over and stood in the crowd, waiting for the leaders to make their appearance. You stood next to Sakura and Rock lee, covering your ears since everyone around you were cheering. "How chaotic." You chuckled. "Out of all the times she chooses to laugh, she laughs before war. And it's weird because she never laughs." Sakura giggled.


(1313 words)

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