Chapter 81

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*second person p.o.v.*

"Shinobi are done for. There's no need to keep going. If you don't resist, i won't kill you. Unless you want to be filled with regret, stop and do nothing from here on out. You don't have to fear death or keep enduring anymore. You'll be entering a dream." Obito said. Every shinobi looked down. "Do not give up! If you succum to the genjutsu, you're no different from being dead!" Hashirama turned to everyone.

They were having second thoughts. "Wow. Is this who we are now?" You said in disappointment. "This giant tree is closely connected to Obito...they're like limbs that suck out chakra. We can't approach carelessly." Lord third said. "Such words of weakness. So very unlike you. Sarutobi sensei..." A voice said. You turned back to see Orochimaru. "'re late. What of the five kage?" Lord third said.

"I had them healed. So as long as they don't chicken out, they should be coming." Orochimaru replied. "Sarcastic as ever, i see..." Lord third said. "Sorry i'm late, Jugo! Sasuke!" Suigetsu apologized. You glanced over at the boy and at Sasuke. "I'll let you greet your teammates." You said, about to walk away. "No, it's fine." Sasuke grabbed your wrist and pulled you back beside him. You raised a brow before stopping.

"Who are you?" Karin asked with a hand on her hip. "My name is Y/n. Nice to meet you." You said mono tonelessly. "What, are you jealous of her?" Suigetsu teased. "No! I-i'm just wondering is all." She huffed. In truth, Karin was jealous. She didn't like how close you were with Sasuke. "What are your names?" You asked. "I'm Suigetsu." Suigetsu winked. "Karin." Karin said looking away. "Ah, the one who has a crush on Sasuke?" You looked over at Jugo.

"W-what?!" She stomped. "Sorry." Jugo sheepishly said. Suigetsu walked over to you and smiled. "You're very pretty." Suigetsu observed your features. "Thank you." You nodded. Suigetsu suddenly got close to your face. "Thank you? Is that all? You're not going to return a compliment?" Suigetsu asked.

Deciding to tease Suigetsu, you grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled his body close to yours. "Getting cocky now, are we?" Your voice alone made Suigetsu blush, and your actions made him go red. A hand pushed Suigetsu's face away from yours. "Stop it. Leave her alone." Sasuke said, his voice firm.

"Whoa, calm down Sasuke. Possessive much?" Suigetsu had his hands up in defence. Sasuke pulled you closer to his side by your waist. "What are you doing?" You whispered. "Nothing." He quickly replied. His hand was gripping your bare waist. Karin glared at you in jealousy. "You're jealous, Sasuke." Suigetsu teased. "No, i just don't want you too close to Y/n. She looked uncomfortable." Sasuke averted his eyes away from Suigetsu's.

"You're a terrible liar." Suigetsu laughed. You slowly slid out of Sasuke's tight grip on your waist. "Jealousy is not a good look on you, Sasuke." You smirked. "Who said i was jealous, hm?" He asked, getting closer. "It's obvious." You replied not looking away from his piercing gaze. "Oh, really? Would you be jealous if i did that to Karin?" He returned your smirk.

"Nope. I wouldn't. And that's because i'm not your girlfriend or lover." Your smirk grew. Karin frowned and looked away with a huff. "That's right! You tell him, Y/n!" Naruto smiled. "Shut up, blondie." Sasuke scoffed. "Why should i?" Naruto teased. "It's not your place to talk." Sasuke said.

"What if i told you i've kis-" Before Naruto could finish his sentence, you were in front of him with a hand over his mouth. "Quiet." You whispered. He slowly nodded. In a flash, you were beside Sasuke again. "Whatever." Sasuke backed away from you. Before you turned away, Sasuke kissed your cheek and looked away with a smirk. You hit his shoulder lightly.

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