Chapter 44

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*second person p.o.v.*

After confronting Sai and fighting with Kabuto, team Kakashi was running around in the hideout, trying to locate Sasuke. "He's not in here!" Sakura shouted back. "Not in here either!" Yamato replied. "Nope." You answered. You all moved from door to door, trying to look for Sasuke. "Where are you, Sasuke?" You mumbled in frustration. You all ran down the halls, checking from door to door. 'We made it this far, i'm not giving up on you, Sasuke!' You thought. You opened the door and checked inside, no Sasuke. Sakura opened the next door, still no Sasuke.

*timeskip ^_^'*

After finding documents from Sai and also finding out Sasuke was one of his targets. You all ran down the halls when suddenly an explosion was heard. The ground shook. You four stopped and looked around. "What was that?!" Naruto asked. "An explosion." You replied. "It's Sai's chakra." Yamato said. "This way, right?" Sakura asked looking in the direction. You all started running once more, turning left, then right, then left again. You all ran again and stopped when a light was seen.

Sai stood out in the light looking up at something, rather, someone. Sakura ran towards Sai. "Sakura!" Yamato called after Sakura. She ignored him and continued to run towards Sai. Sakura ran at Sai and grabbed his collar. She started yelling at Sai, not noticing Sasuke. "Sakura." Sasuke said. Your eyes widened in realization. You froze and gasped quietly. "Y/n? What is it?" Yamato asked. You remained quiet. Naruto started running towards them.

Your eyes went half lidded again and your body slowly took a step forward. 'After all these years, all this time, is it really you, Sasuke? Your chakra is even colder and stronger than last time i'd seen you. How are you, hm? Oh, i wonder. Have you ever thought about me? Have i ever crossed your mind? Even for a second?' You thought. Naruto tripped but quickly regained himself and stood once more. He continued to run until he ran out and finally looked up at Sasuke. You started walking at a slow pace.

Finally, you had made it to the entrance. "Now there's Naruto. What about Y/n? Is she not here?" Sasuke almost mockingly sneered. That was until he saw you. You stopped for a moment and stepped out. You continued to walk towards Naruto and the others, not even glancing at Sasuke, who was already staring at you. For some reason, Sasuke felt his worries wash away for a moment once he layed eyes on you. You had stopped beside Sakura and Naruto, sighing a bit. Your hair covered your face before you looked up at Sasuke. Your body fully turned to Sasuke. That's when he caught your cold gaze.

He studied your demeanor. It wasn't what he expected at all. Your face was expressionless, your posture was straight and tall, your aura was cold, you didn't have your infamous smile on your face that he had come to miss, your body looked different, and your eyes didn't glow with curiousity and mischief. He expected your face to look sad, desperate, vulnerable or even happy to see him.

He hoped for a reaction out of you, but your face told a different story. His eyes widened slightly. His eyes scanned over you again. Your hair was longer than the last time he'd seen you, your body was in well shape, your clothes were different, too. He missed you more than you'd ever imagine. Yet he pushed it all off and thought his revenge was stronger than his love for you. He wanted nothing more than to hug you, hold you and maybe even kiss you, in his arms. He wanted you with him.

He wanted someone to talk to and someone to listen to all his troubles and worries. But he knew it wasn't like you were going to welcome him with open arms. No. He didn't expect you to forgive him at all. You didn't have to. It was his fault that he left you. He knew that all too well. 'She's emotionless? Never would've thought she out of all people would have changed so greatly. But her eyes...they're so dull. What happened, Y/n? Why are you so cold? I don't even recognize you anymore....' Sasuke thought.

"Y/n, huh? So even you were here? Well, i guess that makes the whole group." Sasuke finally said. The way his voice said your name, felt so nostalgic. It's been years since Sasuke had last said your name. The way your name fell from his lips felt right. "Of course i would be here, Sasuke. I'm part of team 7, after all." Your voice was smooth like honey. It was melodic, like a lullaby almost. Sasuke loved the way his name rolled off your tongue; but as much as your voice was nice, your voice was also monotone. "Ah, right. Is Kakashi with you?" Sasuke asked. Yamato walked out and looked up at Sasuke.

"Sorry, it's not Kakashi, i'm his substitute. Team Kakashi will now be taking you back to the leaf." Yamato said. Sasuke looked at each one of you, his eyes lingering on you a moment longer than the rest. "Team Kakashi, huh?" You heard Sasuke say. You and Sasuke make eye contact. You both stared deeply into each other's eyes until Sakura shouted, "Sai! I knew it!" You snapped your head in the direction of Sai, breaking eye contact with Sasuke. Sai had his blade pointed at Sasuke. "So he's my replacement? He said he wanted to protect the bond...between Naruto and me, but..." Sasuke trailed off.

"Sai, i thought your mission was to kill Sasuke." Sakura turned to Sai. "My classified mission was indeed the assassination of Sasuke...but i don't want to follow orders anymore...i now want to act on my own beliefs. I think Naruto will get me to past emotions. I kind of get the's something very important. I don't know you very well. But there must be some kind of reason why Naruto, Y/n and Sakura....have pursued you so desperately. They don't want to sever their bonds with you. They're going to give it their all to rescue those bonds. I still don't understand it all that clearly...but Sasuke, you should understand." Sai said. "Yeah...i did understand." Sasuke said closing his eyes. 'Did...? There's my answer.' You thought. "That's why i severed those bonds." He said snapping his eyes open.

You felt your heart clench. It hurt. To hear him say that hurt more than ever. 'There we go. I guess i just wasn't important enough for you to stay. I guess your hunger for revenge is stronger than our love. Maybe if i confessed and realized my feelings sooner, maybe you would've stayed. I really do....have a paper heart. But i also hold a piece of yours, Sasuke.' You thought. "I have different bonds. A bond of hatred...between my brother and i." Sasuke said. "Numerous bonds...mislead oneself...and weakened the most important desires...and cherished memories." Sasuke continued. There was a moment of silence.

"Why didn't you kill me back then?! You think that could break our bond, Sasuke?!" Naruto asked shouting. "The reason's's not that i couldn't break the bond with you...i didn't want to follow in my brother's footsteps." Sasuke replied. 'So Itachi killed his bestfriend Shisui? I never knew that.' You thought. "What do you mean?!" Naruto asked stepping forward. "It's not nessessary to explain that to you. What i can say to you is... back then," Sasuke paused. "You're only alive because of my passing whim." He finished.


I'm just gonna say here, that Sasuke didn't actually mean what he said.

(Who, By Lauv ft. BTS)


(1312 words)

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