Chapter 19

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*second person p.o.v.*

"BEGIN!" Ibiki shouted. You sighed and flipped over the test paper. Your eyes scanned the paper, looking at all of the questions. The first few looked easy, but the questions got harder each time and some of them didn't make sense. You had to try anyways. You picked up your pencil and wrote your name. You read the first question and moved onto the second question. You read it and were left confused.

'What the hell are these questions?! This question is based on prediction! How the heck am i supposed to know?! How is Naruto supposed to answer these?!' You thought frantically. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. You opened your eyes and just wrote down the answer for question one. You read the second question. You. Were. Stumped. You didn't understand this question at all. So you skipped it and read the other questions. You soon read all the questions and looked at Naruto in worry. You teared your eyes off of Naruto and looked around.

You looked around to see some people writing down the answers to the questions easily. Wait. It all came crashing down on you. 'This system wants us to cheat. These questions don't make sense and there's some who actually know the answers to them. They want us to cheat and get caught. It's literally inviting us to cheat.' You run a hand through your hair and sigh. "Hey, you okay there?" Temari asks. You glance at her and smile.

"Yeah, i'm fine. Perfectly fine..." you dismiss. She nods and looks back at her test sheet. You remember what Ibiki said and looked for clues. 'Ah. I know now. He said you'll get caught if you 'awkwardly cheat.' They want us to cheat, just not awkwardly. The answer is to cheat without making it obvious, that's the only way. I have to gather information. Hmm. Let's see...ah. Here we go. The guy a saw earlier, he isn't far from me, i could take the answers from him.' You thought looking at the said boy. You were so lucky. You had your katana strapped onto your hip.

You pulled your katana out just a tiny bit out of it's holder and tilted it in the right direction to see the boy's answers. You got to work and copied the answers he had down. You looked around you as people got out, one by one. You were lucky you weren't caught yet. The boy who you were copying answers from finished, so you quickly copied the questions down before he flipped his page, showing he was finished.

You got the last words down and also quickly flipped your page over. You only had to wait for the tenth question. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding and put your pencil down. You look around and spot Sakura. As if she felt you looking at her, she turned to look at you to see you were finished. 'You're finished?' She mouthed. You nod. She nods back and turns around. Time went by and people got caught and you were starting to get bored. You picked up your pencil and starting doodling on the back of your test page.

*mini timeskip

"All right! Here is the tenth question! But, before that...I'm going to add some rules for the last question. Let me explain! These are the hopeless rules! First, you guys will have to choose whether or not you want to take this tenth question!" Ibiki explained. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. "Wait, choose?! What happens if you choose not to take the tenth question?" Temari asked from beside you.

"If you chose not to take the exam, then your score will be zero. In other words, you fail! And of course, the same goes for the two or three others in the same team!" Ibiki replied. "And one more rule....if you choose to take it and are unable to answer it correctly, then you will have to... relinquish your right of taking the chunin exam forever!" Ibiki finished. Kiba pointed to him and shouted at Ibiki. All Ibiki answered with was laughter. "You're just unlucky. I make the rules this year. But i did give you the option to go back! For those of you who aren't confident you can choose not to take it and take the exam next year or the year after that." He explained. He starts laughing again.

"Now then, let's begin. The tenth question...those who will not be taking it, raise your hands! Once i confirm you number, i'll ask you to leave!" Ibiki told everyone. 'Darn it. If i raise my hand now, i can just do it next year, but then Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura would also have to leave with me! If i choose to stay, i have a chance of getting the tenth question wrong, then i'll also have to leave with my team and become a genin for the rest of my life! The odds are against me. I have to make my decision. Okay...i'm going to stay. I'm sure i can maybe answer this question correctly!' you thought determind.

"I...i...i'm quitting! I'm not going to take it!" Someone yelled, raising their hand. "#50, failed! #130 and #111 will be failed as well..." One of the proctors shouted. "I'm sorry...Gennai! Inaho!" #50 yelled. He and his teammates walk out the door. Many others raised their hands and left the room, failed. You watched one by one, as people walked out the door with their teammates. You looked at Naruto who was looking down.

'It's okay Naruto...i wouldn't blame you if you raised your hand. If you do, we can just try again next year.' You thought. Naruto slowly raised his hand. You raised your eyebrows in surprise. Naruto suddenly slams his hand down on the desk, startling you. "Don't underestimate me! I won't run! I'll take it! But even if i'm stuck being a genin forever, i will become hokage no matter what! I'm not scared!" Naruto yelled huffing. You smiled at Naruto. "That's the Naruto i know." You mumbled.

"I'll ask again. It's a choice that will alter your life. If you want to quit, now is your chance!" Ibiki told. "I'm not going to take back my words! That is my way of ninja!" Naruto said as a response. "I like your determination! Then, for those who are still here...the first have passed it!" Ibiki said smiling. You tilt your head in confusion. Sakura stands up, asking about the tenth question. Ibiki then starts laughing, saying there was no such thing. Temari from beside you start yelling at ibiki, asking what those other nine questions on. Looks like the nine questions were for how well you could gather information.

Naruto from the front, starts nodding his head in agreement, saying he had thought about that possibility. You chuckle and shake your head. You knew Naruto didn't understand it at all. Naruto didn't figure anything out, you bet he was stressing the whole time on how to find the answers. Ibiki continues to explain how the test was made for any regular genin like you to cheat on the test. That apparently was the whole point of the test. To cheat without getting caught.

He then explains how there were chunin in the room who knew every answer to each question on the test. The said chunin ninjas raised their hands. You noticed that one of the people who were a chunin was the guy you got your answers from. Naruto in the front turns to Hinata and tells her that you'd have to be an idiot to not see them. You and Sasuke sweatdropped. 'Of course he didn't even notice...' you thought sighing. You didn't expect anything more from Naruto.


Alright! I'm going to bed. It's 11:00 where i am now. It's pretty late.


(1338 words)

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