Chapter 25

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*second person p.o.v.*

The chunin exam ended just a few hours ago and you were in the hospital for using too much chakra. In the end, you won the battle. You fought against one of the sound ninja. "Okay! You're set to go! Just drink and eat more to replenish your energy!" The nurse said. "Thank you." You say as you got up and walked out of the hospital.

"Ugh. I need a shower, i stink." You said, crinkling your nose. You walked to your house and sighed. "Mom! Dad! I'm home!" You shout. You went into the living room and sat down. Your parents were reading in the room and put their books down. Your mom gave you a smile.

"So? How was it? Did you pass the last phase?" Your dad asked. "It was horrible. When i went into the forest of death, i had to fight people who transformed into my teammate. After that, i ran into another enemy who transformed into the same teammate." You explained. "Who was it?" Your mother asked.

"Orochimaru." You said. Your parents gasped and looked at you seriously. "Y/n. That man is a very bad man. He's an s-rank ninja that is most wanted and is very dangerous. Not even an Anbu black ops ninja could touch him." Your father explained. "Y/n, you fought him?" Your mother asked. "Yes. I did. Kinda. I got knocked out in the end and Sasuke got bitten by him. Sasuke has a curse mark now." You mumbled.

"And the recent exam i did wasn't the last one. I have another one coming next month." You said. "I don't think you should take it Y/n. It's going to be very dangerous. Orochimaru is now in the village and is going after Sasuke, possibly the hokage. Going to the last exam is risky." Your father said. "I want to take it though. I want to become a chunin." You said looking down. "You can go, i just don't recommend it." Your mom said taking ahold of your hand. "I want to. I'm going." You said determind.


You were walking to the hospital with some flowers. As you were walking, you saw Kakashi. "Hey! Kakashi!" You shouted while waving. You ran over to him and walked beside him. "Where are you going?" He asked. "I'm just going to the hospital to see Rock lee and maybe Sasuke." You replied. "I'm going there too. I need to speak with someone." He says. The air was filled with awkward silence.

"Ahem. So uh, i wanted to ask if you would like me to train you for a bit with Sasuke." He said. "Oh! Sure!" You beam. "I'm sure you have a lightning chakra nature, so this training would be perfect for you and Sasuke." He said as you both neared the hospital. "Yeah, i think i have lightning chakra nature. It's expected to be from a L/n." You said.

Kakashi said the time and place to meet for training as he opened the hospital door for the both of you and walked in. You heard yelling and saw that it was Naruto. "Naruto, this is a hospital. Keep it down." Kakashi said to the yelling Naruto. "Kakashi sensei! Y/n!" He said smiling. "I've got a favor to ask!" Naruto said walking up to the both of you.

"You don't need to say it at all. Well, i thought it would come to this so...i searched for someone to watch your training." Kakashi said. "Why?! I want you to, Kakashi sensei!" Naruto shouted while pointing. "I have some matters to take care of. I don't have the time to trouble myself with you." Kakashi replied.

"Oh! Aha! You're going to train Sasuke and Y/n, aren't you?!" Naruto shouted. You sheepishly laugh and walk away to the front desk. "Hello!" You smile. The lady at the front desk smiles back. "Hello indeed! Now, what can i do for you sweetie?" She asks nicely. "Can i see Sasuke?" You ask. "Ah, i'm sorry. You can't. But, when you can, i promise to tell you." She says. "Oh. That's fine! Thank you though. Can i visit Rock lee then?" You ask.

"Of course!" She said as she gave you the room number. You thank her and went to the room. You gently knock three times. "Come in." You heard. You open the door and smile. "Hey, Rock lee." You say closing the door. "Hey, Y/n. Why are you here?" He asks. "What? I can't see you? That's a shame." You fake pout. "O-of course you can! I'm just wondering!" He quickly says.

"Calm down. I'm only messing wth ya. I'm here to visit you of course. I wanted to see how you were doing." You giggled.  You walked over to the window and put down the flowers in the vase. "Y'know. I still think you can be a ninja. Don't give up." You say smiling at him. He blushed and looked away. "Yes! You're right! A youthful ninja does not give up!" Rock lee shouted. You sat down beside his bed. You and Rock lee conversed until it was time for you to leave. "Bye lee! Get well soon!" You said smiling. "Bye Y/n! Stay youthful!" He said also smiling.

*another timeskip*

It was time for your training with Sasuke. You grabbed your things and katana, walking to the training place. When you made it, you teleported to one of the top of the cliffs to see Sasuke. "Hey Sasuke. Are you feeling better at all?" You asked setting down your katanat in it's holder. "Yeah. I'm fine." Sasuke replied. One minute passed and it was a but awkward.

"I know it might be sudden and you might not want to speak about it, but...could you promise me something?" You ask nervously. "What is it?" He asks looking at you. You sigh and turn to him seriously. "I heard what Orochimaru said during the exam. He wanted you to go with him." You said. He looked at you confused "What is the promise?" He asked.

"Promise to not leave me?" you asked. His gaze softens. "I promise." he said as you and he locked pinky fingers. "Why did you want me to promise that?" He asked. "I just don't want you to leave with Orochimaru." You mumbled. "I won't. I promised, right?" He said smiling. "Wow. The great Sasuke is smiling." You said observing Sasuke. He blushed and looked away.

"H-hey, Kakashi sensei is here." He said quickly as he stood up and walked to the edge of the cliff. "Awh. You're being shy now." You giggled. "Shut up, Y/n." He huffed while looking away. You looked down to see Kakashi climbing the cliff. "Yo." You waved. "Looks like you both made it." Kakashi said smiling.


Have you ever seen Naruto Babies? They're so ugly-


(1160 words)

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